30+ Ultimate German At Home Expressions That You Will Hear In German Households
Kommt, das Essen ist fertig!
(Come, the food is ready!)
Wir kommen!
(We’re coming!)
Hallo! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Denisa (Hello! I’m Spring German teacher Denisa), and in this lesson, you will learn all the chunks you related to German at home, and this is what you will hear when in a German-speaking household.
Be it as a guest or a family member.
Los geht’s! (Let’s go!)
1. German at home: typical food in a German household
In a German household, there are typically three meals a day:
German | English |
FrĂĽhstĂĽck | breakfast |
Mittagessen | lunch |
Abendessen | dinner |

Also, it’s important to eat together, mostly at dinner.
Hast du schon gegessen?
(Have you eaten already?)
Ja. Ich war bei einer Freundin.
(Yes. I was with a friend.)
Du weiĂźt doch, dass wir zusammen zu Abend essen.
(You know that we eat together for dinner.)
Entschuldigung, Mama.
(I’m sorry, mum.)
Komm, setz dich an den Tisch mit uns.
(Come, sit at the table with us.)
It’s considered as rude to not sit at least at the table with the family when eating, no matter if you are a guest or family member.
Here are some typical German at home dinners for you:
German | English |
Sauerbraten | Roast beef stew |
Spätzle | Egg noodles |
Kartoffelpuffer | Potato pancakes |
Abendbrot | Light evening meal |
Abendbrot (light evening meal) is something a lot of foreigners have to get to used to. It’s a dinner where you eat bread, maybe with salad and some leftovers. For Frühstück (breakfast), we eat Brot (bread) a lot, too. Or Brezeln (pretzels).

Was gibt’s zu essen? (What’s to eat?) is something you will surely hear in a German household.
Other alternatives are:
German | English |
Was gibt es zu Abend? | What’s for dinner? |
Was hast du fĂĽr heute gekocht? | What did you cook for today? |
Was essen wir heute? | What are we eating today? |
If you want to learn more chunks for using German at home, check our free essential German chunking kit. Here you can learn a lot of helpful chunks. The link is in the description.

✔️ Cheat Sheet with 53 Essential German Chunks: chunks and words you’ll hear and use in every German conversation
✔️ Tips on how to speak German WITHOUT thinking about grammar
✔️ A German Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the German from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)
2. Commands in German at home
So far it seemed that everything is pretzels and love. Aber nein! (But no!) An average German grews up listening to the following chunks.
German | English |
Geh Brötchen kaufen. | Go get rolls. |
Steh auf. | Get up. |
Mach dich fertig. | Get ready. |
Bring den MĂĽll runter. | Bring the trash down. |
Next common command in a German household:
Mach … aus (Turn off…)
German | English |
Mach den Ofen aus. | Turn off the stove. |
Mach das Licht aus. | Turn off the light. |
Mach den Fernseher aus. | Turn off the TV. |

Or other examples:
Vergiss nicht … (Don’t forget…)
German | English |
Vergiss nicht, den Ofen auszumachen. | Don’t forget to turn off the stove. |
Vergiss nicht, dass heute Besuch kommt. | Don’t forget that guests are coming over today. |
Vergiss die Milch nicht. | Don’t forget the milk. |
3. Typical German mom (and her German expressions)
When a mom calls you, she might say simply: Komm her. (Come here.)
When she says that, I was terrified because in 99% of the cases, she showed me something that I messed up.
Also, you weren’t allowed to say “Was?” (what?) or “Was ist?” (What is it?), you have to say “Wie bitte?” (Excuse me?) because it’s more polite. This is important for everyday life for German at home, and even outside it.
DENISA! Komm her!
(DENISA! Come here!)
Es heißt nicht “Was?” , es heißt “Wie bitte?”
(You shouldn’t say “what?”, it’s “excuse me?”)
Other sentences of a typical German mom are:
German | English |
Frag deinen Vater. | Ask your dad. |
Wie war es in der Schule? | How was school? |
Hast du Hunger? | Are you hungry? |
Ich hab dich lieb. | I love you. |
While Ich liebe dich (I love you) is reserved for a romantic relationship, a softer form for family or friends is “Ich hab dich lieb” (I love you).
4. Common German questions at home
The following exchange is a recreation of 70% of my childhood:
Darf ich mich mit Annika treffen?
(Can I meet up with Annika?)
Hast du dein Zimmer aufgeräumt?
(Did you clean your room?)
Bist du dir sicher?
(Are you sure?)
Ja, Mama.
(Yes, mum.)
Wenn ich jetzt hochgehe und Dreck finde, was mache ich dann mit dir?
(When I go up now, and I will find dirt, what do I do to you?)
Ich schau lieber nochmal.
(I better look again.)
Wenn ich jetzt hochgehe und Dreck finde, was mache ich dann mit dir? ((When I go up now, and I will find dirt, what do I do to you?) That phrase is magical! The moment my mom says that phrase, dirt just appears!
Did you have discussions like that with your mom too?
Other questions would be:
German | English |
Wer hat die TĂĽr aufgelassen? | Who left the door open? |
Hast du deine Hausaufgaben gemacht? | Have you done your homework? |
Darf ich ins Schwimmbad gehen? | Can I go swimming? |

5. German at home requests
This is so embarrassing when it happens! Have you ever ran out of toilet paper and you had to ask someone for it?
Let me know in the video’s comments.
Learn this one:
German | English |
Kannst du mir bitte Toilettenpapier bringen? | Can you bring me some toilet paper please? |
Toilettenpapier! | Toilet paper! |
Now, learn more really important German chunks when speaking about a German family.