Saying Goodbye (Adios) in Spanish

21 Best Ways to Say GOODBYE in Spanish (Adiós) – Audio examples 👋

Saying goodbye properly is very important in any language. Spanish is no exception, of course. In this article aprenderás cómo despedirte en español (you will learn how to say goodbye in Spanish!). The most common way to say goodbye in Spanish is “Adiós.” People in Spanish-speaking countries use it in both formal and informal settings….

Finally Master the LL and Y in Spanish: How are They Pronounced?

Finally Master the LL and Y in Spanish: How are They Pronounced?

If you’re new to the use of LL and Y in Spanish and how Spanish speaking natives pronounce them, this conversation is an introduction for you. Spoiler alert: ¡Todos están hablando de la misma palabra! (They’re all the same word!) AMERICANOkay my amigos latinos, I hope you’re hungry because this American is making an Spanish…

STOP Listening to Slowed-Down Speech in Spanish with 3 Tips

STOP Listening to Slowed-Down Speech in Spanish with 3 Tips

Are you listening to slowed-down speech in Spanish? Well, no matter how much you listen that way, it won’t help you much understanding something like:  Lo siento mucho, pero eso no te va a servir tanto como crees con nativos que hablan todo el tiempo así, amigo querido. (I’m sorry, but that won’t help you…

The Silent Period in Spanish: How You Can Learn Spanish WITHOUT Speaking it!

The Silent Period in Spanish: How You Can Learn Spanish WITHOUT Speaking it!

Some polyglots use a technique called the “silent period” to make massive progress learning a language WITHOUT speaking it at all! ¡Y dicen que es la clave de su éxito! (And they say it’s the key to their success!)  So if you’re afraid of speaking Spanish or don’t feel ready yet, no te preocupes (don’t…

15 Spanish Last Names English Speakers Say WRONG (You Too?) + AUDIO ♪

15 Spanish Last Names English Speakers Say WRONG (You Too?) + AUDIO ♪

I’m Juan Rojas. Not Rohas, not Rohas (with English r). Rojas. And today you’re also going to learn how to stop butchering 15 other Spanish last names, and pronounce them all correctly! Let’s see if you can pronounce this one: 1. Rodríguez Sí, lo sé (Yes, I know): Rolling your Spanish ‘r’ can be difficult,…

9 Ways Native Speakers Express Anger in Spanish! (Examples)

9 Ways Native Speakers Express Anger in Spanish! (Examples)

Hola amigos, yo soy Juan, and today you’ll learn how to… Epa, estás moviendo la cámara (Hey, you’re moving the camera). Está bien, tranqui. Vamos de nuevo. (That’s okay, easy. Let’s go again.) Hola amigos, yo soy Juan and tod… Pero bueno ¿y entonces? Otra vez. (So, now what? Again.) Hola amigos, yo soy J-…

Spanish References That’ll make you an insider when speaking with Latinos

Spanish References That’ll make you an insider when speaking with Latinos

Amigos, when you’re talking to a Latino friend or people in your community, you’ll often hear them make weird Spanish references you don’t understand at all: ACTOR 1Estábamos en la fiesta y cuando el tío Alberto empezó a poner Vicente Fernández, ahí supe que era hora de irse. ¿Me entiendes?(We were at the party, and…

100 Spanish Cognates You Already Know with Examples

100 Spanish Cognates You Already Know with Examples

Spanish is easier than you think! Really! I’m Juan from Spring Spanish, and in this video I’ll prove that you already know at least 100 cognates in Spanish because they’re the same in English! (hint: you know much more than 100)  Let’s see if you recognize all of them… Acompáñenme! Let’s start with cognados perfectos…

5 Spanish Sounds That Don’t Exist in English & How To Pronounce Them

5 Spanish Sounds That Don’t Exist in English & How To Pronounce Them

Ever felt like that while speaking Spanish? You’re not alone! There are some Spanish sounds that simply don’t exist in English… but today, with me, Juan from Spring Spanish as your accent coach, you’re going to learn how to pronounce them, so you can have fluent Spanish words and sentences roll off the tongue in…

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