German Basics For Beginners: Your First German Conversation With Chunks

When you’re in Germany for an exchange year, have a German friend or a German client, these following conversation basics will save you in every situation.

German BASICS for Beginners: Your first Conversation!

Spring German teacher Denisa will tell you all you have to know about German basics for beginners.

Let’s start with the greetings!

1. BegrĂĽĂźungen (Greetings)

How you greet somebody, hängt von der Uhrzeit ab (depends on the time of day).

Here are some examples:

  • In the morning you say Guten Morgen (Good morning)
  • In the afternoon you say Guten Tag (Good afternoon)
  • In the evening you can say Guten Abend (Good evening)
  • But a greeting for the whole day is simply Hallo (Hello)

Guten Morgen, liebe SchĂĽler.
(Good morning, dear students.)

Guten Morgen, Frau MĂĽller.
(Good morning Mrs. MĂĽller.)

Also an important way to greet somebody (your colleagues for example) at lunch time, is to say Mahlzeit (time of meal) in Germany.

You can even say it when people are not eating in the moment, because you wish them a good lunch break in advance.

2. Vorstellungen (Introductions)

After the greetings, you can continue with the Introduction. Start with introducing yourself.

You can do it like this:

Mein Name ist Denisa.My name is Denisa.
Ich heiĂźe Denisa.My name is Denisa.
Ich bin Denisa.I am Denisa.
Wie heißt du?What’s your name?


You want to ask people how they are doing? Here are some chunks that will help you:

  • Wie geht’s dir? (How are you?)
  • Alles gut? (Everything’s good?)
  • Mir geht es gut, danke. Wie geht es dir? (I’m fine, thank you. How are you?)

What are chunks you ask?

Chunks are word combinations that natives use all the time and that you can learn by heart as a whole. Get the most important German chunks you need for a conversation in our free essential German chunking kit. The link is in the description.


✔️ Cheat Sheet with 53 Essential German Chunks: chunks and words you’ll hear and use in every German conversation

✔️ Tips on how to speak German WITHOUT thinking about grammar

✔️ A German Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the German from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)

Maybe, you also want to know how old the person is or where she is from. In German, you would ask like this:

Wow, so much information. Let’s see this all in action. Roll the clip.

Guten Morgen.
(Good morning.)

Hallo. Wie geht’s dir? Alles gut?
(Hello. How are you? Everything’s good?)

Ja. Mir geht’s gut. Wie geht’s dir?
(Yes. I’m fine. How are you?)

Auch gut danke. Wie heiĂźt du?
(I’m fine too. What’s your name?)

Ich heiĂźe Martina. Und du?
(My name is Martina. And you?)

Ich heiĂźe Denisa. Wie alt bist du?
(My name is Denisa. How old are you?)

Ich bin 26 Jahre alt. Und du?
(I’m 26 years old. And you?)

Ich bin 23 Jahre alt.
(I’m 23 years old.)

Woher kommst du?
(Where are you from?)

Ich komme aus Deutschland. Aus MĂĽnchen. Und du?
(I’m from Germany. From Munich. And you?)

Ich komme auch aus Deutschland. Aus Berlin.
(I’m from Germany, too. From Berlin.)

Feel free to introduce yourself in the video’s comments on our Spring German YouTube channel. Now, let’s learn how to say thank you.

3. Sich bedanken (Saying thank you)

Here are some possibilities to say thank you in German:

Danke!Thank you!
Ich danke dir!I’m thanking you!
Vielen Dank!Thanks a lot!
Tausend Dank!Thousand thanks!


If you can’t find words for the gift or surprise you got, you can say Nicht dein Ernst? which means “You can’t be serious?” Nicht dein Ernst can also be used in different situations.

Hier. Das Buch, das du wolltest.
(Here. The book you wanted.)

Nicht dein Ernst! Vielen Dank!
(You can’t be serious! Thanks a lot!)

Nichts zu danken.
(You’re welcome.)

4. Sich verabschieden (Saying goodbye)

Here are your options to say goodbye in Germany:

Auf WiedersehenGoodbye
Mach’s gutHave a good day

Auf Wiedersehen (Goodbye) is a more formal way to say goodbye. You can say it at work for example. The other ones are more informal, so you say “Tschüss” (Bye) for example to friends and family.

Also, ich geh jetzt nach Hause. Auf Wiedersehen!
(So I’m going home now. Goodbye!)

Auf Wiedersehen, Frau Wagner. Bis morgen.
(Goodbye, Mrs. Wagner. See you tomorrow.)

german basics for beginners with examples listed

5. Other important chunks as German basics for beginners

Other chunks, that are very useful in certain conversations are:

Asking about jobs:

Was arbeitest du?What is your job?
Was studierst du?What do you study?

Asking about the family:

Hast du Kinder?Do you have children?
Hast du Geschwister?Do you have siblings?

Asking what they like to do in their free time:

Was machst du gerne in deiner Freizeit?What do you like to do in your free time?
Was sind deine Hobbys?What are your hobbies?

Now that you know the basics for your first German conversation, you maybe also want to stay in touch with that person.

For asking for their phone number you can say: Kann ich deine Telefonnummer haben? (Can I have your number?)

But maybe you want to meet up on the same day. If that is the case, say Wollen wir uns heute Abend treffen? (Do you want to meet up this evening?)

Let’s watch Martina and Vanessa having that conversation:

Wollen wir uns heute Abend treffen? Zum Kaffee trinken zum Beispiel?
(Do you want to meet up this evening? To drink some coffee together for example?)

Gerne! Wo willst du dich denn treffen?
(I’d love to. Where do you want to meet?)

Ich lade dich ein. Meine Adresse ist Heinle StraĂźe 1.
(I invite you. My address is Heinle Street 1.)

Kannst du mir das bitte buchstabieren?
(Can you spell that for me please?)

Oh, entschuldige. Ich habe das Alphabet noch nicht gelernt.
(Oh, sorry. I haven’t learned the German alphabet yet.)

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