Learn Spanish: Essential Phrases to Talk About Body Parts in Spanish

In this article, I will teach you the body parts in Spanish… Why is that important? Well, you need to know how to express yourself si sientes dolor (if you are in pain) or how to use some Spanish chunks to refer (more often than you think) to the body parts. So, para la oreja (literal translation: stand up the ears; idiomatic translation: pay attention!).

Essential Phrases to Talk About Body Parts in Spanish

1. Main parts of the body: face vocabulary

The following are las partes de la cara (face parts):

  • Los ojos (the eyes) que están protegidos por las cejas y las pestañas (they are protected by the eyebrows and eyelashes) y están debajo de la frente (and they are below the forehead).
  • En la cara (in the face) también tenemos una nariz (we also have a nose), una boca (a mouth), los cachetes (cheeks) y la barbilla (and the chin).
  • En mi boca tengo dos labios, dientes y una lengua. (In my mouth, I have two lips, teeth and a tongue).
  • En la cabeza (on the head), tengo cabello café (I have brown hair) y dos orejas (and two ears) followed by el cuello (the neck) y la garganta (and the throat).

Since la cabeza y la garganta are the most common places where we can experience dolor (pain), if you are at the doctor, you could say:

  • Me duele la cabeza. (I have a headache.)
  • Me duele or Me arde la garganta. (I have a sore throat.)

By the way, “Me duele XXX” (It hurts) is a chunk, that means a word combination that is always used in the same way, such as “Me duele la cabeza” or “Me duele la garganta“.

The best way to learn them by heart is as a whole, so you don’t have to think about the structure or grammar rules.

2. The body parts in Spanish

The following items comprise our bodies:

  • El corazón (the heart)
  • El pecho (the chest)
  • Los hombros (the shoulders)
  • Los brazos (the arms)
  • Las manos (the hands)
  • Los dedos de las manos (the fingers) / los dedos de los pies (the toes)
  • El estómago (the stomach)
  • El ombligo (the belly button)
  • Las caderas (the hips)
  • Las piernas (the legs)
  • Las rodillas (the knees)
  • Los pies (the feet)

And in the back we have:

  • La espalda (the back)
  • La nalga (the butt)
  • Los codos (the elbows)

Fun fact: If you ever hear the chunk “Esa persona es coda” or “Ese hombre es codo”, that means they are stingy.

3. Using Spanish body parts in context

Now, let’s use some chunks using the body parts vocabulary that you just learned, in some daily life phrases in Spanish.

  • Mmmm… panza llena, corazón contento.

This literally means: “full belly, happy heart”, and you have no idea how often Spanish-speakers use this.

  • A mí no me truenes los dedos.

When someone is hurrying you up to do something, we consider it very rude to snap your fingers. Therefore, the offended person might reply with a defensive mode by saying “A mí no me truenes los dedos” (do not snap your fingers at me).

This literally means “to throw an eye”, but in a more idiomatic way, this expression could be translated as “keep an eye on something”.

4. Learn more about body parts in Spanish with FREE Spanish Training

Remember I explained what a chunk is? Well if you are more interested in learning about this method to learn Spanish much faster, click on the link below and get free access to the training where we explain more about it y así puedas hablar Español de manera fluida (and like that you may speak fluent Spanish). Nos vemos a la próxima! (See you next time) Adiós!

✔️ Cheat Sheet with 54 essential Spanish Chunks you’ll hear and use yourself in ANY Spanish conversation (and example sentences). Taken from our YouTube Teacher’s most popular videos!

✔️ 2 Bonus Cheat Sheets with Travel Chunks and Dating/Relationship Chunks

✔️ A Spanish Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the Spanish from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)

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