
German Sentence Structure: How To Speak Like A Native German Speaker

Die Jacke ist schön. Schön ist die Jacke. Die Jacke schön ist. (The jacket is pretty.) Which way do you build a sentence in German? What are the the different types of verbs or word agreements? Let’s learn the German sentence structure in this lesson! 1. Basic German sentence structure: SVO (Subject-Verb-Object) VANESSAIch wohne jetzt…


Speaking About Origin In German: 4 Things You Must Know (With Examples)

DENISA(filming a video about herself)Hallo. Mein Name ist Denisa. Ich bin in Deutschland geboren. Meine Mutter kommt aus der Slowakei. Mein Vater kommt aus der Türkei.(Hello. My name is Denisa. I am born in Germany. My mother is from Slovakia. My father is from Turkey.) In this lesson we will learn how you can be…


Weather In German: 29 Weather Expressions In German With Chunks

Wie ist das Wetter? (How is the weather?) Whether we’re talking to our grandma or our friend in Berlin, this remains a standard question. Learn all possible German answers to this question in this lesson: here’s what you need to know about the weather in German! 1. How to talk about the weather in German…


Ultimate Guide To Months And Seasons In German With Examples

The good news is, even the German year only has twelve months, whose names are super similar to English! The bad news is… you know what! There are no bad news! It’s really super easy, so let’s learn about months and seasons in German! Spring German teacher Brunhild will tell you everything you need to…


5 Ways To Ask Questions In German Like The Germans Do (With Examples)

SELMAIch will dieses Brot kaufen. Kannst du fragen, wie viel es kostet?(I want to buy this bread. Can you ask how much it costs?) DENISATraust du dich nicht?(Don’t you have the courage to do it?) SELMANein.  Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie man Fragen auf Deutsch stellt.(No. I’m not sure how to ask questions in…


4 Hacks To Learn Noun Gender In German (With Examples)

In German nouns can have one of three genders:• Maskulin (masculine)• Feminin (feminine)• Neutrum (neutral) The gender manifests itself in the article in front of the word. But when to use which can be a bit tricky. In this lesson we will show you some basic rules to determine whether a word is masculine, feminine…


Verb Conjugations In German: All Forms With Examples From Ich To Sie

VANESSAJetzt tanzen die Frau. Wieso tanzen sie?(Now the woman dances. Why is she dancing?) DENISAEs heißt: Jetzt tanzt die Frau.(It’s called: Now the woman dances.) Not sure about the verb conjugations in German? That’s not a problem anymore. In this lesson we’ll show you how to use the verb conjugations in German in the present…


8 Basic Colors In German Explained With Examples (And How To Remember Them)

Today, we’re going to talk about the subject, without which the world would look like this. No joy. No emotions. No color. We say: Es werde Farbe! (Let there be color!) There! That’s much better! In this lesson, you will learn the basic colors in German. Make sure to pay attention because in the end,…


How To Tell Time In German: From Weekdays To Time Expressions (With Examples)

VANESSAIch bin so krank. Welcher Tag ist heute überhaupt?(I’m so sick. What day is it today anyway?) DENISADu Arme. Heute ist Dienstag.(You poor thing. Today is Tuesday.) If you want to learn how to say all seven days of the week in German, you are at the right place at the right time. And not…

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