10 Spanish Questions And Answers To Prepare For Your Spanish Conversations

10 Spanish Questions And Answers To Prepare For Your Spanish Conversations

Hola, ¿qué estás haciendo en México? (Hello, what are you doing in Mexico?) Could you answer that question? Well, you should because Mexicans / Spanish speakers / Latinos will ask you all the time!  So let’s practice such a conversation. I will give you 10 Spanish questions and answers, because you will surely need them!…

How to Fight in Spanish: Say This When You’re Angry – Examples!

How to Fight in Spanish: Say This When You’re Angry – Examples!

I would love it if you never had to fight, not with your friends or your partner, with anyone. But unfortunately in every relationship there will be conflict. But don’t worry because Paulísima, your favorite Spanish teacher, will teach you how to sail a fight in Spanish. Everything started with an innocent question… Hola mi…

Don’t Say Yo Pienso in Spanish: 8 Alternatives That Native Speakers Use

Don’t Say Yo Pienso in Spanish: 8 Alternatives That Native Speakers Use

Stop saying yo pienso in Spanish all the time! Yes, it’s correct but it’s also boring and there are much better options to say “I think” in Spanish that’ll make you sound like a native speaker. Instead, use one of these 8 great conversational alternatives!  I am Spring Spanish teacher Paulisima, and here is your…

Muy Bien in Spanish: 10 Alternatives Spanish Native Speakers Use

Muy Bien in Spanish: 10 Alternatives Spanish Native Speakers Use

If you want to sound more like a native speaker it’s time that you stop answering muy bien in Spanish everytime someone asks “how are you?”  I’m Paulísima, Spanish teacher at Spring Spanish, and in this lesson I’m going to teach you 10 alternatives to “muy bien” and also I’m going to teach you some…

Tú Conjugation in Spanish: How the Second-person Singular Works

Tú Conjugation in Spanish: How the Second-person Singular Works

Let’s speak about… you! No, not “you” (point at camera); the personal pronoun “tú” in Spanish.  I am Spring Spanish teacher Paulísima and in this video you will learn how to conjugate verbs in the second-person singular… with TÚ conjugation in Spanish! We will skip the boring and complicated conjugation tables and instead of that…

Spanish Nature Vocabulary: Ultimate Guide You Will Need for a Mexican Trip

Spanish Nature Vocabulary: Ultimate Guide You Will Need for a Mexican Trip

Are you a nature lover? Do you like to go hiking? Did you know that Mexico houses an award-winning urban forest?  En este video vas a aprender (In this video you are going to learn) Spanish nature vocabulary and chunks you will absolutely need when going a una aventura en un parque o en un…

Mexico City Subway & Public Transport Mexico (How to Speak Spanish There)

Mexico City Subway & Public Transport Mexico (How to Speak Spanish There)

What’s the subway in Mexico like? Fun fact: You might actually have seen it in a Hollywood movie…  In this video, you will learn all the practical stuff and interesting facts about el metro de la ciudad de México (the Mexico City subway) You’ll learn all the Spanish you need to catch the subway in…

50 Most Frequent Spanish Words Native Speakers Use All The Time

50 Most Frequent Spanish Words Native Speakers Use All The Time

Did you know the 1000 most frequent Spanish words make up about 80% of all spoken Spanish? Learning them is a big “language hack” to understand Spanish more quickly! I’m Paulisima from Spring Spanish, and to get you started, in this video, I’ll give you the 50 most important Spanish words with example sentences! Espérenme…

Politics in Spanish: Politics Spanish Vocabulary (+ Politics in Mexico)

Politics in Spanish: Politics Spanish Vocabulary (+ Politics in Mexico)

Let’s talk about Mexican political vocabulary. No, no, before you fall asleep OR get all intenso (intense) we won’t talk about political preferences! I will teach you about the most important politics in Spanish vocabulary though, and tell you a bit about how politics work here in Mexico.  This way you’ll be prepared for your…

Cooking Spanish Vocabulary: All The Ingredients You’ll Need When Cooking

Cooking Spanish Vocabulary: All The Ingredients You’ll Need When Cooking

Have you been invited by your Spanish-speaking friends or maybe by a date to some cooking at home? Then you better make sure your cooking in Spanish game is on point!  I am Spring Spanish teacher Paulísima, a taco fanatic, and here is all the cooking Spanish vocabulary and chunks you need to speak about…

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