Never forget SPANISH WORDS with THIS (Spaced Repetition System)

Never forget SPANISH WORDS with THIS (Spaced Repetition System)

Are you struggling to learn Spanish vocabulary? Do you find yourself forgetting words as soon as you learn them? Today, I want to introduce you to a learning technique called spaced repetition system that can help you remember Spanish words more effectively.

Soy PaulĂ­sima de Spring Spanish. Empecemos.

Actor 1 Susan
Oye, Âżme pasas… eso… un… para tomar agua?
(Hey, can you pass me… that… a… to drink water?)

Actor 2 Pau
ÂżUn vaso?
(A glass?)

Actor 1 Susan
Sí, ¡vaso! Gracias.
(Yes, glass! Thank you.)

Actor 1 Susan
Ah, otra cosa. ÂżCĂłmo se llama eso que se usa para… para tomar asĂ­?
(Oh, another thing. What do you call that thing that’s used to… to drink like this?)

Actor 2 Pau
¡Popote! Bueno, tiene otros nombres pero en México le decimos popote. Toma.
(Straw! Well, it has other names but in Mexico we call it “popote”. Here. (Lit. Take.))

Actor 1 Susan
Popote. Muchas gracias. No sé por qué todavía se me olvidan palabras tan básicas.
(Straw. Thank you very much. I don’t know why I still forget such basic words.)

Actor 2 Pau
No te preocupes, a todos nos pasa. ÂżVerdad?
(Don’t worry, it happens to all of us. Right?)

1. Sistema de RepeticiĂłn Espaciada (Spaced Repetition System)

Actor 2 Pau
Te tengo un sĂşper tip para que ya no se te olviden las palabras. Alguna vez has oĂ­do hablar del Sistema de RepeticiĂłn Espaciada o SRE?
(I have a great tip so you don’t forget words. Have you ever heard of the Spaced Repetition System or SRS?)

Actor 1 Susan
No, nunca he oído hablar de eso. ¿Qué es?
(No, I’ve never heard of that. What is it?)

Actor 2 Pau
Es una técnica de aprendizaje que te ayuda a recordar palabras. Básicamente, se trata de repetir información en intervalos de tiempo cada vez mayores.
(It’s a learning technique that helps you remember words. Basically, it’s about repeating information at increasingly longer intervals of time.)

Actor 1 Susan.
Ah, interesante. ÂżY cĂłmo funciona exactamente?
(Oh, interesting. And how does it work exactly?)

Have you subscribed to the channel? If you haven’t, this is the right time to do it.

So, Spaced Repetition System, have you ever heard of it? The name is kind of self-explanatory but we will get deeper into it.

2. ÂżCĂłmo funciona el SRE? (How does the SRS work?)

So, how does SRS work? It’s actually a very simple concept. The system is based on reviewing materials at increasing intervals to improve long-term retention. It involves the use of flashcards with Spanish on one side and the English translation on the other. You review the card and rate your recall of the information.

Actor 1 Susan
Bueno, Âżentonces cĂłmo funciona exactamente?
(Well, then how does it work exactly?)

Actor 2 Pau
Haces tarjetas de estudio. Con frases o chunks de español en un lado, y del otro lado la traducción en inglés.
(You make flashcards. With Spanish phrases or chunks on one side, and on the other side the translation in English.)

Actor 1 Susan
Ok, pero eso ya lo hago. No me ha servido tanto.
(Ok, but I already do that. It hasn’t helped me much.)

Actor 2 Pau
Ajá, es que espera, hay más. Primero revisas las tarjetas de estudio. Y luego súper importante, las clasificas de acuerdo a qué tan fácil o difícil fue recordar la información.
(Aha, but wait, there’s more. First you review the flashcards. Then, super important, you classify them according to how easy or difficult it was to remember the information.)

Actor 1 Susan
Creo que ya te voy entendiendo.
(I think I’m starting to understand.)

Actor 2 Pau
Después de clasificar las tarjetas, vas a crear un horario de revisión de las tarjetas. Este horario va a estar basado en el nivel de dificultad.
(After you’ve classified the flashcards, you’re going to organize a review schedule. That schedule is going to be based on the level of difficulty.)

And now let’s go more in-depth with explaining how this works:

Actor 1 Susan

Actor 2 Pau
Mira, es así. Vas a clasificar las tarjetas en cinco categorías, de la más difícil a la más fácil. La categoría uno es las que son super difíciles, no pudiste recordarlas. Esas hay que revisarlas diario. La siguiente caja, digamos, la siguiente categoría (pero digo cajas porque yo normalmente las pongo en cajitas). Entonces, en la cajita dos vas a poner las palabras que también fueron difícil, pero no tan difícil, esas las vas a revisar cada tres días.
(Look, it’s like this. You are going to classify the cards into 5 categories, from the most difficult to the easiest. The number 1 category are the ones that are super difficult, you couldn’t remember them. You have to review those daily. The next box, let’s say, the next category (but I say boxes, because I usually put them in boxes). So, in box 2 you’re going to put words that were also difficult, but not that difficult, those you’re going to review every 3 days.)
En la caja tres vas a revisar las tarjetas cada siete días. En la caja cuatro, cada catorce días. Y en la caja cinco, la última, la vas a revisar cada treinta días. O sea, en la última caja, en la caja cinco, son las palabras que no te cuestan nada, nada de trabajo. Por ejemplo, la frase “cómo se dice” a ti se te hace muy fácil, ya te la sabes. Entonces esa no la tienes que revisar diario, sino cada treinta días porque está en la caja cinco. ¿Si me explico?
(In box 3 you will review the cards every 7 days. In box 4, every 14 day. And in box 5, you will review them every 30 days. In other words, in the last box, in box 5, those are the words that do not give you a hard time, at all. For example, the phrase “how do you say” is very easy for you, you already know it. So you don’t have to review that one daily, but every 30 days because it’s in box 5. You know?
Obviamente, en cada revisiĂłn vas a cambiar las tarjetas de caja, de acuerdo al nivel de dificultad que tuviste en esa revisiĂłn.
(Obviously, in each review you are going to change the flashcards, according to the level of difficulty you had in that review.)

