10 Best Netflix Spanish Shows & Movies To Learn Spanish on Netflix

Everybody loves to learn a language while watching their favorite movies and shows. No wonder why my video about learning Spanish with Netflix has been so popular. Thank you for that!

10 Best Spanish SHOWS & MOVIES to Learn Spanish on NETFLIX (Part 2)

So, I was compelled to make a new version of this video, with new great Netflix Spanish shows for this year!

I’m Spring Spanish teacher Paulisima, and these are my current top 10 picks for Netflix Originals in Spanish

Original TitleEnglish TitleGenre
¿Quién mató a Sara?Who Killed Sara?Murder-mystery drama
Bienvenidos a EdénWelcome to EdenDrama
Luis Miguel, La SerieLuis Miguel, The SeriesBiographical drama
Madre Solo Hay DosDaughter from Another MotherComedy
Guerra de VecinosWar of NeighborsComedy
Café Con Aroma de MujerThe Scent of PassionRomantic drama
Cuando Conocí al ChapoWhen I Met El ChapoDocumentary
El Agente TopoThe Mole AgentDocumentary/Spy film
Betty La FeaUgly BettyComedy/Romantic drama

1. ¿Quién mató a Sara? (Who killed Sara?)

My mom is a huge fan of this murder-mystery drama. Tiene tres temporadas y para abril de 2021 era la serie no hablada en inglés de mayor éxito en Estados Unidos. (It has 3 seasons, and by April 2021 it was the foreign language series of most success in the United States.)

También, mi alumno y amigo Ted, del Inner Circle de Spring Spanish, me recomendó esta serie. (Also, my student and friend Ted, from the Inner Circle of Spring Spanish, recommended this series.) If you want to subscribe to our Spanish community, the link for it is in the description.

✔️ Cheat Sheet with 54 essential Spanish Chunks you’ll hear and use yourself in ANY Spanish conversation (and example sentences). Taken from our YouTube Teacher’s most popular videos!

✔️ 2 Bonus Cheat Sheets with Travel Chunks and Dating/Relationship Chunks

✔️ A Spanish Chunking Tutorial showing you the 1 technique that’ll help you make 100% of the Spanish from our videos roll off the tongue in just 5 minutes a day (you’re probably only using 50% of our lessons’ potential right now…)

2. Bienvenidos a Edén (Welcome to Eden)

¡Esta es nuevecita nuevecita! Y representa el regreso a los escenarios de la princesa del pop latino, la inigualable Belinda. (This one is brand new! And it represents the return to the stage of the princess of Latin pop, the incomparable Belinda.)

This series is quite good because even if the main accents are from Spain, you can hear Belinda, and her character Africa, speaking in Mexican accent, while you can hear the Argentinian accent with the character Miguel.

Mi gente (My people), I made this video after seeing how engaged you guys were in the comments. Los veo, los escucho, me encantan. (I see you, I hear you, I love you!) If you haven’t subscribed to the Spring Spanish channel, do it right now. ¡Ahoritita! (Right now!)

3. Luis Miguel, La Serie. (Luis Miguel, The Series.)

Esta serie mexicana es muy importante. Porque no solo practicarás escuchar español, sino que además aprenderás todo sobre Luis Miguel, uno de los íconos culturales en México y Latinoamérica. (This Mexican series is very important. Because not only will you practice listening to Spanish, but you will also learn all about one of the cultural icons in Mexico and Latin America.) Think Justin Bieber meets Elvis meets Sinatra meets the hottest singer you can think of, all joined in one marvelous artist: El Sol (The Sun) Luis Miguel, Luismi.

Es uno de los más grandes intérpretes de canciones en español. Búscalo en Spotify. (He is one of the greatest interpreters of songs in Spanish. Look for him on Spotify.) And check out our video about how to use music to learn Spanish here.

4. Madre Solo Hay Dos (Daughter from Another Mother)

Madre Solo Hay Dos (Lit. There are only two mothers.) Dos mujeres salen del hospital con sus hijas recién nacidas cambiadas. (Two women leave the hospital with their daughters swapped.) Creo que te puedes imaginar las situaciones caóticas que eso generaría. (I think you can imagine the chaotic situations that that would cause.)  

