
At the ARZT (Doctor) in GERMAN: What to say!

In important situations, like a doctor’s visit, not being able to communicate clearly can be a serious handicap. Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild. Heute sprechen wir über Arztbesuche! (Today, we’ll take about visiting the doctor! So let’s go through some practical tips and applicable phrases, to smoothen the process step by step, from the…


These are the 14 MOST important German Verbs

Verbs have different purposes and conjugations. In this video, I will introduce the most important verbs to you. Without verbs, little can be said, so let’s dive right into this! Ich bin Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild und hier sind vierzehn super wichtige deutsche Verben! (I’m Spring German teacher Brunhild and here are 14 super important…


Speak about your FAMILY in German

From our favorite Opa (grandpa) to our beloved Hund (dog) – family is everything, right? Mein Name ist Spring German Lehrerin Brunhild und hier sind unsere Familienmitglieder! (I’m Spring German teacher Brunhild, and here are our family members!) 1. Die Eltern (the parents) MARIEKommen deine Eltern zum Elternabend?(Are your parents coming to the parents-teacher conference?)…


How to SPEAK about YOUR JOB in German

SAGAWas ist dein Beruf?(What is your occupation?) MRS. SCHMIDTWomit verdienen Sie Ihr Geld?(What are you earning money with?) MONIKAWomit arbeiten Sie?(What’s your work?) KIMWas hast du für eine Ausbildung?(What is your education?) ELSAWas hast du studiert?(What did you study?) These are all questions aiming at one thing: To get an outline of you as a…

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