Thank You in German: 7 Different Ways To Say Danke
You probably already know that “Thank you” means “Danke” in German. It is used to express gratitude, similar to “thanks” or “thank you” in English. But, if you want to sound more like a native speaker, there are so many more nuanced ways of expressing your gratitude. Today you learn 7 alternatives to Danke in…
Ask For Help In German: 7 Must-know Chunks In German + Examples
MARIEEntschuldigung? Mein Auto springt nicht an! Können Sie mir sagen, woran das liegt?(Excuse me? My care won’t jump. Could you tell me, why that is?) VIBEKETut mir Leid, mit Autos kenne ich mich nicht aus.(I’m sorry, I’m not good with cars.) MARIEOkay. Danke trotzdem.(Okay. Thanks anyway.) Whether you got lost, your car broke down or…
This is How you APOLOGIZE in German
DENISAHey, Vanessa! Bedrückt dich etwas? Du siehst traurig aus.(Hey, Vanessa! Is something bothering you? You seem sad.) VANESSAJa, Denisa, ich habe es vermasselt. Ich muss mich bei jemandem auf Deutsch entschuldigen. Aber ich weiß nicht, wie.(Yes, Denisa, I messed up. I need to apologize to someone in German, but I don’t know, how.) DENISAKeine Sorge,…
Animals in German: Hund, Katze & Hamster!
Who doesn’t love animals? We have a bunch of lovely ones in Germany, in nature as well as in our very homes. Today we speak about animals in German – which are native in Germany. 1. Haustiere (pets) For many of us, this is the category we get in touch with most. They live in…
With these TRICKS everyone will Believe you’re GERMAN
If you want to avoid the tourist status in Germany and just blend in, here are my best trips you can use. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Hier kommen fünf Tipps, wie du dich in Deutschland integrieren kannst. (Here are 3 tips on how to blend in Germany.) 1. Typisch deutsche Ausdrücke (Typical German…
This is the German at home: you will hear this in a German-speaking household!
MUTTERKinder!(Kids!) KINDJa?(Yes?) MUTTERKommt, das Essen ist fertig!(Come, the food is ready!) KINDWir kommen!(We’re coming!) Hallo! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Denisa (Hello! I’m Spring German teacher Denisa), and in this video, you will learn all the chunks you will hear when in a German-speaking household. Be it as a guest or a family member. Los…
You NEED to know this BEFORE coming to Germany
Andere Länder, andere Sitten! (Foreign countries, foreign customs!) And Germany is no exception. In this video, I will walk you through all the strange things you could encounter during a normal day in Deutschland (Germany)! Mein Name ist Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Hier kommen 10 Dinge, die du über Deutschland wissen solltest! (Here are ten…
German SLANG you will hear all the Time (and need to know)
Same as in every other country, young people tend to use an own sociolect. They have their own way of expressing themselves with new words. I will introduce 7 German slang terms to you in this video.Willkommen bei Spring German (Welcome to Spring German)! Ich bin Denisa. Los geht’s! (Let’s go!) 1. Gönnen (To allow…
Different Speaking Speeds in German (how fast can you follow?)
Is speed one of your handicaps? Do you think German is too fast? Ich bin Denisa von Spring German and in this video, you’ll be able to test your German comprehension speed. I’ll show you my actual natural speed and accent, and we’ll find out which German is the fastest. Los geht’s! 1. Different speeds…
You are Mispronouncing these GERMAN Names
Hallo Leute! (Hi guys!) Ich bin Denisa von Spring German. In this video, I will teach you 10 German names that you are probably mispronouncing. Aber keine Sorge (but don’t worry), that’s why I am here. Let’s start with my co-teacher from Spring German: Brunhild. Los geht’s! (Let’s go!) 1. Brunhild DENISAWie sprechen die Leute…
All the GERMAN AIRPORT Vocabulary you need
FLIGHT ATTENDANTSie dürfen sich nun abschnallen. Willkommen in Deutschland!(You may now unfasten your seatbelt. Welcome to Germany!) When visiting Germany, you will certainly have to go through a German airport. What do you need to know about it? Ich bin Denisa von Spring German. Let’s find out in this video! Los geht’s! 1. Die Passkontrolle…
Checking-In at the HOTEL in GERMAN
Hallo und wilkommen bei Spring German. Ich bin Denisa. In this video, I will prepare you for your trip to Germany and everything around German hotels. What chunks do you need to know when checking-in at a German hotel? Let’s find out. Los geht’s! 1. Anreise (arrival) PAULWillkommen im Hotel „Gold”. Haben Sie eine Reservierung?(Welcome…
No MOTIVATION to LEARN GERMAN? Try these 6 Tips!