Try playing around with the subtitles. You can watch it first with English subtitles. I go deeper into this and I have more tips on how to make the best of your Netflix session in this video.

This light comedy is a good look at the differences and similarities between the rich and the not so rich in Mexico. Lo cual también es el caso para la serie que sigue. (Which is as well the case for the upcoming one.)

5. Guerra de vecinos (War of neighbors)

Una familia de clase trabajadora, por azares del destino, se muda a una mansión en un vecindario de millonarios para el horror de la señora de la casa de al lado. (A working-class family, by a twist of fate, moves into a mansion in a millionaire’s neighborhood, to the horror of the lady next door.)

best netflix spanish shows guerra de vecinos

Si eres un estudiante avanzado, trata de diferenciar la entonación entre las familias rivales. (If you’re an advanced student, try to tell the difference in intonation between the rival families.)

Try to catch phrases that are frequently used and learn them. Por ejemplo: (For example:)

No te preocupes. (Don’t worry.)

6. Café Con Aroma de Mujer (The Scent Of Passion, Lit.: Coffee With the Aroma of a Woman)

¡La versión de Netflix es la cuarta versión de esta novela colombiana! (The Netflix version is the fourth version of this Colombian novel!) It’s the tumultuous love story of Teresa Suarez a.k.a Gaviota and Don Sebastián.

Ella es una recolectora de café en una hacienda en donde él es el dueño. (She is a coffee bean picker at a farm where he is the owner.) Of course, drama will follow!

7. Monarca (Monarc)

Un multimillonario magnate del tequila y su familia prosperan en un entorno corrupto que abastece a las élites empresariales de México. (A billionaire tequila tycoon and his family thrive in a corrupt environment that caters to Mexico’s business elites.)

There are two seasons of this delicious drama, produced by the marvelous Salma Hayek.

¡Ya casi acabamos, pero sí quédate hasta el final para que veas cuál tuve que ver a fuerzas! (We’re almost done, but stay until the end so you can see which one I was forced to watch!)

8. Cuando Conocí al Chapo (When I Met El Chapo)

Cuando Conocí al Chapo is a two-chapter documentary. Sé por los comentarios de mi otro video sobre Netflix, que a muchos les gusta Narcos. (I know from the comments from my other Netflix video, that a lot of you like Narcos.)

Así que probablemente les llamé la atención este documental. (So you’ll probably find this documentary interesting.) This documentary narrates the events that took place when Mexican actress Kate Del Castillo and American actor Sean Penn, one of the most illustrious crime lords of all times, El Chapo.

La verdad, al final me cayó re mal el Sean Penn. (To be honest, at the end, I really disliked Sean Penn.) Watch it and let me know your take. En los comentarios y en español, por favor. (In the comments and in Spanish, please.)

9. El Agente Topo (The Mole Agent)

El Agente Topo. Veamos qué dice la crítica al respecto: (The Mole Agent. Let’s see what the New York Times says about it:)

Según The IndieWire: (According to The IndieWire:)

El agente topo es ya una de las películas de espías más enternecedoras de todos los tiempos, una rara combinación de géneros que solo funciona tan bien porque te coge por sorpresa.

(The Mole Agent is already one of the most endearing spy movies of all time, a rare combination of genres that only works so well because it catches you by surprise.)

I think this would be particularly useful because the characters speak quite slow, that’s great if you’re a beginner.

10. Bety La Fea (Ugly Betty)

Another Colombian telenovela. ¡Son de las consentidas del público latinoamericano! (They are the favorites of the Latin American public!) They’re good! This one is a classic and is a classic ugly duckling story. There have been a few versions of this telenovela. Incluso una con la hermosa actriz America Ferrera. (Even one with the beautiful actress America Ferrera.)

Need more shows and movies? Check out the first video with my list with great shows and movies on Netflix and how to learn Spanish with Netflix.

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