Asking for a Favor in Spanish: 5 Amazing Options + Example Conversations
Are you asking for a favor in Spanish, ¿por favor? (please)? Can you start using these 5 amazing chunks to ask someone else for a favor in Spanish?
Pero a mí no, ¿eh? (Not me though, eh?)
Here is option number 1:
1. ¿Te puedo pedir un favor? (Can I ask you for a favor?)
Safest and most polite way to ask for a favor, since you’re already asking IF you can ask for a favor: Oh, ¡qué educado! (Oh, so polite!).
So use this when you’re talking to a stranger or someone that demands respect. Also, this is the one you want to use when you’re asking for a big favor.
Remember, you can also say ¿Le puedo pedir un favor? (Can I ask you for a favor?) If you need to be more respectful.
2. ¿Me harías un favor? (Would you do me a favor?)
Still on the very polite side, ¿me harías un favor? Sounds like you don’t want to bother the other person.
De todas maneras, ten cuidado (Anyway, be careful): Hispanic moms love to say podrías hacerme el favor de (could you do me the favor of) when they NEED you to do something:
Juan Miguel, ¿podrías hacerme el favor de lavar los platos?
(Juan Miguel, could you do me the favor of doing the dishes?)
Juan Miguel, ¿podrías hacerme el favor de tender la cama?
(Juan Miguel, could you do me the favor of making the bed?)
Juan Miguel, ¿podrías hacerme el favor de lavar la ropa?
(Juan Miguel, could you do me the favor of doing the laundry?)
Juan Miguel, ¿podrías hacerme el favor de callarte y responderme?
(Juan Miguel, could you do me the favor of shutting up and answering me?)
¡Mamá, eso ni siquiera tiene sentido!
(Mom, that doesn’t even make any sense!)
Tough right? Well, if you want to use this chunk yourself, you’ll have to combine it with other chunks, and we have the perfect solution for you my friend:
3. ¿Me das/echas una mano? (Can you give me a hand?)
¿Estás arreglando tu auto y necesitas que te pasen una llave? (You’re fixing your car, and you need someone to pass you a wrench?)
Maybe that sofa is too heavy just for you and your Latino neighbor is right there watching you move?

Pues, n “ or ¿me das una mano? (Well, don’t hesitate to say can you give me a hand?) As this is a very friendly, informal way to ask for a quick favor.
4. Hazme una segunda (Lit.: Do me a second one / Do me a solid)
In a lot of Spanish-speaking countries, hacer una segunda means to do a favor. Like real quick, and then I’ll sure owe you for it.
It’s very informal and for simple stuff, so remember that when you need your friend to take over the counter at work, o pedirle a tu hermano las llaves del auto para una cita en la noche (or ask your brother to borrow his car for your date at night).
Papá, ¿me haces la segunda de pasarme las papas? Gracias.
(Dad, can you do me the solid of passing me the potatoes? Thank you.)
Epa, me haces una segunda, ¿me pasas la crema? Perfecto, gracias.
(Hey, would you do me a solid? Can you pass me the cream? Perfect, thank you.)
Oye, una segunda ahí, ¿me pasas el helado ese? No, no, el de triple chocolate.
(Hey, a little solid, can you pass me that ice cream? No, no, the triple chocolate one.)
Mamá, hazme una segunda, ¿me llamas una ambulancia? Gracias.
(Mom, do me a solid, can you call me an ambulance? Thank you.)
5. Le pido su apoyo (I ask for your support)
Y como si fuera poco (And as if it wasn’t enough), here’s a chunk to ask for a huge, incredible favor. And those normally come in the form of a very formal request, like a speech or a letter.
Picture yourself in this situation:
¡Mis queridos ciudadanos! En esta ocasión he venido a pedirles su apoyo para las nuevas elecciones.
(My dear citizens! At this time, I’ve come to ask for your support in the upcoming elections.)
Señor, disculpe…
(Sir, excuse me…)
¡Ahora no, que estoy dando un discurso! Como decía, ¡les pido su apoyo para ser el presidente que este pueblo tan inteligente se merece!
(Not now, I’m giving a speech! As I was saying, I ask for your support to be the president these wise people deserve!)
Ajá, ¿por qué me molestas en medio del discurso? ¿Que no ves que estoy tratando de que estos idiotas voten por mí?
(Okay, so why did you bother me in the middle of the speech? Can’t you see I’m trying to get these idiots to vote for me?)
Es que quería decirle que su esposa lo está esperando. Y que no apagó el micrófono del podio…
(I needed to tell you your wife is waiting for you. And you didn’t turn off the podium microphone…)