Have you been learning German for a while and you are losing motivation? Ich will Deutsch lernen, aber ich bin manchmal zu faul. (I do want to learn German, but I’m feeling lazy sometimes.) Ich bin Denisa von Spring German. Here are my top 5 tips to be really motivated again! Go get your notebook…
Do you know all CLOTHES in German?
Society demands we wear clothes. So does the weather. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Heute sprechen wir über Kleidung! (Today, we speak about clothes!) 1. Unterwäsche (Underwear) Let’s start our Klamotten (clothes) journey by listing the clothes touching our skin. When we get dressed, we first put on Unterwäsche (underwear). Which means: When I…
DON’T Say WIE GEHT’S, say THESE 5 Alternatives Instead!
DENISA (in different situations)Hey, wie geht’s?(Hey, how are you?) Hey, wie geht’s?(Hey, how are you? ) Hey, wie geht’s?(Hey, how are you?) Wie geht’s? (How are you?) is commonly used in Germany. Of course, you can use it, but maybe you should mix it up from time to time. In this video, I will give…
All the GERMAN WORDS you need to speak about FOOD in German
Finally I get to talk about my favorite topic! Food! I recommend not to watch this video hungry, because it will get mouth watering! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Hier kommt deutsches Essen! (I am Spring German teacher Brunhild and here comes food in German!) 1. Brot (Bread) Sorry, I have to mention this…
German Love Language: The Art of Romantic Conversations in German
BRUNHILD to DOGSo eine süße Maus bist du!(You are such a cute mouse!) Who doesn’t enjoy liebevolle Umgangsformen (tender modes of behavior)? Plus, everybody knows that being selbstbewusst (self-confident) and able to talk about our Gefühle (feelings) is sexy! So here we go, a video to teach us how to use German love language. Ich…
Germans DON’T say THIS (and you shouldn’t either)
Hallo und Willkommen bei Spring German (Hello and welcome to Spring German)! Ich bin Denisa. In today’s video, I will guide you through 6 phrases that you would see in a German text book, but really aren’t something German natives would say. At the end, I will give you you a funny example, too, so…
DON’T Say DANKE in German! Say THESE 5 Alternatives Instead!
DENISA (in different situations)Danke! Danke! Danke!(Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!) There is nothing wrong with saying danke in German (thanks). But maybe we should switch it up from time to time. There are more alternatives depending on the context. Let’s look at 5 of them. Ich bin Denisa von Spring German. Bist du bereit?…
DON’T Say ICH HEIßE! Say THESE 4 Alternatives Instead!
Hallo, ich heiße Denisa. Wie heißt du? „Ich heiße” is a chunk you learn in every German textbook. It’s absolutely correct to use ich heisse in German. However, you should also know alternatives to sound like a native speaker. Here are four alternatives for you. Ready? Let’s go! 1. Ich bin … (I am…) VANESSAHallo….
DON’T Say TSCHÜß in German! Say THESE 5 Alternatives Instead!
DENISA (in different situations)Tschüss!Tschüss!Tschüss! Tschüss in German is the right word for you if you want to say goodbye. But there are more ways to say farewell. I am Denisa from Spring German. Today, in this video, I’m going to show you five alternatives. Are you ready? Let’s get started! 1.Bis später/Bis bald/Bis dann Are…
The 4 CASES in German – SIMPLY explained
Hallo und willkommen bei Spring German. Ich bin Denisa. In the German language, we have the vier Fälle (4 cases in German). They are called Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ and Akkusativ. In this video, you will learn to tell them apart and when to use every single one of them. And the end of this video,…
Stop Saying “Hey Süße!”: How to Flirt in German
MAXKim, du siehst heute sehr hübsch aus.(Kim, you look very pretty today.) KIMWirklich? Nur heute? Danke…(Really? Just today? Thank you…) MAXImmer doch.(Always.) Flirten auf Deutsch will gelernt sein! (Flirting in German has to be learned!) So let’s learn it! Mein Name ist Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Hier kommen 3 Tips, wie du auf Deutsch flirten…
Don’t Make these Common Mistakes GERMAN learners make
Willkommen bei Spring German. Ich bin Denisa. We all make mistakes, especially while learning a foreign language. In this video, I will introduce you to 5 common mistakes German learners make every time. This way, you will be prepared and you can avoid them. Now, let’s start with the first one. Los geht’s! 1. Don’t…
5 GERMAN FILLER WORDS That Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker
Hallo und Willkommen bei, naja, Spring German! Ich bin Denisa. Heute geht es um Füllwörter, weil, ähm, naja … wenn man die Füllwörter halt benutzt, klingt man ja irgendwie wie ein Muttersprachler. (Hello and welcome to, you know, Spring German! I’m Denisa. Today is about filler words because you know, yeah … if you use…
If you are constantly FORGETTING German words, DO THIS!
