Ultimate Guide To Months And Seasons In German With Examples
The good news is, even the German year only has twelve months, whose names are super similar to English!
The bad news is… you know what!
There are no bad news! It’s really super easy, so let’s learn about months and seasons in German!
Spring German teacher Brunhild will tell you everything you need to know about months and seasons in German!
1. Der FrĂĽhling (The spring)
Hast du meine MĂĽtze gesehen? Was machst du da?
(Have you seen my hat? What are you doing?)
FrĂĽhjahrsputz! Ich miste aus. Alles, was wir nicht brauchen, kommt weg!
(Spring cleaning! I am decluttering. Everything we don’t need, goes!)
Meine Winterjacke?
(My winter jacket?)
Meine Stiefel?
(My boots?)
Kann es sein, dass du nur meine Sachen ausmistest?
(Could it be that you’re just clearing my stuff out?)
FrĂĽhjahrsputz (spring cleaning) is important to enjoy a fresh, clean and decluttered home. That way, you can fully enjoy FrĂĽhling (spring).
After all, der FrĂĽhling (the spring) is great. Die Vöglein singen, die Bächlein rauschen, die Sonne scheint … (The birds sing, the rivulets burble, the sun shines…)- it’s fantastic to be outside again.  Zum FrĂĽhling gehören (Spring includes):
German | English |
der März | the March |
der April | the April |
der Mai | the May |
Du bist ja luftig angezogen! Wo ist denn dein Pulli?
(You are dressed lightly! Where is your sweater?)
Die Pullis sind im Dachboden! Es ist FrĂĽhling!
(The sweaters are in the attic! It’s spring!)
Es ist erst März! Der Schnee liegt noch draussen!
(It’s only March! There is still snow outside!)
Es ist FrĂĽĂĽĂĽhliiiiiing!
(It’s Spriiiiiiiing!)
Having a cold and frosty winter, it’s not uncommon for a German person to get carried away when the first Sonnenstrahlen (sunbeams) kiss the country.
It’s amazing to be outside again! Aber spätestens im Sommer fängt das Leben richtig an. (But in summer at the latest, life truly begins.)
2. Der Sommer (The summer)

Sommer is the time for:
German | English |
Eis am Stiel | popsicles |
Baden im See | bathing in the lake |
Sonnenbaden | sunbathing |
Urlaub | vacation |
Sommer includes:
German | English |
Juni | June |
Juli | July |
August | August |
Wo fährst du dieses Jahr in den Urlaub?
(Where are you going on vacation this year?)
Ich ĂĽberlege, ob ich im Juli einen Roadtrip durch Norwegen mache.
(I’m thinking about taking a road trip through Norway in July.)
Schön! Im Juli ist es schön warm. Man kann in den Fjorden baden!
(Nice! In July it’s nice and warm. You can bathe in the fjords!)
Und in den Bergen wandern!
(And hike in the mountains!)
Und du? Fliegst du im August wieder nach Dubai, um im Meer zu baden?
(And you? Are you flying to Dubai again in August, to swim in the sea?)
Schön wär’s! Ich muss diesen Sommer leider arbeiten.
(I wish! Unfortunately, I’ll have to work this summer.)
Schön wär’s (I wish, lit.: That would be beautiful) means “I wish” or “As if”. Literally it means “That would be beautiful”. We say this about something we really would welcome, but deem unlikely to happen. Schön wär’s! (I wish!)
Chunks like Schön wär’s (I wish) make you sound like a native right away. So download our free essential German chunking kit! Der Link ist in der Beschreibung. (The link is in the description.) And you can always find new chunks on our Spring German YouTube channel.

✔️ Cheat Sheet with 53 Essential German Chunks: chunks and words you’ll hear and use in every German conversation
✔️ Tips on how to speak German WITHOUT thinking about grammar
✔️ A German Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the German from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)
3. Der Herbst (The autumn)
Zum Herbst gehört (Autumn includes):
German | English |
der September | the September |
der Oktober | the October |
der November | the November |
Was ist dein Lieblingsmonat?
(What is your favorite month?)
Mein Lieblingsmonat ist der September!
Weil ich da Geburtstag habe. Und was ist dein Lieblingsmonat?
(Because it’s my birthday. And what is your favorite month?)
Der Oktober!
Ich liebe Halloween!
(I love Halloween!)
Halloween (Halloween) is great. Herbst (autumn) is great. What are your favorite autumn activities?
German | English |
Einen Drachen steigen lassen | Flying a kite |
Eine Herbstwanderung machen | Taking an autumn hike |
Or do you prefer something indoors, like:
German | English |
Heisse Schokolade trinken | Drinking hot chocolate |
Am Kamin sitzen | Sitting by the fireplace |
Kürbisse aushöhlen | Pumpkin carving |
Let us know in the video’s comments below! Personally, we looove KĂĽrbisse aushöhlen (carving pumpkins)! Â
Was machst du in den Herbstferien?
(What are you doing during fall break?)
Ich werde zuhause vor dem Kamin sitzen und heisse Schokolade trinken. Und du?
(I will sit at home in front of the fireplace and drink hot chocolate. And you?)
Ich werde Kürbisse aushöhlen.
(I will carve out pumpkins).
Um KĂĽrbissuppe zu machen?
(To make pumpkin soup?)
Nein, ich will gruselige Fratzen schnitzen.
(No, I want to carve grotesque faces.)
FĂĽr Halloween?
(For Halloween?)
Ja. Um nervige Kinder davon abzuschrecken, an unserem Haus zu klingeln.
(Yes. To discourage annoying kids from ringing at our door bell.)
4. Der Winter (The winter)
Winter covers:
German | English |
Dezember | December |
Januar | January |
Februar | February |
What is the best thing about winter then? Obviously, it’s Weihnachten (Christmas)!
Was wĂĽnschst du dir zu Weihnachten?
(What do you want for Christmas?)
Ein neues Dirndl!
(A new dirndl dress!)
Kriegst du!
(You shall get it!)
Haha. Schön wär’s! Und was ist dein Weihnachtstraum?
(Haha. As if. And what is your Christmas dream?)
Ein neues Auto.
(A new car.)
Du kriegst Schokolade.
(You’re getting chocolate.)
Other than celebrating Weihnachten (Christmas), you can also use winter for:
German | English |
Schneeballschlachten machen | having snowball fights |
Ski fahren | Skiing |
Schlitten fahren | Sleigh riding |
Und natĂĽrlich viel mehr! (And of course a lot more!) But now the season has come to test whether you have paid attention!
5. Quiz for months and seasons in German
This is how it goes! We say an activity, and you tell us the season! Â
- Im Meer baden (Bathing in the sea) – Das machen wir im Sommer! (We do this is in summer!)
- FrĂĽhjahrsputz machen (Spring cleaning) – Das machen wir im FrĂĽhling! (We do this in spring!)
- KĂĽrbisse aushöhlen (Carving pumpkins) – Das machen wir im Herbst! (We do this in autumn!)
- Schneeballschlachten machen (Having snowball fights) – Das machen wir im Winter! (We do this in winter!)
And, if you want to talk about months and seasons in German, you also have to learn about days of the week in German – because they are connected to the serious planning we as Germans always do!