Food In German: All The German Expressions You Need To Talk About Food
Finally I get to talk about my favorite topic! Food! I recommend not to watch this video hungry, because it will get mouth watering!
Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Hier kommt deutsches Essen! (I am Spring German teacher Brunhild and here comes food in German!)
1. Brot (Bread)
Sorry, I have to mention this first because it goes with so many meals. Deutsches Brot is so special! We have something for every taste and preference! Here are some kinds of bread you could order in a deutsche Bäckerei (German bakery).
German | English |
Bauernbrot | farmhouse bread |
Vollkornbrot | whole-grain bread |
Roggenbrot | rye bread |
Weizenbrot | wheat bread |
But some people prefer
German | English |
Toastbrot | toast |
Knäckebrot | crispbread |
Guten Morgen!
(Guten Morgen!)
Guten Morgen! Welches Brot möchtest du lieber? Weizenbrot oder Roggenbrot?
(Good morning! Which bread to you prefer? Wheat bread or rye bread?)
Wieso hast du kein Toastbrot?
(Why don’t you have any toast?)
Hmm … wie wäre es mit Knäckebrot?
(Hmm… how about crispbread?)
Na gut.
Was tun wir auf das Brot? (What do we put on the bread?)
Great with Brot goes:
German | English |
Butter | butter |
Käse | cheese |
Aufstrich | spread |
Honig | honey |
Marmelade | jam |
Schokocreme | chocolate spread |
Nutella | Nutella |
Erdnussbutter | peanut butter |
Möchtest du Marmelade oder Aufstrich auf dein Knäckebrot?
(Good morning! Would you prefer jam or bread spread with your toast?)
Hast du Erdnussbutter? Ich liebe Erdnussbutter!
(Do you have peanut butter? I love peanut butter.)
Ja, klar.
(Yes, sure.)
Womit belegst du dein Brot am liebsten? (What is your favorite bread topping?) Apart from the toppings I mentioned, there is also a really weird one which is quite popular. I’m talking about it in this video about weird things in German supermarkets: //
2. Suppen (soups)
Brot (bread) goes great with soup, like:
German | English |
Tomatensuppe | tomato soup |
Eintopf | stew |
Kürbissuppe | pumpkin soup |
Wann gibt’s Essen? Ich habe Hunger!
(When is lunch? I am hungry!)
In einer Stunde.
(In one hour.)
Was gibt es?
(What are you making?)
(Pumpkin soup.)
Wieso immer Suppe? Ich brauche etwas Festes!
(Why always soup? I need something solid!)
Du kannst einen Salat als Vorspeise essen.
(You can have a salad as a starter.)
Bin ich ein Kaninchen?
(Am I a bunny?)
Stell dich nicht so an. Das ist gesund!
(Don’t make a fuss. It’s healthy!)
Stell dich nicht so an! (Don’t make a fuss!) literally means “Don’t stand yourself… in line like that!” It’s almost impossible to translate. Either way, it’s about telling the other person that they’re exaggerating. It’s the perfect expression if you wanna to finish an argument quickly while maintaining the upper hand.
To help you place German idioms and use them correctly yourself, take a look at the link in the description. You will find our German chunking kit which you can download. Like the name already suggests, it’s completely free.
✔️ Cheat Sheet with 53 Essential German Chunks: chunks and words you’ll hear and use in every German conversation
✔️ Tips on how to speak German WITHOUT thinking about grammar
✔️ A German Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the German from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)
3. Fleischgerichte (meat dishes)
Very popular Fleischgerichte (meat-based dishes) in Bavaria are:
German | English |
Bratkartoffeln mit Speck | Fried potatoes with bacon |
Hackbraten | Meatloaf |
Sauerbraten | Sour roast |
Schmorbraten | Pot roast |
I realize there’s a lot of Braten (roast) going on in Germany. I never reflected on what a roastland we are.