if you are constantly FORGETTING German words, DO THIS! VANESSAIch vergesse immer deutsche Wörter.(I always forget the German words.) DENISAWie lernst du denn?(How are you learning?) VANESSAIch schreibe Vokabeln auf und lerne sie auswendig.(I write down the vocabulary and learn them by heart.) DENISADas ist der Fehler. Ich gebe dir mal ein paar Tipps.(That’s the…
German Food is amazing, so going to the restaurant there is something you definitely should do. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Heute sprechen wir über Restaurantbesuche! (Today, we talk about going to the restaurant!) 1) Ein Getränk bestellen (To order a drink) Usually, the first question der Kellner (the waiter) will ask you, is:…
WEIRD German BEHAVIOR: Typical things Germans do
Maybe you have already heard a lot of prejudices about Germans. Nein, nicht das mit dem Bier. (No, not the one with the beer.) I mean weird behavior that is normal in Germany. Maybe our punctuality or the time management in general. In this video, I will show you 6 examples of typical German behavior….
The BEST NETFLIX ORIGINALS To Learn German (And the BEST Way to Watch)
Hallo und willkommen bei Spring German. Ich bin Denisa, eure Spring German Lehrerin. (Hello and welcome to Spring German.) As you know, one of the funniest ways to learn German is through movies and series. It improves our listening skills a lot, genauso wie unsere Spring German Videos (same as our Spring German videos). Netflix…
Learn the BODY PARTS in German (for the Doctor)
Being able to explain where it hurts to a doctor is only one of the advantages, that knowing the names of the different body parts in German brings! Mein Name ist Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Hier sind unsere Körperteile! (Here are our body parts!) 1. Der Kopf (The head) An important bodypart inside of the…
Trouble with SEIN? Learn it with CHUNKS, never forget it again (Conjugation)
Hallo und Willkommen! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Denisa. Du bist bei Spring German. (I’m Spring German teacher Denisa. You are at Spring German.) Did you realized that I conjugated the verb sein (to be) already? This video is about the conjugation of the irregular verb sein (to be). Los geht’s! 1. Ich bin (I…
At the ARZT (Doctor) in GERMAN: What to say!
In important situations, like a doctor’s visit, not being able to communicate clearly can be a serious handicap. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Heute sprechen wir über Arztbesuche! (Today, we’ll take about visiting the doctor! So let’s go through some practical tips and applicable phrases, to smoothen the process step by step, from the…
You Only need THESE 6 German Greetings
MONIKAHallo! (Hello!) MARIEServus! Wie geht’s?(Hello! How are you?) There are three major factors that determine how to greet someone in German: I’ll show you how to take all these into account when greeting someone. Mein Name ist Brunhild und ich bin deine Spring German Lehrerin. (My name is Brunhild and I am your Spring German…
These are the 14 MOST important German Verbs
Verbs have different purposes and conjugations. In this video, I will introduce the most important verbs to you. Without verbs, little can be said, so let’s dive right into this! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild und hier sind vierzehn super wichtige deutsche Verben! (I’m Spring German teacher Brunhild and here are 14 super important…
FUNNY German PROVERBS: Impress with your Knowledge!
Hallo und willkommen bei Spring German. (Hello and welcome to Spring German.) Ich bin Denisa. In this video, I will introduce you to 8 German proverbs and their actual meaning. Did you know, that “barking up the wrong tree“ has an equivalent in German? Das stimmt! (That’s right!) But it changes a little in German….
Speak about your FAMILY in German
From our favorite Opa (grandpa) to our beloved Hund (dog) – family is everything, right? Mein Name ist Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild und hier sind unsere Familienmitglieder! (I’m Spring German teacher Brunhild, and here are our family members!) 1. Die Eltern (the parents) MARIEKommen deine Eltern zum Elternabend?(Are your parents coming to the parents-teacher conference?)…
5 Ways to Learn German with this FREE supersmart AI TOOL (Chat GPT)
DENISAVanessa, ich habe etwas Neues für dich,, um besser Deutsch zu lernen.(Vanessa, I have something new for you in order to learn German in a better way.) VANESSAEcht? Was denn?(Seriously? What is it?) DENISAEs heißt ChatGPT. Es ist ein Chatbot, der alles ändert.(It’s called ChatGPT. It’s a chatbot that changes everything.) Hallo! Ich bin Denisa…
Trouble with HABEN? Learn it with CHUNKS, never forget it again (Conjugation)
VANESSAUnd welche Haarfarbe hat er?(And which hair color does he have?) DENISAEr ist blond. Aber du hast deine Haare gefärbt, oder?(He is blonde. But you have dyed your hair, right?) VANESSAJa. Ich habe jetzt pinke Haare.(Yes. I have pink hair now.) DENISASieht gut aus.(Looks good.) VANESSADanke.(Thanks.) In this dialogue the girls talk about hair colors….
