Sentir Conjugation: 4 Meanings & How to Use it Like a Native (with Examples)

The verb “sentir” is important for expressing emotions and sensations in Spanish. In this lesson, we’ll learn the sentir conjugation and use this verb in different contexts.

How to Conjugate SENTIR Like a Native: Fast & Easy Spanish Verb Tricks!

I’m Paulísima, your Spanish teacher at Spring Spanish. Let’s get started!

1. Uses of the verb “sentir”

The verb sentir has 4 meanings:

  1. To experience a sensation
  2. To perceive something with the senses
  3. To perceive oneself in a certain state
  4. To regret

Experiencing a sensation with sentir conjugation

Experiencing a sensation means feeling an emotion or a physical state.

Let’s take a look at a few examples:

  • Siento bonito cuando me llaman mis amigas. (I feel nice when my girlfriends call me.)
  • Siento feo cuando no me llaman mis amigas. (I feel bad when my friends do not call me.)

Perceiving something through the senses (hearing or touching)

This is especially true for hearing or touching things, while becoming aware of your surrounding through the senses.

Like this:

  • Siento una vibración. Creo que está temblando. (I feel a vibration. I think there’s an earthquake.)
  • Siento que esta toalla está muy áspera. No me gusta. (I feel that this towel is too harsh. I don’t like it.)

Perceiving yourself in a certain state or situation

You can also use sentir conjugation when you want to express that a person is in a specific condition or situation.

  • Maria siente que se le acabó la vida. Es que terminó con su novio. (Maria feels like her life is over. It’s just that she broke up with her boyfriend.)
  • Juan siente que está atrapado en su trabajo. Cree que no puede avanzar profesionalmente. (Juan feels like he’s trapped in his job. He thinks he can’t progress professionally.)

Regretting something using sentir

You can also use sentir when you want to express sadness or sorrow for something that has happened.

  • Me enteré de que se murió tu perrito. Siento mucho tu dolor, amiga. (I found out that your doggy died. I’m so sorry for your loss, girlfriend.)
  • Siento mucho que no hayas pasado tu examen. Puedes volver a intentarlo. (I am very sorry that you did not pass your exam. You can try again.)

Don’t worry. We’re going to see many more examples. If you want to learn many phrases that will be very useful for learning Spanish, download the Essential Spanish Chunking Kit right now.

✔️ Cheat Sheet with 54 essential Spanish Chunks you’ll hear and use yourself in ANY Spanish conversation (and example sentences). Taken from our YouTube Teacher’s most popular videos!

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2. Dialogue with all sentir conjugations

sentir conjugation explained by female teacher

Let’s imagine a job interview in Spanish:

Actor 1:
¡Hola! ¿Cómo te fue en tu entrevista de trabajo, amiga?
(Hello! How was your job interview, girlfriend?)

Actor 2:
¡Hola! Estoy emocionada. Siento que me fue muy bien.
(Hi! I’m excited. I feel it went very well.)

Actor 1:
¡Qué genial! ¿Sientes que tienes todas las cualidades para el puesto?
(That’s great! Do you feel you have all the qualities for the position?)

Actor 2:
Sí, siento que cumplí con todas las expectativas. Siento que causé una muy buena impresión.
(Yes, I feel I met all the expectations. I feel that I left a good impression.)

Actor 1:
Me alegro mucho por ti. ¿Ya le contaste a tu esposo? Él sabe mucho de recursos humanos, ¿no?
(I’m really happy for you. Did you tell your husband already? He knows a lot about human resources, doesn’t he?)

Actor 2:
Sí, le conté, y él siente que me lo van a dar. Tengo una segunda entrevista y ya me pidieron referencias y documentos.
(Yes, I told him, and he feels they are going to offer it to me. I have a second interview scheduled and they already asked me for references and documents.)

And what happens when you seriously feel that the job will land at you?

Actor 1:
Suena bien. Le estoy contando a Tere, ¿y sabes qué? Nosotras sentimos que muy pronto nos invitarás a celebrar tu nuevo trabajo.
(Sounds good. I’m telling Tere about it, and you know what? We feel that very soon you’ll invite us to celebrate your new job.)

Actor 2:
¿En serio eso sienten?
(Do you really feel that way?)

Actor 1:
Sí, en serio.
(Yes, really.)

Actor 2
¡Qué lindas! Pues, si ustedes sienten que el trabajo es mío, ¡les creo! Tengo mucha suerte de tener amigas como ustedes.
(How sweet! Well, if you both feel the job is mine, I believe you! I’m so lucky to have friends like you.)

Actor 1:
Nosotras también sentimos lo mismo. Estamos emocionadas por tu éxito.
(We also feel the same way. We’re excited for your success.)

3. Notes on how to use the verb sentir

After the verb “sentir“, there is generally a word about an emotion or sensation.

For example:

  • frío (cold)
  • calor (heat)
  • emoción (emotion)
  • frustración (frustración)
  • amor (love)
  • alivio (relief)

You can also put an adjective to better describe an emotion or sensation. Like in this phrases:

Tú sientes mucha nostalgia.” (You feel a lot of nostalgia.) the adjective “mucha” (a lot) describes the intensity of nostalgia.

Spanish articles like “una” or “la” are also used, as in these examples:

  • “Nosotros sentimos una alegría enorme cuando nos dejan un Super Thanks.” (We feel an enormous joy whenever you leave us a Super Thanks.)
  • “Siento la emoción más grande del mundo cuando nos dejas un comentario.” (I feel the greatest emotion when you leave us a comment.)

Also, after the verb “sentir”, you may find the word “que” and a complete sentence. In this way, you can express opinions, beliefs or perception about something. In English, we would translate this to: “I feel that…”

  • Ella siente que dos días no son suficientes para descansar.” (She feels that 2 days are not enough to rest.)
  • Siento que algo me pica. Debe ser la etiqueta de mi vestido.” (I feel that something is itching. It must be the label of my dress.)

4. Sentir conjugation tables

Now, let’s take a look at the sentir conjugation table in all its glory!

Pronombre PersonalConjugaciónEjemplo
YosientoYo siento alegría. (I feel joy.)
sientesTú sientes tristeza. (You feel sadness.)
Él/Ella/UstedsienteÉl siente dolor. (He feels pain.)
Nosotros/NosotrassentimosNosotros sentimos amor. (We feel love.)
Ellos/EllassientenEllos sienten felicidad. (They feel happiness.)
UstedessientenUstedes sienten bonito. (You feel nice.)

Remember, you don’t have to learn all of this! Instead, use chunks to actually sound like a native speaker.

5. Difference between sentir vs sentirse

There’s one more thing you should pay attention to, and that is the difference between sentir vs sentirse.

“Sentirse” is the reflexive verb form of “sentir”. “Sentir” is when you experience something, while “sentirse” is how you feel about yourself.

For example:

  • Me siento felíz.” (I feel happy.) – This implies an internal feeling.
  • Siento felicidad.” (I feel happiness.) – This simply describes the experienced emotion.

If you want to truly understand this difference, you should check out this lesson by María Fernanda.

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