30 Spanish Nouns for Beginners: Eat, Travel, Party

In today’s lesson I’m going to teach you 30 Spanish nouns for beginners.

Spanish Nouns for Vacation 🏝: 30 Essential Spanish Nouns When Traveling [Spanish Travel Vocabulary]

I am not going to randomly present Spanish nouns as you might see in other lessons. Instead, I came up with a theme: 30 Spanish nouns you must know when visiting a Spanish-speaking country…

And to make this lesson even more practical, I will give you sentences with these nouns that you can start using right away!

1. Why are Spanish nouns so important?

Spanish nouns are everywhere!

Why? Because we use them to name something, like a place (Mexico), things (avión/plane), concepts (amor/love), or people (Natalie Portman)… so, basically, everything! 

Now, let’s look at 30 Spanish nouns that are important for a trip.

Now, learning words in isolation is not always useful, so I will also teach you chunks, that is, fixed word combinations that native speakers always use. If you learn them by heart, they will roll off your tongue while speaking Spanish without you having to even think about grammar.

We actually have a free Spanish training that explains in detail how you can get fluent in Spanish entirely through discovering and memorizing chunks.

✔️ Cheat Sheet with 54 essential Spanish Chunks you’ll hear and use yourself in ANY Spanish conversation (and example sentences). Taken from our YouTube Teacher’s most popular videos!

✔️ 2 Bonus Cheat Sheets with Travel Chunks and Dating/Relationship Chunks

✔️ A Spanish Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the Spanish from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)

2. Plan the trip with Spanish nouns for a country

Let’s start at the very beginning: Planning a trip is always a challenge! The hardest part is probably choosing where you want to go. So, our first word is paĂ­s (country). 

Here are some ways to use the noun paĂ­s in a sentence: 

  • ÂżQuĂ© paĂ­s? and ÂżDe quĂ© paĂ­s?
  • ÂżQuĂ© paĂ­s quieres visitar? (Which country do you want to visit?
  • ÂżDe quĂ© paĂ­s eres? (Which country are you from?)


In Spanish, we say de qué país, which means “from which country”. Learn this chunk by heart and you’ll never have to think about the right preposition anymore. 

Once you have chosen a country, you need to choose una ciudad (a city), another noun.

  • Mi ciudad favorita es BerlĂ­n. (My favorite city is Berlin.)
  • ÂżCuál es tu ciudad favorita? (Which is your favorite city?) 
  • ÂżQuĂ© ciudad quieres visitar? (Which city do you want to visit?) —Let me know in the comments!

Once you have chosen a city, you need to determine la fecha (the date), our next noun.

  • La fecha, la ciudad y el paĂ­s aparecerán en tu boleto. (The date, the city, and the country will appear on your ticket.)

Boleto is another important noun, but you should know that not all Spanish-speaking countries use it. Some, like Spain, say billete and others —mainly in Central America— say tiquete.


In Spanish, we use the chunk “en tu boleto” to say “on your ticket”.


3. Essential Spanish nouns at the airport

The date of your trip has finally arrived!, so let’s imagine we are at the airport.

Check out Paulisima’s video about Spanish airport vocabulary for a complete explanation of important chunks that will help you in that situation! In the meantime, you should know that maleta or balija are the equivalent of “bag” and equipaje is the equivalent of “luggage”.

Use those words in the following sentences: 

  • ÂżDĂłnde deposito mi equipaje? (Where should I drop my luggage?)
  • ÂżDĂłnde recojo mi equipaje? (Where should I collect my luggage?
  • Creo que me falta una maleta. (I think one of my bags is missing.)

Now, either at the airport or somewhere else in the city you are visiting, you will have to go to the bathroom. So, it’s important that you know how to refer to it in Spanish, right?

spanish nouns for beginners explained by teacher

This is also one of those words that have a different name depending on the country or the situation:

  • Baño —popular in Mexico.
  • Sanitarios —widely used in Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Uruguay, Venezuela, Mexico, and Dominican Republic
  • Servicios —popular in Colombia, but you’ll also hear it in Mexico 
  • Tocador — (literally, powder room) I’ve heard this one being used as a euphemism for bathroom when it’s women who are going there… because women only go to the bathroom to redo their make-up.

So, to ask for the bathroom, use the chunk ¿Dónde está el baño? or ¿Dónde están los sanitarios?

4. Spanish nouns for beginners related to food

A very important word when travelling abroad is our next noun: comida (food).

You could say: 

  • ÂżDĂłnde puedo probar comida tĂ­pica? (Where can I try traditional food?)

But if you are starving, and you just want to have a sandwich or whatever because when one is hungry, everything tastes good, ask where can you find a restaurant:

  • Disculpa, ÂżdĂłnde hay un restaurante?

5. Have fun with these nouns in Spanish

If you are on a holiday, all you can think about is resting and having fun… beer and wine are good friends! 

These are useful chunks to order them:

  • ÂżQuĂ© cervezas tienes? (Which beers do you serve?)
  • Se me antoja una cerveza. (I have a craving for a beer.)
  • Quiero una copa de vino. (I’d like to have a glass of wine.)

Now, you might prefer beer or wine depending on el clima (the weather), our next noun. 

Calor means warmth and frĂ­o means cold. These are useful chunks:

  • Hace muchĂ­simo calor. (It’s really warm.)
  • Tengo mucho frĂ­o. (I’m really cold.) 


In Spanish we say “I have cold”, not “I am cold”. Why? I have no idea, that’s just how it is. Better learn it by heart as a whole, as a chunk, so you always get it right!

The weather might play an important role in you defining what you want to do during your holiday… but, unless it’s snowing outside —which rarely happens in most Spanish-speaking countries—, why would you stay en tu hotel (in your hotel) all day long?

You might want to take a tour. In that case, make sure you ask for la hora del paseo (the time of the tour) or la hora en que sale el autobĂşs (the time when the bus leaves).

6. Stay safe and ask for help

It’s important that you know keywords that will allow you to ask for help in the event of una emergencia (an emergency).

Make sure that you know el teléfono (the phone number) to call la policía (the police).

If you have been robbed—which I hope never happens to either of us—you could say:

  • Fui vĂ­ctima de un robo. (I have been robbed. Or literally: I was the victim of a robbery.)
  • Fui testigo de un robo. (I witnessed a robbery. Or literally: I was witness to  a robbery)

Victima, testigo y robo (victim, witness and robbery) are three more nouns for you!

Lastly, you should check out Maria Fernanda’s video about body parts in Spanish to be able to tell if you feel dolor (pain) somewhere.

A lifesaving chunk is me duele (it hurts), plus the body part that is hurting. Your throat, for example, might give you trouble if you have una alergia (an allergy).

To ask for ayuda (help), use the chunk: ¡Necesito ayuda! (I need help!)

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