How to Speak about your DAILY ROUTINE in German
Willkommen bei Spring German (Welcome to Spring German). Ich bin Denisa. In this video, you will learn how to speak about your Tagesablauf (daily routine) in German. Are you ready? Los geht’s! 1. Mein Tagesablauf (my daily routine) DENISAIch wache um acht Uhr auf.(I wake up at 8 a.m.) Als Erstes putze ich mir die…
How to SPEAK about YOUR JOB in German
SAGAWas ist dein Beruf?(What is your occupation?) MRS. SCHMIDTWomit verdienen Sie Ihr Geld?(What are you earning money with?) MONIKAWomit arbeiten Sie?(What’s your work?) KIMWas hast du für eine Ausbildung?(What is your education?) ELSAWas hast du studiert?(What did you study?) These are all questions aiming at one thing: To get an outline of you as a…
German SENTENCE STRUCTURE: Speak like Germans Do!
Die Jacke ist schön. Schön ist die Jacke. Die Jacke schön ist. (The jacket is pretty.) Which way do you build a sentence in German? What are the the different types of verbs or word agreements? Let’s learn it in this video. Ich bin Denisa von Spring German. Let’s start with the sentence structure. 1….
This is How you DESCRIBE PEOPLE in German (German Adjectives)
Denisa waves to someoneVANESSAWer ist das?(Who is that?) DENISADas ist Marcel. Ich kenne ihn von der Arbeit.(That’s Marcel. I know him from work.) VANESSAEr ist echt groß und … was ist das Wort?(He is really tall and… what is the word?) DENISAIch weiß nicht, was du meinst.(I don’t know what you mean.) Hallo und Willkommen…
Where are you from? Speak about your Origin In German
DENISA(filming a video about herself)Hallo. Mein Name ist Denisa. Ich bin in Deutschland geboren. Meine Mutter kommt aus der Slowakei. Mein Vater kommt aus der Türkei.(Hello. My name is Denisa. I am born in Germany. My mother is from Slovakia. My father is from Turkey.) In this video we will learn how to talk about…
How to speak about the WEATHER in German?
Wie ist das Wetter? (How is the weather?) Whether we’re talking to our grandma or our friend in Berlin, this remains a standard question. Learn all possible German answers to this question in this video! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild und hier kommen die wichtigsten Wetterbedingungen! (I am Spring German teacher Brunhild and here…
The MONTHS in German (and Seasons)
The good news is, even the German year only has twelve months, whose names are super similar to English! The bad news is… you know what! There are no bad news! It’s really super easy, so let’s get started! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild und hier kommen die vier Jahreszeiten und ihre Monate! (I…
HOW to ASK Questions in German (like the Germans do)
SELMAIch will dieses Brot kaufen. Kannst du fragen, wie viel es kostet?(I want to buy this bread. Can you ask how much it costs?) DENISATraust du dich nicht?(Don’t you have the courage to do it?) SELMANein. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie man Fragen auf Deutsch stellt.(No. I’m not sure how to ask questions in…
Remember the NOUN GENDER rules in German with these HACKS
In German nouns can have one of three genders: Maskulin, Feminin und Neutrum (masculine, feminine and neuter). The gender manifests itself in the article in front of the word. But when to use which can be a bit tricky. In this video I will show you some basic rules to determine whether a word is…
The COLORS in GERMAN (& How to remember them)
Today, we’re going to talk about the subject, without which the world would look like this. No joy. No emotions. No color. I say: Es werde Farbe! (Let there be color!) There! That’s much better! In this video, you will learn the basic colors. Make sure to pay attention because in the end, I will…
How do you make SMALL TALK in German?
