Trouble with llegar conjugation? Learn it with chunks, never forget it again!

Trouble with LLEGAR? Learn it with CHUNKS, never forget it again!

Hello, dears! Welcome to Spring Spanish!

Today you’re going to learn how to use the verb llegar conjugation in Spanish. You’re going to learn through the use of chunks. This will make it much easier to etch it into your mind forever.

In Spanish, the verb llegar means “to arrive” or “to reach a destination.” It’s a regular -ar verb, so its conjugation follows the typical pattern for verbs ending in -ar in Spanish. However, llegar has also other uses and can mean “to get” in some contexts, for instance, when talking about achieving or obtaining something.

I’m Paulísima, your Spanish teacher at Spring Spanish. Let’s get started!

1. Yo llego

Yo llego. What does llegar mean exactly? Most of the time, llegar is translated as “arrive,” but it has other uses. Sometimes it’s translated as “to get,” as in reaching something

Don’t worry, I’ll share with you some useful chunks that will help you learn them.

But first, learn how to conjugate the verb llegar for you.

Actor 1
¿Sí vas a venir a la casa de Indi?
(Are you going to go to Indi’s party?)

Actor 2
Sí. Llego en media hora.
(Yes. I’ll get there in half an hour.)

“Llego en media hora” is a very useful chunk. Chunks are expressions or combinations of words that native Spanish speakers use all the time and that can help you progress quickly in your Spanish learning.

Get your free Essential Spanish Chunking Kit right now!

✔️ Cheat Sheet with 54 essential Spanish Chunks you’ll hear and use yourself in ANY Spanish conversation (and example sentences). Taken from our YouTube Teacher’s most popular videos!

✔️ 2 Bonus Cheat Sheets with Travel Chunks and Dating/Relationship Chunks

✔️ A Spanish Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the Spanish from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)

2. Tú llegas

Actor 1
Perdón, no te escuché. ¿A qué hora llegas?
(I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. What time are getting here?)

Actor 2
En media hora. Yo llego en media hora. ¿Y tú, a qué hora llegas?
(In half an hour. I’ll get there in half an hour. And you, what time do you get here?)

Actor 1
Ah, yo acabo de llegar.
(Ah, I just got here.)

Actor 2
¡Ah, tú ya llegaste!
(Oh, you’ve arrived already!)

Actor 1
Sí, ya llegué.
(Yes, I arrived.)


¿A qué hora llegas?” translates directly to “What time do you arrive?” or more naturally in English as “What time are you arriving?” This question is asking for the specific time at which the person being addressed is expected to reach their destination.

3. Él llega, Ella llega, Eso llega

Actor 3
Tengo mucha hambre y todavía no llega la pizza.
(I’m so hungry and the pizza hasn’t gotten here yet.)

Actor 1
Bueno… hay que disfrutar el tecito en lo que llega la pizza.
(Well… lets enjoy the little tea while the pizza gets here.)

Actor 3.
¿A qué hora te dijo Pau que llegaba?
(What time did Pau said she would get here?)

Actor 1
Pau llega como en veinte minutos.
(Pau gets here in about 20 minutes.)

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4. Nosotros llegamos

Nosotros llegamos.

Do you remember road trips when you were a child, sitting in the back seat… asking your parents if we had arrived yet? Well, in Spanish, that phrase is: ¿Ya casi llegamos? (Are we there yet?).

Now let’s continue our conversation:

(phone rings)

Actor 1
¿Me pasas el celular? No llego.
(Can you pass me the cellphone? I can’t reach it.)

Actor 2
¡Hola! Oye, ya casi llegamos a casa de Indi. Vamos a pasar por donde hay muchos puestos de comida ¿Quieres que llevemos algo?
(Hello! Hey, we’re almost at Indy’s house. we are going to pass by where there are a lot of street food vendors. Do you want us to bring something?)

Actor 1
Si pueden pasar por unos tacos o algo de comer estaría bien. Es que todavía no ha llegado la pizza.
(If you can get some tacos or something to eat it would be good. It’s just that the pizza hasn’t gotten here yet.)

5. Ustedes llegan, Ellos llegan

Llegan ustedes, llegan ellos.

The conjugations of the verb ‘llegar‘ for ‘ustedes‘ and ‘ellos‘ are the same: ‘llegan‘. We know who we are referring to by the context and, when there’s a risk it’s not clear, we use the pronoun.

Let’s see, tell me something… ¿Ustedes llegan a ver qué dice aquí? Well, it says to stay until the end!

Actor 3
¿Quién era?
(Who was that?)

Actor 1
Eran Pau y su mamá. Dicen que ya casi llegan.
(It was Pau and her mom. They say they are almost here.)

Actor 3
Ah, ok. ¡Oye, pero qué pena! Todavía no llega la comida. Si llegan antes que la pizza, me voy a morir de vergüenza.
(Oh, ok. He, but but how embarrasing! The food hasn’t arrived yet. If they arrive before the pizza does, I’ll die of shame.)

7. Llegar conjugation in table

llegar conjugation table

If you enjoyed this way of learning verb conjugations, you should check out our selected playlist, where you’ll study the most important verbs in Spanish and their conjugations.

See you!

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