Introducing yourself in German? This is how Germans do it!

Introducing yourself in German? This is how Germans do it!

Hallo, wie heiĂźt du?
(Hello, what is your name?)

I’m sorry I don’t understand German very well. Again, please.

To be prepared when coming to Deutschland (Germany) or to be able to talk to a cutie, you have to know how to introduce yourself.

Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Denisa und hier ist die erste Option: (I’m Spring German teacher Denisa and here is your first option:)

1. Mein Name ist… (My name is…)

Hallo. Nett dich kennenzulernen. Wie heiĂźt du?
(Hello. Nice to meet you. What’s your name?)

    Hi. Mein Name ist Denisa. Und wie heiĂźt du?
(Hi. My name is Denisa. And what is your name?)

  Mein Name ist Vanessa.
(My name is Vanessa.)

When introducing yourself, usually you would start with a greeting. Here are some examples:

  • Hallo (Hello)
  • Guten Tag (Good afternoon)
  • Hey (Hi)

Now you’ve learned the chunk Mein Name ist… (My name is…) but using it over and over again can be boring right? Instead of saying “Mein Name ist..” (my name is..) all the time, you can also say “Ich bin…” (I am…) which is way easier.

What are chunks you ask? Chunks are word combinations that natives use all the time and that you can learn by heart as a whole. Get the most important German chunks you need for a conversation in our German essential chunking kit. The link is in the description.

Guys, before we continue, at the end of this video I’ll cover two extra chunks that will help you continue your introduction by telling your age and where you from.

2. Ich bin…

Ich bin Denisa. Und wie heiĂźt du?
(I am Denisa. And what is your name?)

Ich bin Vanessa.
(I am Vanessa.)

Now it’s your turn! I’ll introduce myself and then you can introduce yourself. Alright? Ready?

Hallo. Mein Name ist Denisa. Und wie heiĂźt du?
(Hello, my name is Denisa. And what is your name?)


3. Ich heiĂźe… (My name is…)

Our next alternative is Ich heiĂźe… (My name is…). Let’s do it together again. “

Ich heiĂźe Denisa und wie heiĂźt du?
(My name is Denisa and what is your name?)

Ich heiĂźe…


Now that you can introduce your name, let’s start speaking about age:

4. Ich bin… Jahre alt (I’m … years old)

Ich bin Vanessa. Wie alt bist du?
(I’m Vanessa. How old are you?)

Ich bin 23 Jahre alt. Und wie alt bist du?
(I’m 23 years old. And how old are you?)

Ich bin 24 Jahre alt.
(I’m 24 years old.)

By using the chunk Ich bin … Jahre alt (I’m … years old) you tell the person how old you are. Now let’s continue by asking about the origin:

5. Ich komme aus… (I’m from…)

Woher kommst du?
(Where are you from?)

Ich komme aus den USA. Und du?
(I’m from the United States. And you?)

Ich komme aus Deutschland.
(I’m from Germany.)

Ich komme aus… (I’m from…) means “I’m from…”.

Great! Mal sehen, was wir bis jetzt gelernt haben! (Let’s see what we’ve learned so far)

Before we put it all together, you can introduce yourself in the comments, in German of course! I can’t wait to get to know you guys.

6. A full first conversation

Hallo. Wie heiĂźt du?
(Hello. What’s your name?)

Hi. Mein Name ist Denisa. Und wie heiĂźt du?
(Hi. My name is Denisa. And what’s your name?)

Mein Name ist Moritz. Wie alt bist du?
(My name is Moritz. How old are you?)

Ich bin 23 Jahre alt. Und du?
(I’m 23 years old. And you?)

Cool. Ich bin 24 Jahre alt.
(Cool. I’m 24 years old.)

Woher kommst du?
(Where are you from?)

Ich komme aus Deutschland. Und du?
(I’m from Germany. And you?)

Ich komme aus den USA.
(I’m from the US.)

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