Mexican vs American culture: How Mexican and American culture compare?

MEXICAN vs. AMERICAN CULTURE: How do they compare? 👊

You probably know that Mexico and the United States are neighbors. And although we have many things in common, there are a few things that stand out when contrasting both cultures.

In this lesson you will learn the top 5 cultural differences that you for sure will notice if you spend some time observing Mexico and the U.S.! Find out the difference between Mexican vs American culture. 

Before we begin, you should know that I’m talking in a super general manner. People are not monoliths, obviously. In fact, Mexico is a huge country and the U.S. is even larger. So, of course, no general description of a cultural quirk will ever encompass the diversity of a people. 

1. Mexican vs American culture: Child-rearing and Family Ties 

Family is important everywhere, but in Mexico, family is number one priority. Family comes first: before work, before entertainment, family comes first!

In the U.S. it is common for kids to leave the family home at 18, when they go to college. By contrast, en México most people leave their homes when they get married. 

Ask an American if their parents ever threw any object at them as a way to discipline them. Now, ask a Mexican what a chancla is! 🙈

La chancla (the flip-flop) es el arma elegida (the weapon of choice) of Mexican moms. They would threaten us to throw it at us when we misbehaved. —And sometimes they did it! 

2. National Sport in Mexico and in the US

Both cultures love el fútbol, but they actually think of completely different sports when they hear the word fútbol/football. 

En México, when we say fútbol, we mean soccer, but when we talk about American football, we say futból americano

3. Main cultural differences in the sense of time

Americans are quite punctual and Mexicans plan to be late. We make party arrangements around the expected tardiness of our guests. 

We actually say: We are going to invite them to come at 6 so they arrive at 7.

mexican vs american culture example sentence

We expect people to be late! 

If a Mexican invites you to a party and you’re not yet accustomed to our relaxed sense of time, your safest bet is to ask:

  • ¿Es a las seis seis O seis, siete? (Will it be at six sharp or at seven-ish?) 

Mi compatriota (my fellow Mexican) will probably say:

  • Sí, sí, como, seis… siete… seis… siete.. siete y media

So, now you can feel at ease arriving one hour or even one and a half hour “tarde” (late). 

4. Party culture in Mexico and in the US

For most Americans, children’s parties are, you know, for children… 😅

Your uncles bring beers and mezcal to one-year-old birthday parties!! The same is true for baptisms and even baby showers!!

somehow, every time Mexicans gather in good spirits, there’s bound to be dancing and even singing… especially if there’s mezcal, tequila and someone is heartbroken. 

5. Our relationship with objects

My mother is the OG of the whole reuse, reduce, recycling issue. 

Somehow, for Mexicans it’s like every object must double as something else. So much so, that a jar of yoghurt filled with salsa or beans is in the memory of all Mexicans.

In the U.S. those things go directly into the recycling bin, but in a Mexican household they live on as storage and, después de eso (after that), they evolve into a container where my mom dilutes el detergente para los trastes (the dishwasher detergent). 

Another example:

In the U.S., an oven is an appliance that is used for baking, but in Mexico, it is primarily the place where big pots and pans go.

6. Learn more about Spanish-speaking cultures with FREE Spanish training

¡Muy bien! Now you know 5 of the differences between the American and Mexican cultures. So, when you encounter them in real life, you’ll be in-the-know. 

Tell me, do you agree with my list? Any Mexican-American out there who wants to share their unique perspective as they know los dos lados (both sides)?

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