Essential phrases to speak about Corona / Covid19
Espero que estén sanos y salvos (I hope you’re safe and healthy), manteniendo la distancia social (keeping social distance) y lavándose las manos (and washing your hands).
That’s right! In this article we’ll talk about el coronavirus en español (Coronavirus in Spanish). So, if you want to be able to speak to Spanish natives about it and how it is in your country or in theirs, this is an article you’ll want to read.
This pandemic has become such a big topic nowadays that if you’re learning Spanish, it’s a good idea that you also know how to talk about it. So, I’ve prepared some chunks para ayudarte a hablar del COVID (to help you talk about Covid).
First, let’s learn some general vocabulary you’ll hear a lot when talking about Covid in Spanish:
- la pandemia (the pandemic)
- la cuarentena (quarantine or lockdown)
- el distanciamiento social or la sana distancia (social distancing) —My friends in Mexico call it Susana Distancia
- gel desinfectante (sanitizing gel)
- saludar con el codo (elbow greeting)
- el hisopado (the swab)
- la prueba (the test)
- cubrebocas/tapabocas/mascarilla or barbijo (face mask)
Chunks to talk about COVID
Let’st learn some chunks to talk about covid with our Spanish-speaking friends. Eso sĂ, preferiblemente en videollamada (preferably by video call):
- ÂżCĂłmo está la situaciĂłn del coronavirus en tu paĂs? (How’s the COVID situation in your country?)
- Espero que tú y tu familia estén sanos. (I hope you and your family are healthy.)
- ¿Cuándo termina la cuarentena? (When does the lockdown end?)
- ÂżHas sentido algĂşn sĂntoma recientemente? (Have you experienced any symptoms lately?)
Yes, we all fear that last question. Hopefully, you’re being careful, but if by any chance you need to address this issue in a Spanish-speaking community, you better have your chunks to be prepared for it.
Talking about Symptoms
Let’s talk about los sĂntomas del coronavirus (coronavirus symptoms):
Little disclaimer here: I’m no expert and the facts about Coronavirus change all the time. These are not official recommendations, but suggestions in Spanish. If you have questions about Coronavirus, por favor consulta a un verdadero doctor (please ask a real doctor).
- Si te contagias de coronavirus puede que no muestres sĂntomas hasta despuĂ©s de varios dĂas. (If you get coronavirus, you might not experience symptoms until some days later.)
- Los primeros sĂntomas del coronavirus son: fiebre, tos y pĂ©rdida del olfato. (The first symptoms of coronavirus are fever, cough and loss of smell.)
- Lo más peligroso del virus es que es aéreo y se contagia fácilmente. (The most dangerous thing about the virus is that it is airborne and highly contagious.)
- Las personas con casos más avanzados pueden presentar serios problemas respiratorios. (People in the most advanced stages can experience serious breathing problems.)
- La población más vulnerable son los ancianos, con una alta tasa de mortalidad por el virus. (The most vulnerable population are seniors with a high rate of mortality because of the virus.)
Also, here are some questions you can ask if you’re experiencing symptoms or suspect you’ve been infected:
- ÂżDĂłnde puedo reportar un caso de coronavirus? (Where can I report a Coronavirus case?)
- ÂżMe puede llamar una ambulancia, por favor? Creo que tengo coronavirus. (Can you call an ambulance, please? I think I have Coronavirus.)
- Creo que tengo fiebre. ÂżMe puede hacer una prueba de coronavirus? (I think I have a fever. Can I get tested for Coronavirus?)
The situation in Argentina
En Argentina, actualmente se han registrado uno punto dos millones de casos de coronavirus. (In Argentina, there’s been 1.2 million registered cases of coronavirus.)
El gobierno decretó una cuarentena estricta desde marzo hasta septiembre. ¡Siete meses! (The Government issued a strict quarantine from March up to September. 7 months!)
What about your country? Are you in quarantine? How’s the situation in your city? Do you know any cases of coronavirus near you? Let me know in the comments so we can talk about it in Spanish!
Tips in Spanish to stay safe
Casi terminamos por hoy (we’re almost finished for today), but first let me give you some of the most common tips recommended by experts in Spanish so you can stay safe during the pandemic:
- Recuerda quedarte en casa. Solo sal si es estrictamente necesario. (Remember to stay at home. Only go out if it’s strictly necessary.)
- Evita tocarte la cara y practica la distancia social. (Avoid touching your face and practice social distancing.)
- Siempre usa tu mascarilla o barbijo en espacios pĂşblicos. (Always use a mask in public spaces.)
- Lávate las manos con jabón frecuentemente y usa gel desinfectante. (Wash your hands with soap frequently and use sanitizing gel.)
FREE Spanish Training
¡Muy bien! Now you can ask your friend how they are coping with this pandemic and give tips on how to stay safe!
If you are in quarantine and you would like to use that time to learn more Spanish feel free to check out the other videos from me and the other Spring Spanish teachers on our channel!
Now, if you’re ready to take it a step further and be able to talk about happier topics than this in Spanish, we have a free Spanish training on our website where you’ll discover the method we use in our Spring Spanish Academy to teach students to speak fluent Spanish. You also get some free sample Spanish lessons there that come straight from our Academy!