
5 German Behavior Things To Trick Even Native German Speakers

If you want to avoid the tourist status in Germany and just blend in, here are my best trips you can use. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Hier kommen fünf Tipps, wie du dich in Deutschland integrieren kannst. (Here are 5 tips on how to blend in Germany with perfect German behavior.) 1. Typisch…


Coming To Germany? 10 Thing You Have To Know (Examples)

Andere Länder, andere Sitten! (Foreign countries, foreign customs!) And Germany is no exception. In this lesson, I will walk you through all the strange things you could encounter during a normal day in Deutschland (Germany)! Mein Name ist Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Hier kommen 10 Dinge, die du über Deutschland wissen solltest! (Here are ten…


30+ Ultimate German At Home Expressions That You Will Hear In German Households

MUTTERKinder!(Kids!) KINDJa?(Yes?) MUTTERKommt, das Essen ist fertig!(Come, the food is ready!) KINDWir kommen!(We’re coming!) Hallo! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Denisa (Hello! I’m Spring German teacher Denisa), and in this lesson, you will learn all the chunks you related to German at home, and this is what you will hear when in a German-speaking household….


7 German Slang Phrases You Will Hear Everywhere (Examples Included)

Same as in every other country, young people tend to use an own sociolect. They have their own way of expressing themselves with new words. I will introduce 7 German slang terms to you in this video Willkommen bei Spring German (Welcome to Spring German)! Ich bin Denisa. Los geht’s! (Let’s go!) 1. Gönnen (To…


5+5 German Names You Are Mispronouncing All The Time (With Examples)

Hallo Leute! (Hi guys!) Ich bin Denisa von Spring German. In this video, I will teach you 10 German names that you are probably mispronouncing. Aber keine Sorge (but don’t worry), that’s why I am here. Let’s start with my co-teacher from Spring German: Brunhild. Los geht’s! (Let’s go!) 1. Brunhild DENISAWie sprechen die Leute…


All The German Airport Vocabulary You Need (With Examples)

FLIGHT ATTENDANTSie dürfen sich nun abschnallen. Willkommen in Deutschland!(You may now unfasten your seatbelt. Welcome to Germany!) When visiting Germany, you will certainly have to go through a German airport. What do you need to know about the German airport vocabulary? Ich bin Denisa von Spring German. Let’s find out in this video! Los geht’s!…


German Hotel Vocabulary: How To Check-In At The Hotel In German?

Hallo und wilkommen bei Spring German. Ich bin Denisa. In this lesson, I will prepare you for your trip to Germany and everything around German hotels. What chunks do you need to know when checking-in at a German hotel? What is the German hotel vocabulary like? Let’s find out. Los geht’s! 1. Anreise (arrival) PAULWillkommen…


6 Tips For The Best Motivation To Learn German (With Examples)

Have you been learning German for a while and you are losing motivation? Ich will Deutsch lernen, aber ich bin manchmal zu faul. (I do want to learn German, but I’m feeling lazy sometimes.) Ich bin Denisa von Spring German. Here are my top 5 tips to be really motivated again! Go get your notebook…


5 Types Of Clothes In German: Everything You Need To Know (With Examples)

Society demands we wear clothes. So does the weather. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Heute sprechen wir über Kleidung! (Today, we speak about clothes in German!) 1. Unterwäsche (Underwear) Let’s start our Klamotten (clothes) journey by listing the clothes touching our skin. When we get dressed, we first put on Unterwäsche (underwear). Which means:…

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