
German Articles: Guide To Definite And Indefinite Articles In German

VANESSAHow do I translate “the” in German? DENISADa gibt es drei Optionen.(There are three options.) VANESSADrei?(3?) DENISAYes. Der, die and das. Komm. Ich erklär’ es dir.(Come. I’ll explain it to you.) Let’s learn the definite articles and the indefinite German articles and what the differences are in this lesson. Spring German teacher Denisa is here…


German Alphabet: Ultimate Guide To 26+4 Letters In German (incl. Ä, Ö, Ü, ß)

MARTINAMeine Adresse ist Heinle Straße 1.(My address is Heinle Street 1.) VANESSAKannst du mir das bitte buchstabieren?(Can you spell that for me please?) MARTINAOh, entschuldige. Ich habe das Alphabet noch nicht gelernt.(Oh, sorry. I haven’t learned the German alphabet yet.) To not be in the same situation as Martina, let’s learn the German alphabet together….


5 Ways To Learn German With ChatGPT: Ultimate Guide To Learning German With AI

DENISAVanessa, ich habe etwas Neues für dich,, um besser Deutsch zu lernen.(Vanessa, I have something new for you in order to learn German in a better way.) VANESSAEcht? Was denn?(Seriously? What is it?) DENISAEs heißt ChatGPT. Es ist ein Chatbot, der alles ändert.(It’s called ChatGPT. It’s a chatbot that changes everything.) Whether you already know…


Du VS Sie In German: How To Correctly Address People In German (With Examples)

RECEPTIONISTGuten Morgen, Frau Fischer! Haben Sie gut geschlafen?In Germany, we use different second-person personal pronouns in order to not offend the person we’re talking to. Spring German teacher Brunhild will explain the difference between du vs Sie in German, or if you’d like a different approach, the informal and the formal you in German. 1….


7 German Days Of The Week: Die Wochentage Examples With Chunks

VANESSAIch bin so krank. Welcher Tag ist heute überhaupt?(I’m so sick. What day is it today anyway?) DENISADu Arme. Heute ist Dienstag.(You poor thing. Today is Tuesday.) If you want to learn how to say all 7 German days of the week, you are at the right place at the right time. Spring German teacher…


German Basics For Beginners: Your First German Conversation With Chunks

When you’re in Germany for an exchange year, have a German friend or a German client, these following conversation basics will save you in every situation. Spring German teacher Denisa will tell you all you have to know about German basics for beginners. Let’s start with the greetings! 1. Begrüßungen (Greetings) How you greet somebody,…


5 Ways To Say Goodbye In German (With Conversation Examples)

VanessaDanke für alles.Tschüss!(Thank you for everything. Bye!) DENISATschüüüss!(Byeee!) What did they just say? Let’s learn five ways to say goodbye in German, and learn alternatives for tschüss in German. Spring German teacher Denisa will explain everything you need to know about this topic! 1. Tschüss (Bye/Goodbye) As seen before, Tschüss is the most used form…


German Numbers From 1 To 100: How To Use Them In Real Life (With Examples)

3, 2, 1 – looos!(3, 2, 1 – gooo!) Denisa runs. Ich habe fünf Sekunden gebraucht.(I did it in 5 seconds.) Spring German teacher Denis will tell you everything you need to know about German numbers now from 1 to 100. Let’s begin with the numbers zero to twelve, because after that, everything becomes easier….

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