Daily Routine In German: 4 Must-Know Things To Talk About Your Days In German

Welcome to Spring German! In this lesson, our teacher, Denisa will tell you all the tips and trick you have to know to talk about your daily routine in German!

How to Speak about your DAILY ROUTINE in German

Are you ready? Los geht’s!

1. Mein Tagesablauf (My daily routine in German)

Ich wache um acht Uhr auf.
(I wake up at 8 a.m.)

Als Erstes putze ich mir die Zähne. Dann dusche ich mich.
(First, I brush my teeth. Then I shower.)

Ich frĂĽhstĂĽcke und trinke oft einen Tee dazu.
(I eat breakfast and often drink tea with it.)

Ich fahre zur Universität.
(I drive to university.)

Ich arbeite ein bisschen am Laptop.
(I work on my laptop a bit.)

Dann esse ich zu Mittag. Guten Appetit!
(Afterwards, I eat lunch. Enjoy your meal!)

Ich chille auf dem Sofa und erhole mich.
(I chill on my sofa and recover.)

Ich räume meine Wohnung endlich mal wieder auf.
(I finally clean my apartment again.)

Ich lese noch ein bisschen im Bett. Ich gehe um 23 Uhr schlafen.
(I read a bit in bed. I go to sleep at 11 p.m.)


Of course, all of these sentences are important, but a chunk you can learn by heart is “Guten Appetit!” (Enjoy your meal!)

It’s always said first in Germany when eating breakfast, lunch or dinner. A short form is “Guten!” (Have a good one!).

To learn more about chunks in German, check the link in the description to our free essential German chunking kit.


✔️ Cheat Sheet with 53 Essential German Chunks: chunks and words you’ll hear and use in every German conversation

✔️ Tips on how to speak German WITHOUT thinking about grammar

✔️ A German Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the German from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)

Here you have seen and learned a lot of phrases for your Tagesablauf (daily routine).

Here are some phrases to remember:

Ich frĂĽhstĂĽcke.I eat breakfast.
Ich putze mir die Zähne.I brush my teeth.
Ich fahre zur Universität.I drive to university.
Ich fahre zur Arbeit.I drive to work.
Ich gehe ins Bett.I go to bed.

What’s your Tagesablauf (daily routine)? Write it in the video’s comments below.

your daily routine in german examples provided by spring german teacher Denisa

2. Wichtige trennbare Verben (important separable verbs)

Maybe you realized that there are some necessary separable verbs when talking about your daily routine.

One example:

Ich wache um acht Uhr auf.
(I wake up at 8 a.m.)

The prefixes auf- and an- need to be separated from the main part of the verb in a sentence.

Some examples are:

  • aufwachen: Ich wache um acht Uhr auf. (to wake up: I wake up at 8 a.m.)
  • aufräumen: Ich räume meine Wohnung auf. (to clean up: I clean up my apartment)
  • anschauen: Ich schaue mir einen Film an. (to watch: I watch a movie)

Stay tuned because at the end of this lesson, we will show you how to ask questions about daily routines.

3. Wichtige Reflexivverben (Important reflexive verbs)

Wann duschst du dich normalerweise?
(When do you normally shower?)

Zweimal die Woche dusche ich mich,. Iimmer in der FrĂĽh.
(I shower twice a week,. Always early in the morning.)

Musst du dich dann nicht beeilen?
(Don’t you have to hurry then?)

Doch. Manchmal verspäte ich mich auch deswegen. Aber ich will mich frisch fühlen.
(I do. Because of that, I am sometimes late. But I want to feel fresh.)

Ja. Das verstehe ich.
(Yes. I understand that.)

Some reflexive verbs for your daily routine are:

sich duschento shower
sich beeilento hurry
sich verspätento be late

W also used the reflexive verb “sich erholen” (to recover) in my Tagesroutine (daily routine):

Ich chille auf dem Sofa und erhole mich.
(I chill on my sofa and recover.)

And, by the way, if you want to talk about your daily routine in German correctly, you also have to know the correct German sentence structure.

4. Fragen nach Tagesabläufen (Questions about daily routines)

In a conversation, people will tell you about their daily routine, vielleicht um über ihren Tag zu erzählen oder weil ihr euch treffen wollt (maybe because this person wants to talk about their day or because you want to meet up).

Why so ever, here’s a dialogue to show how situations like this can look like:

Was machst du morgens normalerweise?
(What do you usually do in the morning?)

Ich dusche mich und frĂĽhstĂĽcke. Und du?
(I shower and eat breakfast. And you?)

Ich frĂĽhstĂĽcke nie. Ich jogge morgens.
(I never eat breakfast. I jog in the morning.)

Das ist cool. Wann fängst du immer an, zu arbeiten?
(That’s cool. When do you start working?)

Ich arbeite vonab neun (9) Uhr bis siebzehn (17) Uhr.
(I work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Hast du morgen ab siebzehn (17) Uhr Zeit?
(Do you have time tomorrow from 5 p.m.?)

Ja. Ich esse um achtzehn (18) Uhr zu Abend um achtzehn Uhr. Danach habe ich Zeit.
(Yes. I’m having dinner at 6 p.m. After that, I have some time.)


So, phrases that you can use, are:

Was machst du morgens?What are you doing in the morning?
Was machst du abends?What are you doing in the evening?
Hast du morgen Zeit?Do you have time tomorrow?

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