
PRETERITO vs IMPERFECTO: Don’t ever confuse these again!

¡Maura! ¿Qué es lo correcto: patiné por horas o patinaba por horas?(Maura! Which is correct: I skated for hours or I was skating for hours?) First Alex said: patiné por horas with el pretérito. Then she said: patinaba por horas with el imperfecto. Yo soy Maura de Spring Spanish. Let’s learn once and for all…


How do WOMEN & MEN talk in Spanish? Differences between the Genders.

¡Qué bonito eso!(How nice that is!) Súper cuchi, ¿verdad?(Super cute, right?) Most of the time, men wouldn’t say “cuchi”, and women would say both “cuchi” and “bonito” regardless. ¿Por qué? (Why?) De eso hablaremos en este video. (That’s what we’ll talk about in this video.) Yo soy Maura, de Spring Spanish. Let’s figure out what…



MAURATú no sabías que ponerte hoy, ¿no?(You didn’t know what to wear today, did you?) ALEXSí.(Yes.) MAURA¿Sí sabes qué ponerte, o sí que no sabes qué ponerte?(Yes, you know what to wear or yes, you don’t know what to wear?) ALEX¿Ah? No sé qué ponerme.(Oh? I don’t know what to wear.) Confirmations in Spanish can…


This is how you will learn Spanish much faster! (with Chunks)

MAURA¡Muy bien!(Very good!) Da igual(Whatever) De cualquier maner(Anyway) Mejor no(Better not) In every single Spanish lesson on this channel, we talk about chunks. Chunk alerts. Chunks, chunks, chunks, chunks. But do you really know what chunks are and why they’re so effective at making you speak fluent Spanish? Yo soy Maura de (I am Maura…


Different Speaking Speeds in Spanish (how fast can you follow?)

Voy al súper, avísame si necesitas algo.(I’m going to the supermarket, let me know if you need anything.) ¿Qué?(What?) Que voy al súper, avísame si necesitas algo.(”That” I’m going to the supermarket, let me know if you need anything. ) Ah, dale.(Oh, ok.) Is speed one of your handicaps? ¿Te parece que el español es…


Use YA in Spanish like a Native Speaker (Chunks with YA)

MAURA’S CONSCIENCEMaura… ya es hora de comulgar con tu consciencia.(Maura… it is time to commune with your conscience.) MAURALo siento, pero ya estoy ocupada con otra cosa. ¿Podemos hablar luego?(I’m sorry, but I’m already busy with something else. Can we talk later?) MAURA’S CONSCIENCEYa que sueles ignorarme… no, no podemos hablar luego. Tiene que ser…

Por que, porque, por qué & porqué? What’s the DIFFERENCE?

Por que, porque, por qué & porqué? What’s the DIFFERENCE?

No me importa por qué, porque el porqué no va a cambiar las cosas. (I don’t care why, because the why is not going to change things.) Whyyyy? As you see, we have this really important porque word in Spanish, which has four different spellings and means something different for each of the spellings.  Which one means what…

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