6 amazing Spanish words you’ve NEVER heard before (to impress native Speakers)

Amazing Spanish words you’ve NEVER heard before (to impress native Speakers)

Actor 1
Bueno, viste a tu ex… ¿y? ¿Qué pasó?
(So, you saw your ex… and? What happened?)

Actor 2
No diría que lo vi… sólo lo contemplé en lontananza, del brazo de una beldad.
(I wouldn’t say I saw him… I just contemplated him in the _______, arm in arm with a ______.)

Actor 1
¡No manches! ¡Qué poética!
(Get out of here! What a poet!)

In this video we’re exploring the richness of the Spanish language with amazing Spanish words. These words are not only interesting, but also very useful to express certain feelings or very specific situations.

I’m Paulísima from Spring Spanish. Let’s get started!

1. A conversation in Spanish about distance: Lontananza (Afar)

Es una palabra de origen italiano. (It’s a word of Italian origin.) It refers to the most distant part of a place, it indicates distance or remoteness. It’s a beautiful word that captures the feeling of being far away from something or someone.

Actor 1
¿Has visto a tu ex últimamente?
(Have you seen your ex lately?)

Actor 2
Lo vi en el centro comercial el otro día, pero no lo saludé. Iba con otra chica, los vi en lontananza.
(I saw him at the mall the other day, but I didn’t say hello. He was with another girl, I saw them from afar.)

Actor 1
Ah, ya entiendo. Mejor no te acerques. No querrás sentirte incómoda.
(Ah, I see. It’s better not to approach him. You wouldn’t want to feel uncomfortable.)

Actor 2
Sí, tienes razón. Me alegré de haberlo visto solo en lontananza.
(Yes, you’re right. I was glad I only saw him from afar.)

I’m going to see from afar how you subscribe to the channel.

When I was researching to make this video, I found many resources about “the most cultured words” in Spanish. Many of them are too far-fetched. So much so that if you told them to the vast majority of Spanish speakers, they would not understand you.

So I chose words that are actually known by most people but not so commonly used. This way they will understand you but also be quite impressed with your eloquence.

2. Basic Spanish words for romance: Beldad (Beauty)

Beldad (beauty) means beauty, but not just any beauty, like real, intense, amazing beauty. It also refers to a woman who possesses a great beauty.

Actor 1
¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de tu nueva novia?
(What do you like most about your new girlfriend?)

Actor 2
Su beldad interior es lo que me atrae de ella.
(Her inner beauty is what attracts me to her.)

Actor 1
¡A ver, enséñame una foto!
(Let’s see, show me a photo!)

Actor 2
¡Ajá, sí! Su belleza interior. Es toda una beldad la señorita.
(Yeah, sure! Her inner beauty. The lady is a real beauty.)

Okay, let’s change the subject… we’re getting too romantic.

3. One of the amazing Spanish words you need: Desenlace (Ending)

Desenlace (Ending) means outcome or ending. It’s the result of a story or situation.

There are other words to say the same thing but are more common: end, final, termination, to end. But desenlace sounds more elegant.

Don’t worry, before the end of this video, we are going to have a conversation where we are going to use all the words that you are learning in this video

Actor 1
¿Cómo terminó la discusión con tu amigo?
(How did the argument with your friend end?)

Actor 2
No fue el desenlace que esperaba, seguimos peleados.
(It wasn’t the outcome I was expecting, we are still in a fight.)

4. Learning a language is: Imprescindible (Essential)

Imprescindible (essential / imperative) means essential or indispensable. It’s something that you cannot do without.

For example: El agua (Water).

El agua es imprescindible para la vida. (Water is essential for life.)

Actor 1
¿Qué cosas son imprescindibles para ti en una relación?
(What things are essential for you in a relationship?)
Actor 2
La confianza y la comunicación son imprescindibles para mí en una relación.
(Trust and communication are essential for me in a relationship.)

5. Vorágine (Whirlwind / chaotic situation)

Vorágine (whirlwind / chaotic situation) means whirlwind or chaotic situation. It’s used to describe a situation that is out of control, fast-paced, and overwhelming.

For example: La vorágine del tráfico en la ciudad me estresa mucho. (The whirlwind of traffic in the city stresses me out a lot.)

Actor 1
¿Cómo describirías el día de hoy?
(How would you describe today?)

Actor 2
Ha sido una vorágine de reuniones y trabajo. Apenas he tenido tiempo para respirar.
(It’s been a vortex of meetings and work. I’ve barely had time to breathe.)

Actor 1
¿Una vorágine?
(A vortex?)

Actor 2
Sí, o sea, figurativamente. Como torbellino, pa’ que me entiendas.
(Yes, I mean, figuratively. Like a whirlwind, in other words.) (Lit.: so you understand me.)

6. Start building useful Spanish vocabulary: Ensimismarse (Lose oneself)

Ensimismarse means to be absorbed in one’s own thoughts. If you are “ensimismada”, you are self-absorbed. But not in a bad way. It’s a word that describes a state of being lost in your own mind or thoughts.

I love this word. Observe how it is made of other words: EN-SI -MIS-MA-DA – IN-ONE-SELF.

It sounds very cute! What do you think? Do you like this word?

Actor 1
Sabes que mi hija se ensimisma con facilidad. A veces es imposible sacarla de sus pensamientos.
(You know my daughter gets lost in her own thoughts easily. Sometimes it’s impossible to get her out of her thoughts.)

Actor 2
¿Qué, perdón?
(Sorry, what?)

Actor 1
¿Por qué no me estás poniendo atención?
(Why are you not paying attention to me?)

Actor 2
Lo siento, me ensimismé en mis propios pensamientos.
(I’m sorry, I got lost in my own thoughts.)

Actor 1
¡Ay, amiga! Eres igual de ensimismada que mi hija.
(Oh, girlfriend! You are as self-absorbed as my daughter.)

How are you doing ? Have you heard the words in this list so far? Dime dónde. (Tell me where.)

7. Learn Spanish vocabulary: Todo junto (All together)

Actor 1
Amiga, ¿cómo estás?
(Girlfriend, how are you?)

Actor 2
Hola, amiga. Estoy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?
(Hi, girlfriend. I’m well, thank you. And you?)

Actor 1
Bien también, gracias. ¿Viste la película anoche? La nueva de Del Toro.
(Well too, thanks. Did you see the movie last night? The new one from Del Toro.)

Actor 2
¡Sí! Fue una vorágine de emociones de principio a fin.
(Yes! It was a whirlwind of emotions from beginning to end.)

Actor 1
Sí, ¿verdad? ¿Qué tal la escena donde el monstruo se va alejando en lontananza?
Yes, right? How about the scene where the monster wanders off into the distance?)

Actor 2
¿Y qué tal la actriz principal? ¡Una beldad!
(And what about the main actress? A beauty!)

Actor 1
Sí, era realmente hermosa. Pero lo que me impresionó más fue el desenlace de la película.
(Yes, she was truly beautiful. But what impressed me the most was the ending of the movie.)

Actor 2
Maravillosa. En general, es una película imprescindible en la filmografía de Del Toro
(Wonderful. Overall, it’s a must-have movie in Del Toro’s filmography.)

Actor 1
Totalmente de acuerdo.
(Totally agree.)

And that’s it for our list of amazing Spanish words you’ve never heard before. Don’t forget to use the words in in your conversations and impress your Spanish-speaking friends.

Continue expanding your vocabulary with the lesson you’re learning the next time.

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