
5 Ways To Say Wie Geht’s In German – Real Alternatives With Examples

DENISA (in different situations)Hey, wie geht’s?(Hey, how are you?) Hey, wie geht’s?(Hey, how are you? ) Hey, wie geht’s?(Hey, how are you?) Wie geht’s in German (How are you?) is commonly used. Of course, you can use it, but maybe you should mix it up from time to time. In this Spring German lesson, We…


German Love Language: The Beautiful Art Of Romantic Conversations In German

BRUNHILD to DOGSo eine sĂĽĂźe Maus bist du!(You are such a cute mouse!) Who doesn’t enjoy liebevolle Umgangsformen (tender modes of behavior)? Plus, everybody knows that being selbstbewusst (self-confident) and able to talk about our GefĂĽhle (feelings) is sexy! So here we go, a lesson to teach us how to use German love language. Today,…


Ultimate Guide To 4 Cases In German: Explained Simply With Examples

In the German language, we have the 4 cases in German. The 4 cases in German are called:• Nominativ• Genitiv• Dativ• Akkusativ. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to tell them apart and when to use every single one of them. And the end of this lesson, we’ll also do a quiz. But keine Sorge…


5 Alternatives To Say Danke In German With Real-Life Examples

DENISA (in different situations)Danke! Danke! Danke!(Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!) There is nothing wrong with saying danke in German (thanks). But maybe we should switch it up from time to time. There are more alternatives depending on the context. Let’s look at 5 of them. Spring German teacher Denisa will explain everything you need…


4 Alternatives To Ich Heisse In German To Sound Like A True Native (Examples)

Hallo, ich heiĂźe Denisa. Wie heiĂźt du? „Ich heiĂźe” is a chunk you learn in every German textbook. It’s absolutely correct to use ich heisse in German. However, you should also know alternatives to sound like a native speaker. Here are 4 alternatives for you. Ready? Let’s go! 1. Ich bin … (I am…) VANESSAHallo….


TschĂĽĂź In German: 5 Alternatives You Should Use Instead (With Examples)

DENISA (in different situations)TschĂĽss!TschĂĽss!TschĂĽss! TschĂĽĂź in German is the right word for you if you want to say goodbye. But there are more ways to say farewell. This is Denisa from Spring German. Today, in this lesson, we’re going to show you five alternatives. Are you ready? Let’s get started! 1.Bis später/Bis bald/Bis dann (See…


3 Tips For Flirting In German: Stop Saying “Hey Süße!

MAXKim, du siehst heute sehr hĂĽbsch aus.(Kim, you look very pretty today.) KIMWirklich? Nur heute? Danke…(Really? Just today? Thank you…) MAXImmer doch.(Always.) Flirting in German has to be learned! So, let’s learn it! Here are 3 tips for flirting in German. Los geht’s! 1. Sei aufmerksam (Be attentive) Before we get into the sexy phrases,…


5 Common Mistakes In German You Should Avoid – Real-Life Examples!

Welcome to Spring German! In this lesson, we’ll admit something: everyone makes mistakes. Especially while learning a foreign language! In this lesson, we will introduce you to the 5 most common mistakes in German that students make all the time. This way, you’ll be prepared and you can know how to avoid them. Now, let’s…


Order Food In German Like a Native: Real German Conversation Examples

German food is amazing, so going to the restaurant there is something you definitely should do! But how do you order food in German? Spring German teacher Brunhild will guide you through the process! 1. Ein Getränk bestellen (To order a drink) Usually, the first question der Kellner (the waiter) will ask you, is: German…


All You Have To Know About Body Parts In German With Explanations And Examples

Being able to explain where it hurts to a doctor is only one of the advantages, that knowing the names of the different body parts in German brings! Spring German teacher Brunhild will explain everything you need to know about the body parts in German. 1. Der Kopf (The head) An important bodypart inside of…

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