Negotiate & Bargain in Spanish: Get Cheap Local Prices in Mexico

Mis amigos, ¿saben lo que es el “tourist tax”? (My friends, do you know what the tourist tax is?)

It isn’t an official tax, but it’s what you get for not speaking Spanish properly and not knowing como regatear en español (how to bargain in Spanish) like the locals. 

How to Bargain & Negotiate in Spanish: Get Cheap Local Prices like a Pro!

But… that stops today! 

Yo soy María Fernanda, in today’s lesson, we will do an interactive role play, and you will learn the Spanish chunks that you need to never pay this tax again. Will you be able to convince me to lower my price?

1. A real-life scenario: What is the lowest?

So, here is the scenario… You are at the local market, and you try to convince me to reduce the price for you. 

Pásele, pásele, güerito, pásele.
(Come in, come in, blondie, come in.)

Gracias, buenas tardes.
(Thanks, good afternoon.)

Por preguntar no se cobra. ÂżAndaba buscando algo en particular?
(We don’t charge for asking. Are you looking for something in particular?)

No no, solo ando viendo.
(No, no, I am just looking.)

GĂĽero, puede preguntar sin compromiso.
(Blondie, you can ask without obligation.)

¿Tiene artesanías que tenga las 3 B’s?
(Do you have handicrafts with the 3 B’s?)

Claro, aquí solo bueno, bonito y barato. Mire, en la esquina de allá tenemos hartas artesanías mexicanas.
(Of course, here only the good, the pretty and the cheap. Look, there in the corner we have lots of Mexican handicrafts.)

Ah, pero esas están recaras. Ando buscando artesanías con precio para paisanos.
(Oh, but those are very expensive. I am looking for handicrafts with local prices.)

Híjole güero, me la pone difícil, además usted no parece mexicano. Mire, está más blanquito que yo. 
(Damn blondie, you’re making it hard for me, besides you don’t look like a Mexican. Look, you are whiter than me.)

Bueno, a ver, me gustó este. ¿Cuánto es lo menos?
(Alright, let’s see, I liked this one. What is the lowest?)

Ay joven, de por sí ya está rebarato, pero se la puedo dejar en quinientos pesos.
(Oh young man, it is already very cheap, but I can leave it for you for 500 pesos.)

¡Nombre! En el otro puesto tenían algo similar en trescientos cincuenta pesos.
(No way! At the other shop they had something similar for 350 pesos.)

Seguro está hecho en China. Este es producto 100 % mexicano.
(Surely it is made in China. This product is 100% Mexican.)

Ala, es que no me alcanza, Âżme podrĂ­a dar algĂşn descuento?
(Man, I don’t have enough money, could you give me a discount?)

Újule joven, le voy a perder, pero mire ni usted ni yo. ¿Qué le parece cuatrocientos cincuenta pesos?
(Damn young man, I am going to lose money here, but look neither you nor me. What about 450 pesos?)

¿Sabe qué? Mejor voy a seguir viendo, apenas es la segunda tienda que visito.
(You know what? It is best to keep looking, this is just the second shop I am visiting.)

Espere joven, es que con uno no me sale, pero si se lleva dos se los puedo dejar en cuatrocientos cada uno.
(Wait young man, if you buy only one I don’t profit, but if you take two I can leave you both in 400 each.)

Yo solo quiero uno, pero ya aquĂ­ en caliente, le doy los 400 por ese.
(I only want one, but here without thinking about it, I’ll give you 400 for this one.)

Sale, le acepto los cuatrocientos.
(Ok, I will take the 400 pesos.)

You made it! Well done!

how to bargain in spanish text visible on red and orange background

Let’s have a look at more chunks to bargain in Spanish now. 

2. Chunks to bargain in Spanish

By the way, you may download the list of essential chunks from the link that you can find in the description below to get even more useful chunks in Spanish that you can use in conversations right away.

Now, let’s take note of the following:

ÂżMe puede dar un mejor precio?Can you give me a better price?
ÂżMe podrĂ­a dar algĂşn descuento?Could you give me a discount?
ÂżEstarĂ­a dispuesto a bajarlo a veinte pesos?Would you be willing to lower it down to 20 pesos?
ÂżMe la/lo dejarĂ­a en diez pesos?Would you leave it to me in 10 pesos?

For this chunk in particular, you need to use the correct noun gender. So if you’re buying, let’s say una mascada (a scarf), then you will have to say Me la dejaría en diez pesos. But if you’re buying let’s say… un teléfono (a mobile phone), then you must change it to Me lo dejaría en diez pesos. That’s actually a very cheap phone!

Alright, let’s move on!

Le doy cinco pesos.I’ll give you 5 pesos.
No, ya no traigo tanto dinero.No, I don’t have that kind of money on me anymore.
No me alcanza.I don’t have enough.
Disculpe, pero no me alcanza.Sorry, but I don’t have enough.
¿Sabe qué? En otra tienda/puesto lo vi más barato/económico.You know what? In another shop, I saw it cheaper.

By the way, you can say tienda or puesto, those are synonyms, same as barato or econĂłmico.

  • DĂ©jeme seguir viendo a ver si lo encuentro más econĂłmico por ahĂ­. (Let me keep looking to see if I find it somewhere else cheaper.)
  • Sale gracias, voy a seguir viendo pero si no encuentro nada, regreso contigo. (Okay thanks, I will keep looking but if I don’t find anything, I will come back with you.)

And your lifesaver…

  • ÂżCuánto es lo menos? Y si llevo dos, Âżcuánto? (What is the lowest? And if I take 2, how much?)

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