Spanish connectors: speak like a Spanish Native with these connector words

Speak like a Spanish Native with these Connector Words

What are conjunctions or Spanish connectors?

They are powerful words like: entonces, depende de (then, depends on) and similar. They are also the reason why you might be able to create sentences correctly, but you still feel like you can’t use them to talk to people naturally.

In this lesson we’ll go over 4 of the most commonly used connectors, according to me and my Spanish of course. It’s just that I want you to be able to speak like me.


1. Using Spanish connectors in conversations: “entonces” (then)

Amanda estaba sĂşper emocionada organizando todo. Hasta que Enrique dijo que iba con una amiga nueva. Y entonces Amanda me dijo que no podĂ­a ir.
(Amanda was super excited getting everything organized. Until Enrique said he was going with a new friend. And then Amanda told me she couldn’t go.)

“¿Y entonces, qué pasó?” ¿Se canceló todo?
(“So then what happened?” Is everything canceled?)

No, no. Yo hice mi mejor esfuerzo y me parece que funcionĂł. Por ahora sĂ­ va.
(No, no. I did my best and it seems to have worked. For now, she’s going.)

Entonces fue una pataleta y ya. La verdad ha pasado mucho tiempo. Si Enrique está saliendo con alguien, es lo normal.
(Then it was a tantrum and that was it. The truth is it’s been a long time. If Enrique is dating someone, it’s normal.)

SĂ­, pero sabes cĂłmo es Amanda.
(Yes, but you know how Amanda is.)

“Entonces” (then) is not a complex concept but in case you haven’t fully discovered its power as a conjunction, or connector, here are more examples of that:

Tienes que comprarle el regalo, pero las tiendas cierran en media hora.
(You have to buy her the gift, but the stores close in half an hour.)

No sé qué hacer entonces, porque no puedo salir todavía.
(I don’t know what to do then, because I can’t leave yet.)

As you can see, “entonces” (then) could also mean “así que” (so).

  • BuenĂ­simo, entonces le comento a los demás y te confirmo. (Very good, then I’ll tell the others and I’ll confirm.)
  • Los pasajes de tren estaban muy caros entonces decidimos alquilar un carro. (The train tickets were very expensive so we decided to rent a car.)

As you saw it in the dialogue, it was used to continue a story:

  • Y entonces Amanda me dijo que no podĂ­a venir. (And then Amanda told me she couldn’t come.)
  • ÂżY entonces, quĂ© pasĂł? (And then, what happened?)

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2. Practice Spanish grammar using “a menos que” (unless)

A menos que tĂş me hagas el favor de comprar el regalo cuando salgas al gimnasio.
(Unless you do me the favor of buying the gift when you go out to the gym.)

Siempre y cuando me digas exactamente qué comprar y dónde.
(As long as you tell me exactly what to buy and where.)

¡Claro! Ya lo tengo escogido. Te lo paso por WhatsApp.
(Of course! I have already chosen it. I’ll send (Lit.: pass it) to you by WhatsApp.)

Muy bien.
(Very good.)

A menos que (Unless) is a great way to practice the subjunctive mood since it’s needed right after that “que” (what). Like this:

  • A menos que salga ya, no voy a llegar a tiempo. (Unless I leave now, I’m not going to make it on time.)
  • Vamos a llegar tarde a menos que salgamos pronto. (We’re going to be late unless we leave soon.)

Another variation would be to use the perfect subjunctive, which uses the verb “haber” (to have). Check out the following example:

El paquete deberĂ­a haber llegado ayer.
(The package should have arrived yesterday.)

Yo no escuché el timbre en todo el día. A menos que haya llegado mientras me estaba duchando.
(I didn’t hear the doorbell all day. Unless it came while I was taking a shower.)

Also use “a menos que” (unless) to connect someone else’s idea to yours, like:

No da tiempo de pedir postre, la película está a punto de empezar.
(There is no time to order dessert, the movie is about to start.)

A menos que lo pidamos para llevar y nos lo comamos en el camino.
(Unless we order it to go and eat it on the way there.)

Did you know that the word “igual” (same) can mean “quizás” (maybe) sometimes? It’s weird, I know. We’ll talk about it at the end of the lesson.

3. Common Spanish connector: â€śdepende de” (depending on)

Sinceramente, no estoy segura de que pueda ir al gimnasio hoy. Depende de que me confirmen una cosa del trabajo.
(Honestly, I’m not sure I can make it to the gym today. It depends on getting something confirmed from work.)

Ya, no te preocupes. Dependiendo de lo que te digan entonces decido qué hacer.
(Right, don’t worry. Depending on what they tell you then I’ll decide what to do.)

También puedes pedir algo online y que le llegue a casa aunque sea con retraso.
(You can also order something online and have it delivered to her home even if it is belated.)

Si de mi dependiera, harĂ­a eso. Pero es que lo que ella quiere no lo conseguĂ­ online.
(If it were up to me, I would do that. But it’s just that what she wants I couldn’t find it online.)

Guys, it’s very important for us to know which subjects are useful to you. So, do let me know in the video’s comments if covering connectors is one of those things and which other connectors you’d like for us to review. Tipo, hay miles, como: sin embargo, de cualquier manera, puesto que. (Like, there are thousands, such as: however, anyway, since.) So many.

Here’s more examples of using both versions “depende de” (depends on) and “dependiendo de” (depending on):

  • Depende del clima si vamos a la montaña o al cine. (It depends on the weather whether we go to the mountains or to the movies.)
  • Si dependiera de nosotras, dormirĂ­amos todo el dĂ­a pero hay que trabajar. (If it were up to us, we would sleep all day but we have to work.)
  • No depende de ti, asĂ­ que no te preocupes. (It doesn’t depend on you, so don’t worry.)
  • Nos mudaremos dependiendo del aumento de la renta. (We will move depending on the rent increase.)

4. Using “igual” (same) and synonym words in Spanish

En el fondo yo creo que le da igual. Le va a gustar lo que sea que le regales.
(Deep down I think it’s all the same to her. She’s going to like whatever you give her.)

Es verdad. Pero, igual podrĂ­a pedir quince minutos en el trabajo y salir corriendo. Y salgo de eso de una vez.
(It’s true. But, I might as well ask for 15 minutes at work and run. And get out of it at once.)

¡Claro! Igual y yo puedo pasar si voy al gimnasio, pero todavía no puedo estar segura.
(Sure! Maybe I can pass by if I go to the gym, but I still can’t be sure.)

¡Gracias! Pero voy a avisar en el trabajo y salgo ya. ¡Me cansé!
(Thank you! But I’m going to let them know at work and I’ll be right out. I got tired!)

As crazy as it sounds this “igual y” could mean “quizás” (maybe). For example:

  • Igual y tienen pizza sin gluten, hay que preguntar. (Maybe they have gluten-free pizza. Let’s ask.)
  • Igual y el Airbnb acepta mascotas. Muchos lo hacen. (Maybe the Airbnb allows pets. Many do.)

It can also be a synonym of “de todas formas” o “de cualquier manera” (anyway). So, if someone pours themselves a coffee and they apologize for not offering it to you, you could say things like:

  • Igual no querĂ­a, asĂ­ que no te preocupes. (I didn’t want to anyway, so don’t worry.)
  • Igual no tomo cafĂ©, gracias. (I don’t drink coffee anyway, thanks.)

Conjunctions are meant to connect your ideas and help you with a more fluid speech. On that note you should continue this lesson learning all about how to use the ultimate connector “y” (and) in Spanish. Maura thinks you need to know this super important word!

Happy learning, ¡gracias por estar aquí y nos vemos! (thank you for being here and see you!)

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