
Venir Conjugation: All-In-One Conjugation For Venir In Spanish (Examples With ‘To Come)

Actor 1¿Qué onda Pau, sí vas a venir a la junta?(What’s up Pau, are you coming to the meeting?) Actor 2¿Junta? Ah sí, sí, claro, la junta. Este… sí, ya voy, ya voy, ya voy.(Meeting? Oh yes yes, of course, the meeting. Umm… yes, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming.) Actor 1Bueno, entonces les digo…


Dar Conjugation In Spanish: Learn With Chunks And Never Forget It With These Examples

ACTOR 1Dame las azules.(Give me the blue ones.) ACTOR 2Toma. Yo estoy haciendo las rojas, dámelas cuando las encuentres.(Here. I’m doing the red ones, give them to me when you find them.) ACTOR 1Dale.(Ok.) If you clicked on this blog post it’s because you already know we’ll be talking about the verb dar conjugation (to…

mexican pranks

5 Mexican Pranks Locals Will Play On You: How To Be Prepared

Hello, dear students! Welcome to Spring Spanish’s edition on Mexican pranks! Paulísima, your Spanish teacher is going to talk about 5 Mexican pranks that tourists and Spanish students should know before visiting this beautiful country. 1. An innocent Mexican prank: do you like “chile” Mexicans love to make double entendre jokes. One of the most…


5 Ways To Learn Spanish With ChatGPT: Free Supersmart AI Tool

MAURAAlex, tengo algo nuevo para ti. Para que sigas aprendiendo español.(Alex, I have something new for you. For you to keep learning Spanish.) ALEX¿En serio? ¿Qué cosa?(Seriously? What is it?) MAURASe llama ChatGPT. Es un chatbot que, te juro, va a cambiarlo todo.(It’s called ChatGPT. It’s a chatbot that, I swear, is going to change…


DON’T Say PERDON, say THESE 5 Alternatives Instead!

AMANDAMaura, sabes…(Maura, you know…) MAURA¡Aaaah! Me asustaste, pensé que no estabas.(Aaaah! You scared me, I thought you were gone.) AMANDAAy, perdón. Lo siento, ¿me disculpas?(Oh, sorry. I’m sorry, will you forgive me?) So, sweet Amanda here is very dramatic and basically apologized in every way possible. It is useful for us though, since we are…


Comer Conjugation: Learn All The Common Chunks With Comer (Examples)

MAURA¿Comemos en casa o comemos fuera?(Do we eat at home or eat out?) CARLAComo no hicimos mercado, mejor comemos fuera.(Since we didn’t go to the market, we’d better eat out.) MAURAVale, pero vamos ya que tengo tanta hambre que me comería un elefante.(Okay, but let’s go because I’m so hungry I could eat an elephant.)…

Don’t Be Exposed As A Tourist in Mexico: Stop Doing These Things!

Don’t Be Exposed As A Tourist in Mexico: Stop Doing These Things!

If you are coming to Mexico and you would like to blend in with the locals, and not have Mexicans look and immediately recognize you as a tourist, then you have come to the right place. Spring Spanish teacher Paulísima is from Mexico, and she will teach you 5 things to not stand out as…

bueno in spanish chunks

18 Alternatives To Say Bueno In Spanish With Examples

First of all… there’s nothing wrong or incorrect with the word bueno in Spanish. The problem is that many Spanish students often use it incorrectly or excessively when there are many other options. Spring Spanish teacher Paulísima will teach you everything you need to use the word bueno in Spanish like an expert, and also…

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