All You Have To Know About Body Parts In German With Explanations And Examples

Being able to explain where it hurts to a doctor is only one of the advantages, that knowing the names of the different body parts in German brings!

Learn the BODY PARTS in German (for the Doctor)

Spring German teacher Brunhild will explain everything you need to know about the body parts in German.

1. Der Kopf (The head)

An important bodypart inside of the head is das Gehirn (The brain).


Was ist?
(What is it?)

Ich hab mir den Kopf angehauen!
(I hit my head!)

Hast du keine Augen im Kopf?
(Don’t you have any eyes inside your head?)


When someone runs into stuff, hurts themselves or is in general clumsy, we often say Hast du keine Augen im Kopf? It literally means “Don’t you have eyes inside of your head?”

The German language is full of chunks and figures of speech like this. Make sure to download our free essential German chunking kit to see more of them. The link is in the description!


✔️ Cheat Sheet with 53 Essential German Chunks: chunks and words you’ll hear and use in every German conversation

✔️ Tips on how to speak German WITHOUT thinking about grammar

✔️ A German Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the German from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)

Now back to the head. Wichtige Körperteile am Kopf sind: (Important parts on the head are:)

die Haarethe hair
die Ohrenthe ears
das Gesichtthe face

Let’s see how all of this works in a real-life German conversation that’s aimed for beginners:

Kim! Bist du wach? Na hopp, geh dir ins Bad das Gesicht waschen. Du musst bald zur Schule!
(Kim! Are you awake? Chop chop, go to the bathroom and w ash your face. You’ll have to go to school soon!)

Ich geh ja schon.
(I’m going already.)

Die Ohren nicht vergessen!
(Don’t forget the ears!)


Und kämm dir doch mal die Haare. Du siehst immer so verstrubbelt aus.
(And brush your hair for once! Your hair always looks so ruffled.)

Ja doch.
(Yes, of course.)

2. Das Gesicht (The face)

body parts in german explained by brunhild

Was kochst du heute?
(What are you cooking today?)

Indisch! Riecht man das denn nicht?
(Indian! Can’t you smell that?)

Ich rieche nichts. Meine Nase ist verstopft!
(I can’t smell anything. My nose is blocked!)

Dein Gesicht (your face) means “your face”. Zu deinem Gesicht gehören: (Your face includes:)

die Stirnthe forehead
die Augenbrauenthe eyebrows
die Augenthe eyes
die Nasethe nose
die Wangenthe cheeks
der Mundthe mouth
der Kieferthe jaw
das Kinnthe chin

Lots of body parts to keep track of!

Du hast wunderschöne Augen.
(You have beautiful eyes.)

Halt den Mund.
(Shut your mouth.)

Ich mein’s ernst…
(I mean it…)

Now let’s linger on the mouth just a little bit. Der Mund (the mouth) deserves a closer look, because it contains many parts that come up in our daily lives, such as:

die Zähnethe teeth
die Zungethe tongue
der Gaumenthe roof of the mouth
der Rachenthe throat

In a real German conversation:

Zeit zu schlafen! Hast du schon Zähne geputzt?
(Time to sleep! Have you brushed your teeth yet?)

Ich kann meine ZahnbĂĽrste nicht finden. Und die Zahnpasta ist auch alle.
(I can’t find my toothbrush. And the toothpaste is also empty.)

Dann nimm eine neue ZahnbĂĽrste und nimm von meiner Zahnpasta!
(Then take a new toothbrush and have some of my toothpaste!)

Na gut.

Und die Zunge nicht vergessen!
(And don’t forget the tongue!)

3. Der Oberkörper (The upper body)

Neck down comes what we call: der Körper (the body). The upper part of the body is called: der Oberkörper (the torso).

Let’s take the different body parts n the order from top to bottom.

der Halsthe neck
die Schulternthe shoulders
die Brustthe chest
die BrĂĽstethe breasts
die Taillethe waist
der Bauchthe belly
die Schulterblätterthe shoulder blades
der RĂĽckenthe back

Attached to the Oberkörper (torso) are the arms!

4. Die Arme (The arms)

Die Arme sind die Gliedmaßen am Oberkörper. (The arms are the limbs attached to the torso). Zum Arm gehört: (The arm includes:)

der Oberarmthe upper arm
der Unterarmthe forearm
der Ellenbogenthe elbow

At the end of the arm, we find the hands.

5. Die Hände (The hands)

Zu der Hand gehört (The hand includes):

das Handgelenkthe wrist
der HandrĂĽckenthe back of the hand
die Handflächethe palm
die Fingerthe fingers
der Fingerknöchelthe knuckle
der Fingernagelthe fingernail

Let’s see another convo:

Wow, du bist so schnell mit deinen Händen!
(Wow, you’re so fast with your fingers.)

Ja, meine Finger sind schneller als mein Gehirn.
(Yes, my fingers are faster than my brain.)

Du hast so hĂĽbsche, lange Finger. Nicht wie meine Wurstfinger.
(You have such pretty, long fingers. Not like my sausage fingers.)

Danke. Das kommt vom Klavierspielen.
(Thanks. That comes from playing the piano.)

What do you think?

Does Klavier spielen (playing the piano) really make lange Finger (long fingers)?

6. Der Unterleib (The abdomen)

This is the part between your Oberkörper (torso) and your legs. Der Unterleib (The abdomen). Here you find:

die HĂĽftethe hips
das Gesäßthe buttocks
das Geschlechtsorganthe groin

7. Die Beine (The legs)

The following parts are part of the leg:

der Oberschenkelthe thighs
das Kniethe knee
die Kniekehlethe hollow of the knee
das Schienbeinthe shin
die Wadethe calf
der FuĂźthe foot

8. Die FĂĽĂźe (The feet)

The following parts are part of the foot:

der Knöchelthe ankle
die Fersethe heel
der FuĂźballenthe ball of the foot
die FuĂźsohlethe sole of the foot
die Zehenthe toes
der Zehthe toe
der Zehennagelthe toenail (singular)
die Zehennägelthe toenails (plural)

Let’s see some German sentences in a dialogue:


Was ist los?
(What happened?)

Ich bin mit dem FuĂź umgeknickt!
(I sprained my foot!)

Gib mir deine Hand, wir setzen uns kurz hin.
(Give me your hand, let’s have a seat.)

Ich glaube, ich habe mir den Knöchel verstaucht!
(I think I twisted my ankle!)

9. Das Körperteil-Lied (Body parts in German – a song)

I bet you all know the song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes! I’m going to do you a huge solid and sing this song in German, just because it’s so great to learn the body parts.

Here we go!

Körperteil Blues (Offizielles Tanzvideo) - Lichterkinder | Kinderlieder | Bewegungslieder

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