Hallo und Willkommen bei Spring German. Ich bin Denisa und deine Spring German Lehrerin. (Hello and welcome to Spring German. I’m Denisa and I am your Spring German teacher.) Aaaand… yeah… (awkward silence). Oh right, this video is all about small talk in German. So if you want to get rid of those awkward silences,…
VERB CONJUGATIONS in German: How to always get them right
VANESSAJetzt tanzen die Frau. Wieso tanzen sie?(Now the woman dances. Why is she dancing?) DENISAEs heißt: Jetzt tanzt die Frau.(It’s called: Now the woman dances.) Not sure about the verb conjugations in German? That’s not a problem anymore. In this video I’ll show you how to use the verb conjugations in the present tense easily,…
DER? DIE? DAS? The German Articles (how to never forget them!)
VANESSAHow do I translate “the” in German? DENISADa gibt es drei Optionen.(There are three options.) VANESSADrei?(3?) DENISAYes. Der, die and das. Komm. Ich erklär’ es dir.(Come. I’ll explain it to you.) Let’s learn the definite articles and the indefinite articles and what the differences are in this video. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Denisa. Bist…
Master the German PERSONAL PRONOUNS (ich, du, sie…)
These are the German personal pronouns, which are important because they pretty much appear in every sentence in one way or another. Watch until the end to hear me barely sing a personal pronoun song which is just about perfect to remember these forever. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild und hier sind die deutschen…
This is how you TELL the TIME in German (like Germans do)
VANESSAIch bin so krank. Welcher Tag ist heute überhaupt?(I’m so sick. What day is it today anyway?) DENISADu Arme. Heute ist Dienstag.(You poor thing. Today is Tuesday.) If you want to learn how to say all seven days of the week in German, you are at the right place at the right time. Ich bin…
Learn the German Days of the Week
VANESSAIch bin so krank. Welcher Tag ist heute überhaupt?(I’m so sick. What day is it today anyway?) DENISADu Arme. Heute ist Dienstag.(You poor thing. Today is Tuesday.) If you want to learn how to say all seven days of the week in German, you are at the right place at the right time. Ich bin…
The GERMAN Alphabet and its challenges (includes Ä, Ö, Ü)
MARTINAMeine Adresse ist Heinle Straße 1.(My address is Heinle Street 1.) VANESSAKannst du mir das bitte buchstabieren?(Can you spell that for me please?) MARTINAOh, entschuldige. Ich habe das Alphabet noch nicht gelernt.(Oh, sorry. I haven’t learned the German alphabet yet.) To not be in the same situation as Martina, let’s learn the German alphabet together….
German BASICS for Beginners: Your first Conversation!
When you’re in Germany for an exchange year, have a German friend or a German client, these following conversation basics will save you in every situation. Los geht’s! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Denisa. Fangen wir mit den Begrüßungen an. (Let’s go! I’m Spring German teacher Denisa. Let’s start with the greetings.) 1. Begrüßungen (Greetings)…
Pronounce the GERMAN VOWELS Perfectly!
HIPPIE GIRLA E I O U Ä Ö Û….(A E I O U Ä Ö ü) The German language has eight vowels, which can be pronounced long or short. Mixing that up can lead to severe misunderstandings. At the end of this video I’ll show you a great rule of thumb so that you’ll never…
Du VS Sie? How to address people in German!
RECEPTIONISTGuten Morgen, Frau Fischer! Haben Sie gut geschlafen?In Germany, we use different second-person personal pronouns in order to not offend the person we’re talking to. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild und heute lernen wir den Unterschied zwischen Du und Sie. (I’m Spring German teacher Brunhild and today we’ll learn the difference between the formal…
This is How Germans Say GOODBYE to each other
VanessaDanke für alles.Tschüss!(Thank you for everything. Bye!) DENISATschüüüss!(Byeee!) What did they just say? Let’s learn five ways to say goodbye in German! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Denisa und hier ist deine erste Option: (I’m Spring German teacher Denisa and here is your first option:) 1. Tschüss As seen in the scene before, Tschüss is…
The German NUMBERS (1-100) & How to use them in real life
3, 2, 1 – looos!(3, 2, 1 – gooo!) Denisa runs. Ich habe fünf Sekunden gebraucht.(I did it in 5 seconds.) Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Denisa und in diesem Video bringe ich dir die Zahlen von 0 bis 100 bei. (I’m Spring German teacher Denisa and in this video, I’m going to teach you…
Introducing yourself in German? This is how Germans do it!
Hallo, wie heißt du?(Hello, what is your name?) I’m sorry I don’t understand German very well. Again, please. To be prepared when coming to Deutschland (Germany) or to be able to talk to a cutie, you have to know how to introduce yourself. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Denisa und hier ist die erste Option:…