Tú Conjugation in Spanish: How the Second-person Singular Works
Let’s speak about… you! No, not “you” (point at camera); the personal pronoun “tú” in Spanish.
I am Spring Spanish teacher Paulísima and in this video you will learn how to conjugate verbs in the second-person singular… with TÚ conjugation in Spanish!
We will skip the boring and complicated conjugation tables and instead of that we will get right to drilling useful chunks that you can use right away with your conversation partner.)
Ready? Empecemos con el chunk número uno. Let’s start with chunk number 1:
1. Tú conjugation in Spanish for SER & ESTAR
Let’s start with the most important verbs.
The verbs SER and ESTAR. Both mean TO BE.
¿De dónde eres?
(Where are you from?)
Soy de Cancún, ¿y tú? ¿De dónde eres?
(I’m from Cancun. And you? Where are you from?)
Ser and estar are irregular verbs, so there’s no pattern to look for. You’re just going to have to remember it. Here the verb is SER and for the person you, the one and only conjugation is ERES.
Now let’s go with “estar”, to be.
¿Dónde estás?
(Where are you at?)
Yo estoy en mi casa, ¿y tú? ¿Dónde estás?
(I’m in at home, and you? Where are you?)
¡Ay! ¡Yo ya estoy en el restaurante!
(Oh! I am already at the restaurant!)
Observe that the conjugation for ESTAR is ESTÁS. With an S at the end.
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2. Tú conjugation in Spanish for Tener, Ir, Hacer, Poder
Ahora vamos con cuatro de los verbos irregulares más importantes en español. Los verbos tener, ir, hacer y poder. (Now let’s go with 4 of the most important irregular verbs in Spanish. The verbs have, go, make or do.)

Let’s start with the irregular verb “to have”.
The right conjugation for the person YOU is TIENES.
¿Tienes un minuto?
(Do you have a minute?)
¿Para ti? ¡Siempre ¡Claro que sí!
(For you? Always! Of course, I do!)
¿Tienes planes para este fin de semana?
(Do you have plans for this weekend?)
No, todavía no. ¿Y tú tienes planes?
(No, not yet. And do you have plans?)
Ahora el verbo “hacer”. (Now the verb “TO DO”.) It is also irregular.)
¿Qué haces?
(What are you up to?)
Nada. ¿Y tú? ¿Qué haces?
(Nothing. And you? What are you up to?)
Let’s continue with the verb “ir”, one of the most irregular ones in the Spanish language. Observe how the infinitive form is “ir” and it has nothing to do with the conjugation for the person “tú”.
¿A dónde vas?
(Where are you going?)
A la tienda.
(To the store.)
¿Observaron? Tú vas.
Now the verb “poder”. Irregular as well. Let’s say we go bowling, and you’re like: No! I can’t do it! You can trust that I’ll say:
¡Tú puedes!
(You can do it!)
I love the phrase “tú puedes, is the Spanish equivalent of “You Can Do it!” And we use it the same way. You know? When you’re cheering and encouraging someone.
By the way, a good way to imprint all the conjugations from this lesson on our brain is with flashcards. We create flashcards for this lesson and all our other lessons in the Inner Circle! If you’re serious about improving your Spanish, you might want to join. Just saying… 😉 Link in the description!
✔️ Cheat Sheet with 54 essential Spanish Chunks you’ll hear and use yourself in ANY Spanish conversation (and example sentences). Taken from our YouTube Teacher’s most popular videos!
✔️ 2 Bonus Cheat Sheets with Travel Chunks and Dating/Relationship Chunks
✔️ A Spanish Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the Spanish from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)
Esperen, tengo una llamada de mi sobrinita.
Hola Pau. ¿Qué quieres? (Hello Pau. What do you want?)
Oh c’mon! Of course, she wants something. ¿Qué quieres? I love this question:
Spanish | English |
¿Qué quieres comer? | What do you want to eat? |
¿Qué quieres hacer? | What do you want to do? |
¿Qué quieres tomar? | What do you want to drink? |
¿Sabes cómo se llama esta calle?