Actor 1 Susan
Ok, creo que ya le agarré la onda. Entonces, ¿si fue algo difícil, lo reviso inmediatamente?
(Ok, I think I got it. So, if something was difficult, I review it immediately?)

Actor 2 Pau
¡Exactamente! Y al día siguiente también. Esas irían en la caja uno.
(Exactly! And the next day too. Those would go in box 1.)

Actor 1 Susan
Suena genial, Âżpero sabes quĂ©? A mĂ­… a mĂ­ me da mucho trabajo organizar horarios.
(It sounds great, but you know what? For me… for me it’s difficult to organize schedules.)

Actor 2 Pau
¡No te preocupes que para eso hay páginas web y apps!
(Don’t worry because there are web pages and apps for that!)

If you needed help creating your flashcards, consider joining the Spring Spanish Inner Circle. There you get flashcards with all the chunks from our YouTube Lessons. You also get to practice your Spanish with me, among many other other perks.

3. Recursos para repeticiĂłn espaciada y tips extra (Resources for spaced repetition system and extra tips)

Actor 1 Susan
¿Qué recursos me recomiendas?
(What resources do you recommend?)

Actor 2 Pau
Hay varios, por ejemplo está Anki, Memrise, FluentU, MosaLingua y Quizlet. Te recomiendo que empieces con cualquiera de estos recursos. Pero dales chance, no nada más los uses un día y ya.
(There are many, for example there is Anki, Memrise, FluentU, MosaLingua, and Quizlet. I recommend that you start with any of these resources. But give them a chance, don’t just use them 1 day and that’s it.)

Actor 1 Susan.
¿Qué otro consejo tienes?
(What other advice do you have?)

Actor 2
Mira, no se trata de memorizar palabras aisladas. Va a ser mucho más fácil que te aprendas frases completas o chunks, de esa forma vas a poder recordarlas mejor.
(Look, it’s not about memorizing isolated words. It will be much easier for you to learn complete sentences or chunks, that way you will be able to remember them better.)

Por ejemplo, en vez de memorizar sólo la palabra “vaso” que no podías recordar ahorita. Es mejor que te aprendas la frase: ¿Me puedes dar un vaso de agua, por favor? O en vez de aprenderte sólo la palabra “popote” aislada, es mejor que te aprendas la frase: “A mí me gusta tomar con popote.”
(For example, instead of just memorizing the word “glass” that you couldn’t remember right now. It’s better that you learn the phrase: Can I have a glass of water, please? Or instead of learning only the word “straw” itself, it is better that you learn the phrase: “I like to drink with a straw.”

Actor 1 Susan
¡Amé tus consejos! Voy a empezar a estudiar así, con el sistema de repetición espaciada. ¡Hasta el nombre me gustó!
(I loved your advice! I’m going to start studying like that, with the spaced repetition system. I even like the name!)

Actor 2 Pau
¡Ay! Es un placer para mí, amiga. Pero importantísimo, no sólo se trata de que te memorizes todas la frases y todas la palabras. Es muy importante que las uses, puedes practicar con un compañero de idiomas, puedes practicar conmigo, ya sabes. O pues puedes practicar con otras personas, habla contigo misma. El punto es que uses las palabras, solamente de esa forma las vas a retener así a largo plazo.
(Oh! It’s a pleasure for me, girlfriend. But very important, don’t just memorize all the phrases and all the words. It is very important that you use them, you can practice with a language partner, you can practice with me, you know that. Or you can practice with other people, talk to yourself. The point is that you use the words, only that way you are going to retain them in the long run.)

So just in case you didn’t catch all what our friends said, here’s a summary of best practices to use the Spaced Repetition System.

  1. Recursos en lĂ­nea (Online resources): Use resources like Anki, Memrise, FluentU, MosaLingua, and Quizlet.
  2. Constancia (Consistency): Give the resources a chance and use them consistently, not just for one day.
  3. Contexto (Context): Learn words in context and phrases instead of isolated words.
  4. Compañero (Partner): Practice speaking with a language partner.
  5. Usa las palabras (Use the words): Remember that it’s not just about learning, but also using the chunks actively.

If you’re still struggling to remember words, check out the next lesson where I share tips on how to overcome common memory problems. AhĂ­ te veo. (See you there.)

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