Except of Braten, there is another kind of meat we can’t live without: Wurst (sausage), which shows through all the meals that have some kind of Wurst in them. Like
German | English |
Weißwurst mit Senf | Veal sausage with mustard |
Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut | Bratwurst with sauerkraut |
Rostbratwürste | Grilled sausages |
If Fleisch (meat) isn’t really your thing, fear not. There are Alternativen (alternatives).
4. Vegetarische Gerichte (vegetarian dishes)
Was isst du da?
(What are you eating?)
Vegetarisch gefüllte Paprika mit Reis. Möchtest du probieren?
(Vegetarian stuffed peppers with rice. Would you like to try?)
Gerne! Mmh, lecker! Ich wusste gar nicht, dass vegetarisches Essen so gut schmeckt!
Ich koche halt mit Liebe!
(I cook with love!)
If you agree that meat isn’t the best option for every meal of every day, you might wanna cook vegetarisch (vegetarian), at least every so often. 😉 Apart from Salate (sallads), which we will take a closer look at later on in the video, you could try these dishes:
German | English |
vegetarisch gefüllte Paprika | vegetarian stuffed peppers |
Kartoffelgratin | potato bake |
Nudelauflauf | pasta casserole |
Käsespätzle | spaetzle |
Ich habe so Hunger! Können wir einen Döner holen?
(I am so hungry! Can we get a Doner?)
Ich wollte Käsespätzle kochen!
(I wanted to cook spaetzle!)
Du immer mit deinen vegetarischen Gerichten.
(Always you and your vegetarian dishes!)
Ich mag halt kein Fleisch. Massentierhaltung ist Tierquälerei, verbraucht zu viele Ressourcen und deutsches Fleisch …
(I don’t like meat. Industrial life stock farming is cruelty to animals, takes too many resources and German meat…)
…enthält zu viel Antibiotika blablabla.
(…contains too many antibiotics etc. )
(You said it.)
Ja passt, lass uns Käsespätzle kochen.
(Fine, let’s cook spaetzle.)
Na also.
(There you go.)
Just to clarify the nature of Käsespätzle (spaetzle)! It’s a kind of noodles with fried Zwiebeln (onions) and grated Käse (cheese). Quite delicious, actually, and the number one vegetarian alternative in most Bavarian restaurants.
At the end of this video, I will share with you a super lecker (super delicious) and vollkommen gesundes (perfektly healthy) vegetarian dish, which is super quickly prepared and perfect when you’re in a hurry. I guarantuee you’ll love it.
5. Vegane Gerichte (vegan dishes)
The following dishes can easily be prepared with pflanzenbasierten Produkten (plant based products):
German | English |
Spaghetti Arrabiata | Spaghetti Arrabiata |
Gemüse-Eintopf | Vegetable soup |
Semmelknödel | bread dumplings |
Bratkartoffeln mit Zwiebeln | Fried potatoes with onions |
Natürlich gibt es noch viel mehr! (Of course there is much more).
6. Internationale Küche (international cuisine)
Was kochst du heute?
(What are you cooking today?)
Ich dachte, fernöstlich!
(I thought, far eastern!)
In Germany, we don’t just love Bratwurst (Bratwurst), Knödel (Dumplings) and Sauerkraut (Sauerkraut). In fact, according to a study from, only about one third of all restaurants serve German food. We’re into internationale Gerichte (international meals) as well! That’s why we have tons of exotische Restaurants (exotic restaurants).
Was ist das?
(What is that?)
Das ist chinesisch!
(That’s chinese!)
What do you think our most popular internationale Küche (international cuisine) is? Is it…
- a) Griechische Küche (Greek cuisine)
- b) Indische Küche (Indian cuisine)
- c) Chinesische Küche (Chinese cuisine) oder
- d) Italienische Küche (Italian cuisine)
The correct answer is… d! According to several sources I had the patience to look up, italienische Küche (Italian cuisine) is the most popular one in Germany by far! And that’s also my personal impression. Everybody here loves Pasta und Pizza (pasta and pizza).
Was ist deine Lieblingsküche? Schreibe es mir in die Kommentare (What is your favorite cuisine? Write it in the comments) and I will guess, what your Lieblingsgericht (favorite meal) is. Personally, I am a huge fan of Äthiopische Küche (Ethiopian cuisine).
