Finally Master the LL and Y in Spanish: How are They Pronounced?

If you’re new to the use of LL and Y in Spanish and how Spanish speaking natives pronounce them, this conversation is an introduction for you.

Spoiler alert: ¡Todos están hablando de la misma palabra! (They’re all the same word!)

Finally Master the Spanish LL & Y: How are they pronounced?

Okay my amigos latinos, I hope you’re hungry because this American is making an Spanish Paella!

Una paela? ¡Ahh wey estás hablando de una Paella!
(A paella? Oh dude you’re talking about a Paella!)

No no, creo que se refiere a una Paella.
(No no, I think he’s referring to a Paella)

Ah, vos decís una Paella, no ché? 
(Oh, you’re talking about a Paella, right dude?)

I’m Juan from Spring Spanish and today I’ll teach you the differences between LL and Y, and how we pronounce them all over Latin America, así que llégate ya!

1. How are Y and LL pronounced?

In most of the Spanish Speaking world, the Y and LL are pronounced the same. And the sound is just like the J in Joe. Repeat after me:

  • yo, (I)
  • yegua, (female horse)
  • llegamos. (we arrived)
  • llámame.(Call me) 

So most of the differences are in cómo se usan en el español escrito (how they’re used in written Spanish). 

However, if you ever visit Argentina or Uruguay, you’ll notice they have a very particular way to pronounce it. So instead of Yo, It’s sho, Yegua is pronounced shegua. Llámame is shamame. The sound is pretty similar to the sh sound in most of the English words, like shoe or shadow. Let’s see some examples:

Hola, buen dĂ­a. Vengo a la entrevista.
(Hello, good morning. I come for the interview)

Ah, acabás de llegar, ¿no? Pasá al sillón amarillo. ¿Cómo te llamás?
(Oh, you just arrived, right? Sit on the yellow couch. What’s your name?)

Yo me llamo Juan. Mucho gusto.
(My name is Juan. Nice to meet you)

Hola Juan, yo soy Gino. Un gusto también.
(Hello Juan, I’m Gino. Nice to meet you, too.)

Find this pronunciation challenge too easy for you? Well, check this video and find out about other 5 sounds in Spanish that you won’t find in other languages!

As an interesting and not so common fact, there are some regions in Ecuador, Bolivia and PerĂş where they pronounce the LL like an L followed by a Y, like this:

  • Llamar (to call)
  • Cebolla (Onion)
  • Cepillo (Brush)

Again, this is not very common but it is an interesting fact that will surprise your latino friends. Want to impress your latino friends even more? Entonces entra al link en la descripciĂłn (then click on the link on the description) because you will get a free chunking kit with a lot of information to start speaking Spanish, right away!

✔️ Cheat Sheet with 54 essential Spanish Chunks you’ll hear and use yourself in ANY Spanish conversation (and example sentences). Taken from our YouTube Teacher’s most popular videos!

✔️ 2 Bonus Cheat Sheets with Travel Chunks and Dating/Relationship Chunks

✔️ A Spanish Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the Spanish from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)

Okay, ya sabemos las diferencias de pronunciación. Pero en Español escrito, (okay, now we know the pronunciation differences. But in written Spanish,

2. How are LL and Y in Spanish used in written Spanish?)

There are many rules and exceptions around the use of LL and Y, but here are some of the basics.

¿Cuándo usar Y? (When to use Y?)

When conjugating the ing form of a verb that ends in  -aer, -eer, -uir:

Contribuircontribuyendoto contribute
Distribuirdistribuyendoto distribute
Construirconstruyendoto build
Destruirdestruyendoto destroy
LeerLeyendoto read
PoseerPoseyendoto possess
CaerCayendoto fall
Contraer Contrayendoto contract

Remember: El español es un idioma muy extenso y complejo (Spanish is a very extensive and complex language) So these are only some rules. Do you know other words written with Y? Know how to use them? ¡Muéstrame en los comentarios! (show me in the comments!)

¿Cuándo usar LL? (When to use LL?)

Words that end in -illo, illa:


Also, words that end in ello, ella, alle and elle:


Be mindful though: There are words that are written the same but depending if they have Y or LL they mean different things:

ACTOR 1 *receives a message and writes on the cheese*
“Juan, ¿puedes traerme el queso que está en la nevera? ¿Puedes rayarlo porfa? ¡Gracias!”
(Juan, can you bring me the cheese that’s in the fridge? And can you write on it please? Thanks!)

ACTOR 1 *receives a message and grates the cheese*
“Juan, ¿puedes traerme el queso que está en la nevera? ¿Puedes rallarlo porfa? ¡Gracias!”
(Juan, can you bring me the cheese that’s in the fridge? And can you grate it please? Thanks!)

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