(Do you know what’s the name of this street?)
No, no sé.
(No, I don’t know.)
¿Tú no sabes? ¡Yo pensé que sí!
(You don’t know? I thought you did!)
3. Tú conjugation in Spanish with verbs ending with -AR
Remember that in Spanish verbs have three endings: -ir, -er, -ar. When verbs are regular, we observe a pattern in how they are conjugated for each grammatical person.)
Today, we’re focusing on the person “tú”. Let’s look for that pattern in some common verbs that end with -ar.)
Hablar. Usar. Caminar. Cocinar. Preguntar. (To talk. To use. To walk. To cook. To ask.)
Tú hablas, tú usas, tú caminas, tú cocinas, tú preguntas. (You speak, you use, you walk, you cook, you ask.)
Did you notice how the ending of the verb changed from -ar to -as? Tú hablas, tú usas, tú caminas, tú cocinas, tú preguntas. (You speak, you use, you walk, you cook, you ask.) Veamos algunos ejemplos en forma de pregunta con su respectiva respuesta.
Let’s see some examples in the form of questions with their respective answers.
¿Cuántos idiomas hablas?
(How many languages do you speak?)
Solo dos, ingles y español. Y tú ¿cuántos hablas?
(Only two, English and Spanish. And how many do you speak?)
¿Andas en bicicleta o caminas?
(Do you ride a bicycle or do you walk?)
Camino. Me encanta caminar. ¿Y tú también caminas mucho o andas en bicicleta?
(I walk. I love walking. And do you walk or do you prefer the bike?)
La bici.
(The bike.)
Si tienes una duda sobre finanzas, ¿a quién le preguntas?
(If you have a question about finances, whom do you ask?)
¡A Rose Han obviamente!
(To Rose Han obviously!)
Paulísima, ¿tú cocinas mucho?
(Paulísima, do you cook a lot?)
Cocino lo más que puedo, me encanta cocinar.
I cook as much as I can, I love to cook.
4. Tú conjugation in Spanish with verbs ending with -IR
Vivir, convivir, salir (To live, to spend time with, to go out / to leave)
Spanish | English |
¿Dónde vives? | Where do you live? |
¿Tú convives mucho con tu familia? | Do you spend a lot of time with your family? |
¿A qué hora sales del trabajo? | What time do you leave work? |
¿Sales mucho? | Do you go out a lot? |
Vives. Convives. Sales. ¿Notaste? The conjugation for the “you” person takes the first part of the verb, and add -es.
5. Tú conjugation in Spanish with verbs ending with -ER
Ahora vamos con verbos que terminan en -er. (Now let’s go with the verbs that end in -er.)
Comer. Aprender. Conocer. Tú comes, tú aprendes y tú conoces. (Eat. Learn. Know. You eat, you learn and you know.)
Did you notice that the “root” of the verb, the beginning of the verb stays while the ending changes to -es?
¿A qué horas comes normalmente?
(What time do you normally eat?)
A las cuatro de la tarde. Y tú, ¿a qué hora comes?
(At 4 pm. And you, what time do you eat?)
A las doce.
(At 12.)
¿Tú cómo aprendes mejor?
(How do you learn the best?)
By the way, let me know in the comments, tell me how you learn better.
¿Cómo conoces a María Fernanda?
(How do you know María Fernanda?)
Del trabajo.
(From work.)
¿Desde cuándo conoces a Juan?
(Since when do you know Juan?)
Desde hace un año.
(It’s been a year.)
Quiz time for tú conjugation in Spanish
1. A qué hora_______ normalmente. a) coma b) come c) comes
2. ¿_____ planes para este fin de semana? a) tienen b) tienes c) tengo
3. ¡Tú _______! a) puedes b) poder c) podemos
4. ¿Tú ______ mucho con tu familia? a) convivimos b) convives c) convive
5. ¿Tú como _____ mejor? a) aprendemos b) aprendes c) aprendo
¿Cuántas te salieron bien? Dime en los comentarios. How many did you get right? Let me know in the video’s comments.