Now apart from italian Essen (food), there is another really big fish in Deutschland (Germany). Can you guess? Here comes!
7. Fast Food (fast food in German)
Accordning to Hello Fresh, on average about 11% of all restaurants in Germany’s largest cities serve some kind of fast food. Danke Amerika! (Thank you, Amerika!)
Was gibt’s?
(What’s up?)
Hi! Ich bin bei Mc Donalds. Soll ich dir etwas mitbringen? Pommes? Ein Milchshake?
(Hi! I’m at Mc Donalds! Should I bring you anything? French fries? A milkshake?)
Nein danke! Ich esse kein Fast Food.
(No thanks! I don’t eat fast food.)
Wie du meinst!
(Whatever you say!)
Here are som examples for popular German fastfood
- Döner Kebab (Doner kebab) Delicious invention!
- Grillhähnchen (grilled chicken): There are street booths that make you smell the Hähnchen (chicken) streets away. It’s really hard to resist.
- Currywurst mit Pommes Frites (Currywurst with french fries): Apparently we love Wurst (sausages) so much, we also need the fast version of it.
- Hamburger (hamburger) The king of burgers, which we don’t pronounce hamburger but hamburger. It’s weird, but that’s how it is. Hamburger (hamburger) not to confuse with Hamburger (Citicen of Hamburg) which is somebody who lives in Hamburg (Hamburg).
Mmmh! Was duftet hier so?
(Mmh! What is the good smell?)
Das ist wohl mein Hamburger!
(Probably my hamburger!)
Lecker. Schmeckt der gut?
(Delicious. Does it taste good?)
Jaaa …
Wonach schmeckt der?
(What does it taste like?)
Nach Hamburger …
(Like Hamburger…)
Köstlich …
Jaaa …
Darf ich mal beißen?
(Can I have a bite?)
8. Salate (Salads)
Salads are frisch (fresh), gesund (healthy) und lecker (and delicious). Like Obstsalat (fruit salad), in which you could put:
German | English |
Erdbeeren | strawberries |
Äpfel | apples |
Walnüsse | walnuts |
Apfelsinen | oranges |
Bananen | bananas |
Kiwis | kiwis |
Melonen | melons |
Honig | honey |
Welches Obst tust du in deinen Obstsalad? (What fruit do you put in your fruit salad?)
Ihr müsst mehr Obst essen. Die Bananen sind schwarz, die Äpfel verschrumpelt …
(You need to eat more fruit. The bananas are black, the apples shriveled….)
Lass uns doch einen Obstsalat machen!
(Let’s make some fruit salad!)
Du bist gar nicht so dumm!
(You are not that stupid!)
Personally, mein absoluter Lieblingssalat ist Gnocchi Salat. (My absolute favorite salad is gnocchi salad) because it’s quick, easy and sehr gesund! (very healthy!) And since it’s too good to be true, I feel that I have to share it’s Rezept (recipe) with you. You’re welcome!
First you fry
German | English |
Zwiebeln | onions |
Pilze | mushrooms |
Käse | cheese |
Paprika | pepper |
Then you cut fresh
German | English |
Tomaten | tomatoes |
Frühlingslauch | spring onions |
Dill | dill |
Petersilie | parsley |
Now it’s time for the key ingredient! Gnocchi! So you put the
German | English |
Gnocchi | gnocchi |
Honig | honey |
Senf | mustard |
Essig und Olivenöl | vinegar and olive oil |
Then you put the
German | English |
Dressing | dressing |
Kräuter | herbs |
gesund | healthy |
Spinat | spinach |
Now you squeeze in some fresh
German | English |
Zitronensaft | lemon juice |
Salz | salt |
Pfeffer | pepper |
Gut vermischen! | Blend it well! |
Tada! Und fertig ist der perfekte Salat! (Ta-da! And the perfect salad is ready!)
I’m going to eat this delicious salad now. Now, before I leave, promise me that the first Restaurant (restaurant) you’ll visit in Germany will be a German one.