Ver Spanish Conjugation Full Of Examples And Chunks
¿Ya viste la de “Los Renglones Torcidos de Dios”?
(Have you seen the movie “God’s Crooked Lines”?)
No, no la he visto.
(No, I haven’t seen it.)
¡Vela! ¡Te va a encantar!
(Watch it! You’re going to love it!)
Ok, la voy a ver.
(Ok, I’m going to watch it.)
Ver (See, watch) is an important verb in Spanish. It’s an irregular one, which makes it a bit hard to conjugate.
In this lesson you’re going to learn to about ver Spanish conjugation – to see. And you’re going to do it using chunks instead of a typical conjugation table.
Spring Spanish teacher Paulísima will explain everything you need to know about it!
1. Veo: ver Spanish conjugation for Yo
Oye, ya vi la de “Los Renglones Torcidos de Dios”.
(Hey, I already saw the movie “God’s Crooked Lines”.)
¿Y qué tal?
(And how was it?)
Buenísima. Me encantó. ¡Qué buena historia! ¡Y las actuaciones! ¡Increíbles! Ya veo porque te gustó.
(Very good. I loved it. Such a good story! And the acting! Incredible! I see why you liked it.)
¡Qué bueno que la viste! Sabía que te iba a gustar. Aunque no es como las películas que siempre ves, sabía que te iba a gustar.
(I’m glad you watched it! I knew you’d like it. Even though it’s not like the movies that you always watch, I knew that you’d like it.)
Sí, muchas gracias. Me encantó. ¿Sabes cuál te va a gustar a ti? La de Pinocho, la nueva versión, de Guillermo del Toro. Ayer la fui a ver al cine y me encantó. Vela, te va a encantar.
(Yes, thank you very much. I loved it. Do you know which one you’re going to like? Pinocchio, the new version by Guillermo del Toro. Yesterday, I went to watch it to the movie theater and I loved it. Watch it, you’re going to love it.)
¡Ah, sí! Vi una crítica en YouTube. Decían que estaba buenísima, muy conmovedora.
(Oh, yes! I saw a critic on YouTube. They said it’s really good, very moving.)
¡Pues ve a verla! Vas a ver que te va a encantar.
(Well, go watch it! You’ll see that you’re going to love it.)
Pff, so many Spanish Chunks with “ver”.
We’re going to explore each one of them. In case you don’t know what a Chunk is, Chunks are phrases or word combinations that native Spanish speakers use all the time.
They do wonders for your fluency because they save you time.
Using chunks you don’t have to come up with your own way to say things, you just resort to a pre-made phrase. Get a free copy of our Spanish Chunking Kit in the link in the description below.
✔️ Cheat Sheet with 54 essential Spanish Chunks you’ll hear and use yourself in ANY Spanish conversation (and example sentences). Taken from our YouTube Teacher’s most popular videos!
✔️ 2 Bonus Cheat Sheets with Travel Chunks and Dating/Relationship Chunks
✔️ A Spanish Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the Spanish from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)
Spanish | English |
Ya vi. | I saw already. |
¡Ya vi todas las películas de Netflix! ¡No sé qué más ver! | I already saw all the movies on Netflix! I don’t know what else to watch! |
In this case, the verb “ver” is conjugated for the first-person in past.
- Ya veo. (I see.)
We use this like the English “ I see”…
En esta película no sabes qué va a pasar. El argumento es muy cambiante.
(In this movie you don’t know what’s going to happen. The plot changes a lot.)
Ya veo. Ya veo.
(I see. I see.)
Vela. (Watch it.)
In this case we’re ordering someone to watch something.
Because película (movie) is a feminine word we use the ending “la”, vela. Which by the way, also means candle.
If we’re telling someone to watch something that is masculine, the order would “velo”.
Which by the way, also means veil.
¿Ya viste el nuevo especial de comedia de Carlos Ballarta?
(Have you seen the new comedy special of Carlos Ballarta?)
No, no lo he visto.
(No, I haven’t watched it.)
¡Velo! Te va a gustar.
(Watch it! You’re going to like it.)
