This Happens When You Master Spanish: 7 Things You Can Expect
So you’re learning Spanish?
¡Excelente decisiĂłn! (Excellent choice!): a whole new world full of opportunities is opening itself for you! MĂşsica, comida, gente, viajes maravillosos, quizás amor… (Music, food, people, beautiful trips, maybe even love…), it’s all within reach now: this happens when you master Spanish.
I’m Juan from Spring Spanish, and to give you that little extra motivation to keep learning Spanish, here are the top 7 things that’ll change your life when you learn to speak Spanish.
Ready? Acompáñenme!
1. This happens when you master Spanish: Eating real Latin American food
That’s right: Comida latinoamericana real (real Latin American food). When you start speaking Spanish, you can forget about that Taco Bell nonsense and get to a real Mexican TaquerĂa y ordenarte unos taquitos de cachete (and get yourself some cheek taquitos). O ir a un restaurante venezolano y pedir unos tequeños o un pabellĂłn (Or go to a Venezuelan restaurant and get yourself some tequeños or pabellĂłn.)
Just picture yourself in this situation:
Hello Sir, how can I help you today? In the mood for a burger and a coke?
Gracias, pero puedo hablar español. ¿Qué me recomienda usted?
(Thanks, but I can speak Spanish. What do you recommend?)
Ah! Habla español, ¡muy bien! En ese caso, le recomiendo una arepa pelúa con una Malta, ¡y de postre una lengua e’ suegra!
(Ah, you speak Spanish, very good! In that case, I recommend a hairy arepa with a Malta and for dessert a “Mother in law’s tongue”)
2. You understand Latin music
If you think Latin music is catchy and makes you wanna dance even if you don’t know the meaning of the lyrics, just imagine dancing and singing along in Spanish! ¡La vas a pasar bomba! (You’ll have a blast!)

And the songs will get a new meaning to you!
There is a huge difference between this:
Valió la pena asdklasdkljaslkñasjdlkñasjdjasd contigo amor, asdlkñajsdlkajs ción
And singing:
Valió la pena lo que era necesario para estar contigo amor, tú eres una bendición. (It was worth it, whatever it took to be with you, love, you’re a blessing.)
WARNING: if you’re a reggaeton fan, you might be in for a surprise when you find out that song you’re always dancing to that says “Hawaii de vacaciones, mis felicitaciones” (Hawaii on vacation, congratulations) is actually about a sad heartbroken, so you’re pretty much dancing to Maluma’s tears.
3. You can make friends in Spanish-speaking communities
ÂżTe sientes solo o quieres vivir experiencias nuevas? (Feeling lonely or want to live new experiences?) Well, learning Spanish would open a door for you to a new community with new and different people y la oportunidad de hacer amigos de otras culturas (and the opportunity to make friends from other cultures).
Heck, you could even find the love of your life or your new best friend in your local Latino neighborhood or location. Not to mention how your social networking can be massively improved. Si aprendes español, vas a poder pasar de situaciones incómodas como esta: (If you learn Spanish, you’ll be able to go from awkward situations like this):
Hey man, I’m gonna grab some snacks
Wait! I don’t speak Spanish! Hola… English?
Hola. No.
*awkward silence*
Ah, mesa!
SĂ, mesa…
To this:
Hey man, I’m gonna grab some snacks
Alright bro, get me a drink, please. Hola, soy Juan. ¡Mucho gusto!
(Hello, I’m Juan. Nice to meet you!)
Hola, soy LĂa. ¡Tu español es muy bueno!
(Hello, I’m Lia. Your Spanish is really good!)
¡Gracias! Estoy aprendiendo todavĂa. ÂżTe gustarĂa bailar?
(Thanks! I’m still learning. Would you like to dance?)
SĂ, me encantarĂa.
(Yes, I’d love to.)
4. Your experience in latin countries improves
Whether for work, vacation or other reasons, travelling to other countries is exciting!
In my personal experience, my travels to English-speaking countries were great thanks to the fact that I could communicate with the locals, so I got access to places, restaurants, people and cultural information that I wouldn’t have been able to get if I didn’t speak the language.
5. You get access to Latin artistic and cultural content
In Latin-America, we have a history of great writers, poets, painters, philosophers and artists in general.
Imagine reading 100 Years of Solitude by Colombian Nobel Prize winner writer GarcĂa Márquez in its original language or being able to enjoy the poetry of Venezuelan Poet Rafael Cadenas or the Argentinian writer Alejandra Pizarnik, or watching Roma by Mexican director and screenwriter Alfonso CuarĂłn fully in Spanish without having to read subtitles.
This is possible if you can speak Spanish.
By the way, I just gave you 4 of my favorite Latino creators.
6. You can get help much faster in case of an emergency
Let’s be honest: Accidents happen.
No one’s expecting bad things to occur, but if they happen, and you’re prepared, you’re likely to solve it better. If you’re in a Spanish-speaking country, and you have an emergency, saying “heeelp mi estar hurt, please call an ambulanzo” won’t be as effective as “ayuda por favor, llamen una ambulancia” (“help, please call an ambulance”)
¿No crees? (Don’t you think?)
7. You can even find true love
And if everything I said wasn’t enough, speaking Spanish can help you get your next Latino boyfriend or Latina girlfriend.
Yes, speaking Spanish can get you an awesome, wholesome conversation with that special person and help your relationship take off to the next level.
Speaking Spanish worked wonderfully for me to find my wife! Although we’re both Venezuelans, but well… my point is:
By learning Spanish, you won’t have a problem dating Spanish-speaking natives!