
Learn Spanish On Youtube: Our Ultimate Guide With Tips & Tricks

With more that 2 billion users, YouTube is an amazing platform to consume video content. Pero no todo se trata de videos chistosos de gatos y de chismes de celebridades. (But not everything is about funny cat videos and celebrity gossip.) YouTube is in fact a great tool for those who, like you, want to…


Necesitar Conjugation: Amazing Chunks To Remember Necesitar In Spanish (To Need)

Güey, necesito tu ayuda.|Dude, I need your help.) ¿Qué pasó? ¿Estás bien? ¿Qué necesitas?(What’s up? Are you alright? What do you need?) Necesitar (To need) is one of the most common verbs in Spanish. You’ll learn all that you need to know to use it like a pro in this necesitar conjugation video. The best…


Street Spanish Slang: Spanish Speakers Don’t Use These 8 Textbook Expressions!

The stuff you learn in Spanish textbooks is good if you want to get started, but did you know that us native speakers don’t really say most of it when we talk to each other? In this lesson, we will show you 8 street Spanish slang expressions we took from actual Spanish textbooks. ¡Cien por…


Meeting Someone In Spanish Via Voice Message: Audio Transcripts

These days you could be meeting someone in Spanish online, get to know them without ever meeting in person. But how can you do this in Spanish? What does it look like when native Spanish speakers are getting to know each other by sending voice messages via WhatsApp? See how Spring Spanish teacher Paulisima will…


Teasing In Spanish: How To Flirt In Spanish (Friends And Significant Others)

Actor 1¿Ya viste la de Oppenheimer?(Have you watched Oppenheimer yet?) Actor 2No, pero tengo muchas ganas de verla. Me encanta cómo actúa Cillian Murphy.(No, but I really want to go watch it. I love Cillian Murphy’s acting.) Actor 1Ajá, sí, cómo actúa.(Mhm, yeah, his acting.) Actor 2En serio. Me gusta cómo actúa.(Really. I like his…

Ahorita in Spanish: 5 Meanings Of Ahorita + Audio

Ahorita in Spanish: 5 Meanings Of Ahorita + Audio

¡Hola, mi gente! Yo soy Paulísima de Spring Spanish, and in today’s lesson I’m going to teach you the single most important Spanish word you’ll hear all the time if you are in Mexico (like, seriously, in every other sentence): ahorita in Spanish. It’s the diminutive of an easy Spanish word: ahora (now)… but don’t…


Conditional Tense Spanish: Comprehensive Guide To If-Sentences With Chunks

Si yo fuera multimillonaria, ayudaría a que todas las personas tuvieran un hogar dónde vivir.(If I were a billionaire, I would help all people to have a home to live.) Si yo fuera millonaria, me llevaría a toda mi familia de vacaciones a Bali.(If I were a millionaire, I would take my entire family on…

Your First Trip to Spanish Speaking Country: 25+ Lifesaving Must-Learn Chunks

Your First Trip to Spanish Speaking Country: 25+ Lifesaving Must-Learn Chunks

Mi gente (my people), are you planning a trip to Spanish speaking country, pero, ¿NO HABLAS ESPAÑOL? (but, YOU DON’T SPEAK SPANISH?) Te tengo buenas noticias. (I have good news for you.) Today, I am teaching you the 25 lifesaver chunks that you need if you’re traveling to Spain, Mexico, or another country, without knowing…

Crazy Mexican Christmas FOOD & DRINKS: Have you ever tasted THIS?

Crazy Mexican Christmas FOOD & DRINKS: Have you ever tasted THIS?

Have you been lucky enough to score an invitation to a Mexican or Latino family party for Christmas? You’re in for a treat, mi amigo (my friend). Literally! Because you’re about to discover the ins and outs of Mexican Christmas food or drinks in this video!  Psst… Also: if you decide to throw a Mexican…

you're welcome in spanish, stop saying de nada text on red and green background

5 different ways to say You’re Welcome in Spanish: STOP saying De Nada in Spanish (+ audio)

It’s not that saying “de nada” (you’re welcome in Spanish) is wrong… It’s just that there are plenty of amazing options that will make you sound so much better!  Chances are you’ve been taught to reply “de nada” when somebody says “gracias” to you. But en este artículo vas a aprender (in this article you…

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