Vas a ver. (You’re going to see.)
In the conversation we use it as “you’ll see”.
¡Pues ve a verla! Vas a ver que te va a encantar.
(Well, go watch it! You’ll see that you’re going to love it.)
También podemos usar esta frase, “vas a ver”, como una especie de regaño.
(We can also use this phrase, “vas a ver”, as a kind of scolding / threatening.)
¿Viste la de “The Crown” sin mí?
(Did you watch “The Crown” without me?)
Sí, perdón.
(Yes, sorry.)
Vas a ver. Vas a ver.
(You’ll see. You’ll see. (Lit.: You will see what I will do to you.)
¿No te has suscrito al canal? Vas a ver.
(Haven’t you subscribed to the channel? You’ll see.)
2. Ves: ver Spanish conjugation for tú
Let’s go to the movies to watch “Avatar” or let’s stay at home to finish watching “The Crown”. What do you think?
Como tú veas.
(As you wish. (Lit.: As you see.)
¿Cómo ves? (What do you think?)
Ves is the conjugation in present simple for the person “tú”. In the second phrase, we use “ver” in it subjunctive form.
Como tú veas (As you wish (Lit.: As you see.) is similar to saying como tu quieras.
A phrase you should know is: ¿Qué me ves? (What are you looking at?)

It’s like saying “What are you looking at?”. It’s a bit rude. But people do use it.
Here we encounter the conjugation for the person “tú” again. Ves. ¿Qué me ves? (What are you looking at?)
3. Ve: ver Spanish Conjugation for él and ella
¿A ti te molesta cuando tu pareja ve una serie sin ti?
(Does it bother you when your partner watches a series without you?)
No, para nada. Mi pareja ve series sin mi todo el tiempo. No pasa nada.
(No, not at all. My partner watches series without me all the time. It’s all good. (Lit.: Nothing happens.))
Él ve. Ella ve.
(He watches. She watches.)
4. Vemos: ver Spanish conjugation for nosotros
¡Nos vemos! (See you later!)
Just kidding, w’re not going anywhere yet.
”Nos vemos” is a very common way to say goodbye in Mexico.
Other variations:
¿Vamos al cine hoy en la noche?
(Shall we go to the movies tonight?)
¿A ver cuál?
(To watch which one?)
Ok, ¿paso por ti o ahí nos vemos?
(Ok, do I pick you up or do we meet there?)
Nos vemos ahí .
(We’ll meet there.)
5. Ven: ver Spanish conjugation for ustedes and ellos
For the next section we will interact.
We’re going to ask you some questions about you, answer in the video’s comments.
Me preocupa cuánto tiempo pasan los niños frente a las pantallas. Creo que los niños ven demasiado contenido.
(I worry about how long children spend in front of screens. I think children watch too much content.)
Yo creo que todos vemos demasiado contenido. No solo los niños. Por los menos ellos ven cosas lindas, divertidas y educativas.
(I think we all watch too much content. Not just children. At least they watch cute, fun, and educational stuff.)
Es cierto, ustedes los adultos ven muchas cosas raras.
(It’s true, you adults watch a lot of weird things.)
Could that be true? What kind of content do you watch?
As longs as it’s coming from Spring Spanish, it’s okay. Keep watching us!
6. Ver Spanish conjugation table
For those who love to have a visual:
Pronombre | Conjucion | Chunk |
Yo (I) | Veo | Ya veo. (I see ‘already’.) |
Tú (You) | Ves | ¿Cómo ves? (What do you think?) |
Él / Ella / Ello / Usted (He / She / It / Formal You) | Ve | Mi pareja ve series sin mi todo el tiempo. (My partner watches series without me all the time.) |
Nosotros (We) | Vemos | ¡Nos vemos! (See you later!) |
Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes (They / Plural You) | Ven | ¿Qué tipo de contenido ven? (What kind of content do you watch?)Los niños ven demasiado contenido. (Children watch too much content.) |
The conjugation of plural you and they is the same: Ven.
Not to be confused with the order: ¡Ven! (Come here!)