Speak About Your Day in Spanish Like a Native (with Examples)
Question: how do you reply when a friend, spouse or your pareja (partner) asks “ÂżY quĂ© tal estuvo tu dĂa? (And how was your day?)
No idea? Well, I, MarĂa Fernanda, Spring Spanish teacher, will show you today how you can speak about your day in perfect Spanish! Let’s take a look…
1. Speak about your day in Spanish in the morning
Here are some examples of chunks you can use when describing your morning activities. I will use a full sentence in Spanish as an example from my video “Mi rutina diaria”. In that video I spoke in present tense; whereas, in this video I will show you how to talk about your day in past tense using those scenes as examples.Â

En la mañana, me levanté sobre las siete a.m y después me tomé una taza de café. En seguida, tomé una ducha y me lavé los dientes. Después me vestà para irme al trabajo. (In the morning, I woke up at 7 am and then I had a cup of coffee. Then, I took a shower and washed my teeth.)
PS: This clip is from my video about how to talk about your routine, fully in Spanish! Click here to check it out!
When you talk with someone about your morning, you usually speak in a past tense, here are some extra chunks you can use right away.
- Me desperté (I woke up)
- Me afeité (I shaved)
- Me maquillé (I put some makeup on)
- LeĂ las noticias (I read the news)
- Me quedé atascado en el tráfico (I was stuck in traffic)
- Tuve que correr para tomar el autobĂşs (I had to run to catch the bus)
For even more useful Spanish chunks you can use in conversations right away, make sure to download (and print out if you want) our free Essential Spanish Chunking Kit! Link in the description.
2. Speak about your day in the afternoon
A cultural fact, in some parts of Mexico, Spain and Latin America, work schedules have a 2-hour break for lunchtime. Around 2 to 4 pm more or less. Therefore, we consider afternoon activities from 12 to 6 pm… Let’s say you met someone at night, and you want to talk about what you did this afternoon.
Por la tarde, despuĂ©s de mi trabajo, regresĂ© a casa para comer. Y sobre las cuatro de la tarde, comencĂ© a dar clases en lĂnea. A las siete p. m me dio hambre e hice mi cena. (In the afternoon, after my work, I came back home to eat lunch. Around 4 pm I started teaching online. At 7 pm I got hungry and I made my dinner.)
More useful chunks to talk about your afternoon activities are:
- Hice la comida (I made food) From Rutina video
- Almorcé pasta (I had pasta for lunch)
- Fui al super (I went to the supermarket)
- Preparé algo para picar (I prepared something as a snack)
- Tomé clases de piano (I took piano lessons)
- Estudié español con los videos de Spring Spanish (I studied Spanish with Spring Spanish videos)
By the way, at the end we will put all these chunks together in a conversation between a married couple.
3. Speak about your day in the evening/night
Finalmente (Finally) it is nighttime, and you also have your own activities set. I usually like night’s para relajarme y descansar (relax and rest) but some people are more active at night or prefer to go out for a bite. In this case, let’s see my example and complement it with some additional chunks.
Por la noche, preparé mi cena y me puse a ver Netflix y, como estaba cansada, me dormà temprano. (At night, I prepared my dinner and watched Netflix, and because I was tired, I went to sleep early.)
And if you are more active at night, maybe the following chunks will help:
- SalĂ a cenar con mis amigos (I went out for dinner with my friends)
- Me fui de fiesta (I went to party)
- Fui a tomar unas cervezas (I went to have some beers)
To be honest, all the activities mentioned above, it’s something that I would say maybe to talk about what I did over the weekend…
4. Speak about your day in Spanish on the weekend
Imagine, it is the start of the week, the beautiful lunes (Monday) that a lot of people hate, you’re at work and somebody just asked you: ¿Cómo estuvo tu fin de semana? (How was your weekend?)
Tuve un excelente fin de semana, fui al cine con mi familia y salà a cenar con mis amigos. El sábado por la noche me fui a bailar y terminé como a las cuatro de la mañana. ¡Estuvo muy divertido! (I had an excellent weekend, I went to the movies with my family and I went out with my friends. On Saturday night I went dancing and ended around 4 am. It was very fun!)
If you prefer not telling too much information, then you can reply:
- Estuvo muy bueno (It was very good)
- Me la pasé genial (I had a great time)
- He tenido mejores (I had better weekends)
Or you can be more specific by saying what did you do:
- Fui al cine con mi pareja (I went to the cinema with my partner)
- Fui a comer a un restaurante italiano (I went to eat to an Italian restaurant)
- Nos fuimos a pasear por la ciudad (We went for a walk in the city)
- Salimos de road trip (We went on a road trip)
- Nos metimos a la piscina (We went into the pool)
Now let’s put all together in the following example.
5. Putting it all together: how you speak about your day in Spanish
Hola amor, ÂżcĂłmo estuvo tu dĂa?
(Hi love, how was your day?)
Pues Âżpor dĂłnde empiezo? Por la mañana me fui temprano para irme al trabajo, entonces, no desayunĂ© nada y no hice la cama porque tĂş seguĂas dormido. DespuĂ©s, tuve que correr para tomar el autobĂşs porque pasĂł más temprano de lo habitual.
(Well, where do I start? In the morning I left early to go to work, so I did not have any breakfast and I didn’t make the bed because you were still asleep. After that, I had to run to take the bus because it came earlier than usual.)
Y, ¿qué pasó? ¿Lo alcanzaste?
(And, what happened? Did you catch it?)
SĂ, logrĂ© llegar al trabajo a tiempo, y por la tarde, a la hora de la comida, olvidĂ© prepararme algo para picar, entonces comprĂ© un sándwich en la tienda de la esquina.
(Yes, I made it to work on time, and in the afternoon, at lunchtime, I forgot to prepare something to eat, so I bought a sandwich at the corner shop.)
¿Qué tal, estaba bueno?
(Was it good?)
¿Bueno, bueno?, pues no, pero era la única opción. Después del trabajo, estudié un poco de español con los videos de Spring Spanish y finalmente me fui a tomar unas cervezas con mis amigas.
(Good, good? Well no, but it was the only option. After work, I studied a bit of Spanish with the videos from Spring Spanish, and finally I went to drink some beers with my friends.)
Wow, parece que fue un gran dĂa. Ahora ÂżquĂ© te parece si cenamos?
(Wow, it sounds like a great day. Now, what do you think if we have dinner?)
Vale, Âżme ayudas a preparar la cena? AsĂ, terminamos más rápido.
(Okay, can you help me to prepare dinner? Like that, we finish faster.)
¡Con gusto!
(With pleasure!)